TROYAK EXECUTIVE TEAM is informing all members, colleagues, collectors, and Polonia at large, that Club meetings taking place at John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd. (just south of Hwy. 403), Mississauga, Ontario. The new members are always welcome. www.polishculturalcentre.ca
ADRES SPOTKAÑ KLUBOWYCH ! Zarząd Główny Klubu “Troyak” informuje wszystkich członków kolekcjonerów, sympatyków oraz całą Polonię, że spotkania klubowe odbywają się w Polskim Centrum Kultury im. Jana Pawła II, przy 4300 Cawthra Rd. (na południe od autostrady 403), Mississauga, Ontario. Zapraszamy nowych członków do prężnego. Klubu “Troyak”. www.polishculturalcentre.ca
Sunday 12th January 2025 @ 4:30 p.m. …
… Annual General Meeting
Sunday 26th January 2025 @ 4:30 p.m.
23rd February 2025
Sunday – 2nd March 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mississauga Coin & Stamp Show
30th March 2025 @ 4:30 p.m.
27th April 2025
25th May 2025
29th June 2025
July & August 2025 –
Summer break … Letnie wakacje …
TROYAK CLUB @ Roncesvalles Polish Festival 2025
Saturday, September 13th &
Sunday, September 14th, 2025
https://polishfestival.ca www.kazimierz.org
St. Casimir’s Church
Parish Hall … 156 Roncesvalles Ave. Toronto, Ontario
Stamp Exhibit … Pope John Paul II on World Stamps
and Displays of Coins, Stamps, Collectibles
by Troyak Club Members.
Roncesvalles Polish Festival
28th September 2025;
26th October 2025
30th November 2025
December 2025 … Happy Holidays!
26.10.2024 … Na znaczkach umieszczono napis „Postcrossing” oraz: na pierwszym – rysunek uśmiechniętej czerwonej skrzynki pocztowej, trzymającej w ręce kartkę pocztową; w lewym dolnym rogu znaczka umieszczono napis: POLSKA, a w prawym dolnym rogu oznaczenie wartości: 4,90 zł; na drugim – rysunek biegnącej przez świat kartki pocztowej; w lewym dolnym rogu znaczka umieszczono napis: POLSKA, a w prawym dolnym rogu napis oznaczenie wartości: 10 zł.
Postcrossing – to hobby i serwis społecznościowy, który umożliwia jego zarejestrowanym członkom wysyłanie i otrzymywanie pocztówek z całego świata. Projekt zakłada, że za każdą wysłaną i zarejestrowaną kartkę użytkownik otrzymuje kartkę od innego członka społeczności postcrossingowej. Projekt został zapoczątkowany w roku 2005 w Portugalii, a jego główną ideą było stworzenie platformy on-line, której celem będzie łączenie ludzi z całego świata – niezależnie od ich wieku, płci, rasy, przekonań, wyznawanej wiary – poprzez kartki pocztowe. Dotychczas w ramach projektu wysłano ponad 80 milionów kartek pocztowych. Jest to druga emisja filatelistyczna Poczty Polskiej dedykowana postcrossingowi (pierwsza zrealizowana była w roku 2016). Emisja powstała we współpracy z twórcami platformy – Panem Paulo Magalhaes i Panią Ana Campos.
Nominał znaczka: 4,90 zł, 10,00 zł; Autor projektu: Agata Tobolczyk; Ilość znaczków w emisji: 2; Format znaczka: 31,25 x 43 mm; Papier: Fluorescencyjny; Technika druku: Offset; Ilość znaczków w arkuszu: 12; Nakład: 144 000 szt.; Format koperty FDC: 162×113 mm.
26.10.2024 … The stamps show the inscription “Postcrossing” and: on the first – a drawing of a smiling red mailbox, holding a postcard in her hand; on the second – a drawing of a postcard running across the world. Postcrossing – is a hobby and social network that allows its registered members to send and receive postcards from around the world. The project assumes that for every card sent and registered, a user receives a card from another member of the postcrossing community. The project was launched in 2005 in Portugal, with the main idea being to create an online platform to connect people from all over the world – regardless of their age, gender, race, beliefs, faith – through postcards. To date, the project has sent more than 80 million postcards. This is the second philatelic issue of the Polish Post dedicated to postcrossing (the first was realized in 2016). The issue was created in cooperation with the creators of the platform – Mr. Paulo Magalhaes and Ms. Ana Campos.
Denomination: 4,90 PLN, 10,00 PLN; Designer: Agata Tobolczyk; Number of stamps in issue: 2; Paper: Fluorescent; Stamp size: 31,25 x 43 mm; Printing techniques: Offset; Number of stamps in sheet: 12; Print run: 144 000 pcs; FDC size: 162×113 mm.
200. rocznica urodzin Juliusza Kossaka
200th Anniversary of Juliusz Kossaks birth
29.10.2024 … Na znaczku przedstawiono portret Juliusza Kossaka na podstawie obrazu namalowanego przez Józefa Simmlera, pt. “Portret Juliusza Kossaka”, ok. 1862 r. Obraz pochodzi ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie. Fotografię na potrzeby Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie wykonał Krzysztof Wilczyński Juliusz Fortunat Kossak herbu Kos – polski malarz, rysownik i ilustrator. Specjalizował się w malarstwie historycznym i batalistycznym, ulubionym tematem jego obrazów były konie. Malował małoformatowe dzieła głównie techniką akwarelową. Był jednym z inicjatorów utworzenia w Krakowie Muzeum Narodowego. Urodził się 29 października 1824 w Nowym Wiśniczu, a zmarł 3 lutego 1899 w Krakowie.
Na kopercie przedstawiony został obraz autorstwa Juliusza Kossaka “Stadnina na Podolu” z roku 1886. Obraz pochodzi ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie. Akwarela przedstawia scenę wiejską z Podola. Autor przedstawił grupę koni i wypoczywających przy ognisku chłopów w charakterystycznych strojach i nakryciach głowy. Konie są różnej maści. W lewej części obrazu znajdują się duże stogi siana. W projekcie datownika projektantka przedstawiła faksymile Juliusza Kossaka. Faksymile J. Kossaka pochodzi z Archiwum Państwowego w Łodzi, a autentyczność podpisu potwierdziło Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Krakowie MOCAK. Nominał znaczka: 4,90 zł … Autor projektu: Joanna Fleszar – Haspert; Ilość znaczków w emisji: 1; Format znaczka: 31,25 x 39,5 mm; Papier: Fluorescencyjny; Technika druku: Offset; Ilość znaczków w arkuszu: 12; Nakład: 144 000 szt.; Format koperty FDC: 162×113 mm.
29.10.2024 … The stamp shows a portrait of Juliusz Kossak based on a painting by Jozef Simmler, titled “Portrait of Juliusz Kossak” circa 1862. The painting is from the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw. The photograph for the National Museum in Warsaw was taken by Krzysztof Wilczynski. Juliusz Fortunat Kossak coat of arms Kos – Polish painter, draftsman and illustrator. He specialized in historical and battle paintings, horses were a favorite subject of his paintings. He painted small-format works mainly in watercolor technique. He was one of the initiators of the establishment of the National Museum in Cracow. He was born on October 29, 1824 in Nowy Wisnicz and died on February 3, 1899 in Krakow.
The envelope depicts a painting by Juliusz Kossak, “Stadnina na Podolu”, dated 1886. The painting is from the collection of the National Museum in Cracow. The watercolor depicts a rural scene from Podolia. The author has depicted a group of horses and peasants relaxing by a bonfire, wearing characteristic clothes and headgear. The horses are of various colors. In the left part of the painting there are large haystacks. The designer’s date design features a facsimile of Juliusz Kossak. The facsimile of J. Kossak comes from the National Archive in Lodz, and the authenticity of the signature was confirmed by the Museum of Modern Art in Krakow MOCAK. Denomination: 4,90 PLN … Designer: Joanna Fleszar – Haspert; Number of stamps in issue: 1; Paper: Fluorescent; Stamp size: 31,25 x 39,5 mm; Printing techniques: Offset; Number of stamps in sheet: 12; Print run: 144 000 pcs; FDC size: 162×113 mm.
150 lat Światowego Związku Pocztowego
150 years of the Universal Postal Union
30.10.2024 … Na znaczku umieszczono grafikę fragmentu kuli ziemskiej widzianej z kosmosu z nałożonym na nią na pierwszym planie złotym pinem lokalizacyjnym z kopertą, podkreślającym w symboliczny sposób nowoczesność usług pocztowych XXI wieku. W grafice koperty FDC zarys mapy świata, na który nałożono tytuł emisji 150 lat Światowego Związku Pocztowego. W grafice datownika – gołąb pocztowy, będący jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych symboli poczty na całym świecie. Projekt uzyskał akceptację Światowego Związku Pocztowego oraz opinię, iż w doskonały sposób symbolizuje on rozwój sektora pocztowego, jako ważnej części naszego przyszłego, globalnego społeczeństwa.
Nominał znaczka: 2,00 zł … Autor projektu: Agata Tobolczyk; Ilość znaczków w emisji: 1; Format znaczka: 25,5 x 31,25 mm; Papier: Fluorescencyjny; Technika druku: Rotograwiura; Ilość znaczków w arkuszu: 100; Nakład: 1 000 000 szt.; Format koperty FDC: 162×113 mm.
30.10.2024 … The stamp shows a graphic of a section of the globe as seen from space with a gold envelope location pin superimposed on it in the foreground, symbolically emphasizing the modernity of 21st century postal services. In the graphic of the FDC envelope, an outline of the world map superimposed on the issue title 150 years of the World Postal Union. In the graphic of the postmark – a homing pigeon, which is one of the most recognizable symbols of postal service around the world. The design received approval from the World Postal Union and the opinion that it perfectly symbolizes the development of the postal sector as an important part of our future global society. Denomination: 2,00 PLN … Designer: Agata Tobolczyk; Number of stamps in issue: 1; Paper: Fluorescent; Stamp size: 25,5 x 31,25 mm; Printing techniques: Photogravure; Number of stamps in sheet: 100; Print run: 1000 000 pcs; FDC size: 162×113 mm.
Polscy złoci medaliści –
Polish Gold Medal Winners –
Aleksandra Mirosław
28.11.2024 … Na znaczku przedstawiono Aleksandrę Mirosław – mistrzynię olimpijską we wspinaczce sportowej Igrzysk XXXIII Olimpiady Paryż 2024 oraz logo TEAM PL, stanowiące element promocji Polskiej Reprezentacji na Igrzyskach XXXIII Olimpiady Paryż 2024. Na kopercie pierwszego dnia obiegu FDC – zdjęcie Aleksandry Mirosław cieszącej się zwycięstwem w finale wspinaczki na czas z Chinką Lijuan Deng na Igrzyskach XXXIII Olimpiady Paryż 2024. Grafika datownika nawiązuje do medalu Igrzysk XXXIII Olimpiady Paryż 2024.
Nominał znaczka: 4,90 zł … Autor projektu: Poczta Polska S.A.; Ilość znaczków w emisji: 1; Format znaczka: 31,25 x 43 mm; Papier: Fluorescencyjny; Technika druku: Offset; Ilość znaczków w arkuszu: 9; Format koperty FDC: 162 mm x 113 mm; Nakład: 126 000 szt.
28.11.2024 … The stamp shows Aleksandra Miroslaw – Olympic champion in sport climbing of the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024, and the TEAM PL logo, which is part of the promotion of the Polish National Team at the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024. On the FDC envelope – a photo of Aleksandra Miroslaw enjoying her victory in the time-climbing final against China’s Lijuan Deng at the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024. The postmark graphic refers to the medal of the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024. Denomination: 4,90 PLN … Designer: Poczta Polska S.A.; Number of stamps in issue: 1; Number of stamps in sheet: 9; Paper: Fluorescent; Stamp size: 31,25 x 43 mm; Printing techniques: Offset; Print run: 126 000 pcs; FDC size: 162 mm x 113 mm.
Polskie Termopile – Głogów
Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem państwa odpowiadającym za politykę pieniężną i stabilność cen. Jego funkcje określa Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ustawa o NBP. NBP ma wyłączne prawo emisji pieniądza. Jako bank centralny nie prowadzi rachunków bankowych obywateli, nie przyjmuje od nich lokat, nie udziela kredytów. Prowadzi natomiast obsługę budżetu państwa, a także podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. Gromadzi rezerwy walutowe państwa i zarządza nimi. Pełni funkcję banku banków, tworząc warunki do działania systemu bankowego. Jest również jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków naukowo-analitycznych w dziedzinie ekonomii i rynków finansowych.
Emisja wartości kolekcjonerskich stanowi okazję do upamiętniania ważnych historycznych rocznic i postaci oraz do rozwijania zainteresowań polską kulturą, nauką i tradycją. 17 października 2024 roku Narodowy Bank Polski wprowadza do obiegu srebrną monetę o nominale 20 zł z serii „Polskie Termopile” – „Głogów”.
Nominał: 20 zł … metal: Ag 925/1000; stempel: lustrzany; średnica: 38,61 mm; masa: 28,28 g; brzeg (bok): gładki; nakład: do 10 000 szt.; Projektantka awersu: Urszula Walerzak; Projektant rewersu: Kajetan Karkuciński; Emitent: NBP; Na zlecenie NBP monety wyprodukowała Mennica Polska SA.
Na rewersie monety przedstawiono symbolicznie oblężenie Głogowa przez wojska Henryka V: na pierwszym planie średniowieczny rycerz z łukiem, stojący na fortyfikacji obronnej miasta, w tle – wieża oblężnicza. Na awersie wszystkich monet z serii „Polskie Termopile” widnieje Atena, bogini sprawiedliwej wojny i mądrości.
Pod koniec pierwszej dekady XII wieku Polska była sprzymierzona z Węgrami, natomiast króla niemieckiego Henryka V wspierał czeski władca Świętopełk. Książę Czech był skonfliktowany z Bolesławem III Krzywoustym, a w 1107 r. przyjął też u siebie na dworze Zbigniewa, wygnanego z Polski brata Bolesława Krzywoustego. Gdy w 1108 r. Henryk V zaatakował Węgry i spodziewał się pomocy wojsk czeskich, Bolesław uderzył na Czechy, uniemożliwiając Świętopełkowi wsparcie Niemców. Król Henryk V musiał się wycofać z Węgier bez sukcesu. W 1109 r. władca Niemiec postanowił podporządkować sobie Bolesława Krzywoustego i wypowiedział mu wojnę. Zażądał, aby książę Polski podporządkował się Cesarstwu, płacił coroczny czynsz w wysokości 300 grzywien i oddawał pod jego rozkazy 300 rycerzy, a ponadto zwrócił połowę ziem wypędzonemu z kraju Zbigniewowi. Gdy Bolesław odrzucił te żądania, Henryk V na czele zebranych wojsk wyruszył przeciw Polsce.
Wspierał go książę Czech Świętopełk. Bolesław obawiał się ataku Pomorza w czasie, gdy będą się toczyć walki z Niemcami, dlatego wyruszył z wojskiem na te tereny. Pokonał Pomorzan, ale nie zdążył powrócić przed wkroczeniem wojsk niemieckich w granice Polski. Niemcy dotarli do Głogowa i przystąpili do oblężenia grodu. Dowódca załogi grodowej wysłał do Bolesława posłów z zapytaniem, czy powinien się bronić na czele niewielkiej załogi. Na czas oczekiwania na odpowiedź oddał Henrykowi zakładników. Wśród nich był jego syn. Zakładnicy mieli wrócić do Głogowa bez względu na to, jaka będzie decyzja Bolesława. Książę polecił bronić grodu i czekać na odsiecz. Krótki rozejm został zerwany i rozpoczęły się walki. Król Henryk V nie oddał zakładników. Kazał ich przywiązać do machin oblężniczych, licząc, że obrońcy nie będą strzelać do swoich dzieci. Stało się inaczej. Głogowianie zobowiązani do bezwzględnej obrony grodu odparli szturm i doczekali się odsieczy. Bolesław nie zaatakował potężnej armii niemieckiej, rozbijał tylko oddziały, które oddaliły się od głównych sił w poszukiwaniu żywności. Taktyka ta spowodowała, że w końcu Niemcy musieli się wycofać bez sukcesu. W następstwie tej wojny ucierpiał autorytet Henryka V, a Polska umocniła swoją pozycję w ówczesnej Europie. Informacja: Prof. Marek Barański.
The Polish Thermopylae – Głogów
Narodowy Bank Polski is the central bank of the State, responsible for its monetary policy and price stability. The Bank’s functions are described in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Act on NBP. NBP holds the exclusive right to issue the currency of the Republic of Poland. As the central bank, it does not provide accounts for the general public, accept deposits from or extend loans to individuals. It acts as a banker to the State budget and public sector entities. NBP also holds and manages the foreign exchange reserves of the State. Finally, it functions as a banker to banks, creating conditions for the operation of the Polish banking system. Narodowy Bank Polski is one of the most important research and analytical centres in the fields of economics and financial markets.
Issuing collector items is an occasion to commemorate important historic figures and anniversaries, as well as to develop the interest of the public in Polish culture, science and tradition. On 17 October 2024, Narodowy Bank Polski issued into circulation a silver coin of the series “The Polish Thermopylae” – “Głogów”, with a face value of 20 złoty.
Face value: 20 zł … Metal: Ag 925/1000; Finish: proof; Diameter: 38.61 mm; Weight: 28.28 g; Edge (side): plain; Mintage: up to 10,000 pcs; Obverse designer: Urszula Walerzak; Reverse designer: Kajetan Karkuciński; Issuer: Narodowy Bank Polski The coins, commissioned by Narodowy Bank Polski, were struck by Mennica Polska SA.
The reverse of the coin bears a symbolic representation of the siege of Głogów by Henry V’s army: in the foreground there is a medieval knight with a bow, standing on the town’s fortifications, with a siege engine in the background. The obverse of all the coins of the “The Polish Thermopylae” series features Athena, the goddess of just war and wisdom.
At the end of the first decade of the 12th century, Poland was allied with Hungary, whereas the German king Henry V was supported by the Czech ruler Svatopluk. The Czech prince was in conflict with Bolesław III the Wry-Mouthed, and in 1107, he hosted in his court Zbigniew, the exiled brother of Bolesław the Wry-Mouthed. When in 1108 Henry V invaded Hungary, expecting support from the Czech army, Bolesław attacked Czechia, preventing Svatopluk from helping the Germans. King Henry V had to withdraw from Hungary without success. In 1109, the German ruler decided to subjugate Bolesław the Wry-mouthed and declared war on him. He demanded that the prince of Poland swear fealty to the Empire, pay an annual tribute of 300 grzywnas, placed 300 knights under Henry’s command and return half of the land to the exiled Zbigniew. When Bolesław rejected the demands, Henry V set out to invade Poland with his army. He was aided by the Czech prince Svatopluk. Fearing an attack from Pomerania while the fight with the Germans was on, Bolesław led his army there and defeated the Pomeranians, but he failed to return before the German army crossed the Polish border.
The Germans reached the town of Głogów and laid siege to it. The commander of the town’s garrison sent envoys to Bolesław, asking him whether he should defend the town with the small garrison. He gave hostages to Henry until he received a reply from the prince, his own son among them. The hostages were to return to Głogów regardless of what Bolesław decided. The prince ordered the commander to defend the town and wait for relief. The brief truce was broken and fighting ensued. King Henry V did not release the hostages. He had them bound to the siege engines, expecting that the defenders would not shoot at their own children. He was mistaken. The inhabitants of Głogów, told to defend the town at all cost, repelled the attack and eventually were rescued. Bolesław did not attack the powerful German army head on, but crushed units that went away from the main force to forage for food. This tactic eventually made the Germans retreat, unsuccessful. Henry V’s authority was undermined and Poland strengthened its position in Europe. Info: Prof. Marek Barański.
Odkryj Polskę – Zamek w Łańcucie
Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem państwa odpowiadającym za politykę pieniężną i stabilność cen. Jego funkcje określa Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ustawa o NBP. NBP ma wyłączne prawo emisji pieniądza. Jako bank centralny nie prowadzi rachunków bankowych obywateli, nie przyjmuje od nich lokat, nie udziela kredytów. Prowadzi natomiast obsługę budżetu państwa, a także podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. Gromadzi rezerwy walutowe państwa i zarządza nimi. Pełni funkcję banku banków, tworząc warunki do działania systemu bankowego. Jest również jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków naukowo-analitycznych w dziedzinie ekonomii i rynków finansowych. Emisja wartości kolekcjonerskich stanowi okazję do upamiętniania ważnych historycznych rocznic i postaci oraz do rozwijania zainteresowań polską kulturą, nauką i tradycją. 7 listopada 2024 roku Narodowy Bank Polski wprowadził do obiegu monetę okolicznościową o nominale 5 zł z serii „Odkryj Polskę” – „Zamek w Łańcucie”.
Nominał : 5 zł … stop: pierścień MN25, rdzeń CuAl6Ni2; stempel: zwykły; średnica: 24,00 mm; masa: 6,54 g; brzeg (bok): moletowany nieregularnie, na boku ośmiokrotnie powtórzony napis: NBP, co drugi odwrócony o 180 stopni, rozdzielony gwiazdkami ; nakład: do 1 000 000 szt.; Projektantka awersu: Dobrochna Surajewska; Projektant rewersu: Paweł Pietras; Emitent: NBP; Na zlecenie NBP monety wyprodukowała Mennica Polska SA. Na rewersie monety znajduje się wizerunek zamku w Łańcucie od strony zachodniej.
Zamek w Łańcucie, wzniesiony w latach 1629–1642, przez ponad trzy stulecia pozostawał w rękach Lubomirskich, a następnie ich spadkobierców, Potockich. W tym czasie był nie tylko domem rodzinnym, lecz także miejscem, gdzie rozwijało się życie kulturalne oraz publiczne. Przez wieki podejmowano w nim licznych gości, w tym głowy koronowane. Pierwotne założenie architektoniczne, będące ważnym dla całej południowo-wschodniej Polski punktem strategicznym, reprezentowało typ palazzo in fortezza. Składało się z czteroskrzydłowego, dwupiętrowego pałacu z czterema wieżami w narożach, wpisanego w regularny pięciobok fortyfikacji bastionowych typu staroholenderskiego. Na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. dotychczasowa twierdza została przekształcona w wygodną, komfortowo urządzoną rezydencję, otoczoną parkiem. Inicjatorką przebudowy była ostatnia z rodu, Izabela z Czartoryskich Lubomirska, po śmierci której zamek odziedziczył wnuk księżnej, hr. Alfred Potocki. Założona przez niego w 1830 r. ordynacja rodowa spowodowała, że cały majątek wraz z zamkiem przetrwał, jako spójna całość, do II wojny światowej. Luksusowa posiadłość, otwarta dla towarzystwa, była utrzymywana dzięki nowocześnie prowadzonej gospodarce rolno-przemysłowej.
Na przełomie XIX i XX w., za rządów III ordynata hr. Romana Potockiego, obiekt po raz kolejny został poddany przebudowie, która nadała mu obecny kształt i wygląd. O pozycji i znaczeniu właścicieli zamku świadczą dziś zgromadzone kolekcje dzieł sztuki i rzemiosła artystycznego oraz duży księgozbiór. Wnętrza zamkowe wyróżniają bogactwo stylów i kunszt architektoniczny poszczególnych apartamentów, sal i pokoi, obfitujących w oryginalne dekoracje – barokowe, rokokowe, klasycystyczne i późniejsze, których projektantami byli wybitni polscy oraz zagraniczni architekci i dekoratorzy. Poszczególne pomieszczenia są urządzone i ozdobione odpowiednimi do ich funkcji zestawami mebli, obrazów oraz innymi dziełami i przedmiotami codziennego użytku. Zamek otacza rozległy park, na terenie którego znajdują się zabytkowe budowle, takie jak: Stajnia i Wozownia, Zameczek Romantyczny, Oranżeria, Ujeżdżalnia, Ogrodniczówka oraz zrewitalizowana Storczykarnia. Nie brakuje tu też obiektów sportowych oraz małej architektury, a także pięknych ogrodów, w tym Włoskiego i Różanego. W 1944 r. łańcucki zamek wraz z zabytkowym otoczeniem został przekształcony w muzeum. Informacja: Joanna Kluz.
Discover Poland – Łańcut Castle
Narodowy Bank Polski is the central bank of the State, responsible for its monetary policy and price stability. The Bank’s functions are described in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Act on NBP. NBP holds the exclusive right to issue the currency of the Republic of Poland. As the central bank, it does not provide accounts for the general public, accept deposits from or extend loans to individuals. It acts as a banker to the State budget and public sector entities. NBP also holds and manages the foreign exchange reserves of the State. Finally, it functions as a banker to banks, creating conditions for the operation of the Polish banking system. Narodowy Bank Polski is one of the most important research and analytical centres in the fields of economics and financial markets. Issuing collector items is an occasion to commemorate important historic figures and anniversaries, as well as to develop the interest of the public in Polish culture, science and tradition. On 7 November 2024, Narodowy Bank Polski issued into circulation a commemorative coin “Discover Poland” – “Łańcut Castle”, with a face value of 5 złoty.
Face value: 5 zł … Metal: ring MN25, core CuAl6Ni2; Finish: standard; Diameter: 24.00 mm; Weight: 6.54 g; Edge (side): irregularly milled, with the inscription “NBP”, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180 degrees, separated by stars; Mintage: up to 1,000,000 pcs; Obverse designer: Dobrochna Surajewska; Reverse designer: Paweł Pietras; Issuer: Narodowy Bank Polski; The coins, commissioned by Narodowy Bank Polski, were struck by Mennica Polska SA. The reverse of the coin features an image of Łańcut Castle as seen from the west.
The castle in Łańcut, erected between 1629 and 1642, remained in the hands of the Lubomirski family and then of their heirs, the Potocki family, for more than three centuries. During that time, it served not only as a family home, but also a place where public and cultural life thrived. Over the centuries it hosted numerous guests, including crowned heads. The original architectural concept, which was of strategic importance for the whole of south–eastern Poland, represented the palazzo in fortezza type. It consisted of a four-winged, two–storey palace with four towers in the corners, inscribed in a regular pentagon of old Dutch-type bastion fortifications. At the turn of the 19th century, the former fortress was transformed into a comfortable, luxuriously furnished residence surrounded by a park. The reconstruction was initiated by the last of the family, Izabela Lubomirska née Czartoryska, after whose death the Duchess’s grandson, Count Alfred Potocki, inherited the castle.
The entail established by him in 1830 meant that the entire estate together with the castle survived, as a coherent whole, until the Second World War. The luxurious estate, open to the public, was maintained thanks to its modern agro-industrial character. At the turn of the 20th century, under the rule of the Third Entailer, Count Roman Potocki, the building once again underwent reconstruction which gave it its present shape and appearance. The position and importance of the owners of the castle is evidenced today by its art collections and the large book collection. The interiors of the castle are distinguished by the richness of style and architectural craftsmanship of the individual suites, halls and rooms, abounding in original decorations – baroque, rococo, classicist and later, whose designers were prominent Polish and foreign architects and decorators. The individual rooms are furnished and decorated with sets of furniture, paintings and other works of art and objects of daily use appropriate to their function. The castle is surrounded by a vast park with historic buildings such as the Stables and Coach House, the Romantic Castle, the Orangery, the Dressage House, the Horticultural House and the revitalised Orchid House. There are also plenty of sports facilities and small architecture, as well as beautiful gardens, including the Italian and Rose Garden. In 1944, Łańcut Castle and its historic surroundings were converted into a museum. Info: Joanna Kluz.
MuchMusic / MusiquePlus (2024):
Permanent™ domestic rate stamps
Take home a piece of Canadian music and broadcast history with this issue featuring two stamps celebrating specialty television channels MuchMusic and MusiquePlus. MuchMusic and MusiquePlus shaped the way a generation discovered and connected with their favourite artists. Branded as “the nation’s music station,” MuchMusic was a cultural touchstone that brought nationally and internationally renowned musical artists to street-level Toronto. MusiquePlus was established in 1986. The station would play a critical role in developing Quebec and French-Canadian music, in addition to playing videos by international artists. Each booklet of 8 Permanent™ domestic rate stamps in the MuchMusic/MusiquePlus issue includes four of each of the two designs in the set.
About the stamp … Canada Post has long celebrated Canadian musicians and music-related accomplishments. This stamp issue commemorates MuchMusic and MusiquePlus. Both stations played a critical role in the careers of Canadian performers and provided Canadians access to the burgeoning music video genre long before the advent of YouTube.
About MuchMusic and MusiquePlus … Specialty television channels MuchMusic (launched in Toronto in 1984) and MusiquePlus (launched in Montréal in 1986) shaped the way a generation discovered and connected with their favourite artists. The groundbreaking, interactive programming provided a platform for Canadian anglophone and francophone musicians. It featured VJs (video jockeys), who introduced music videos, conducted informal interviews and hosted a variety of other shows. Intimate performances took place just metres from enthusiastic studio audiences and the crowds that gathered in front of the huge street-level studio windows in the two cities.
About the design … Bright dynamic colours on black, capturing the design style of the 1980s. The front cover of the booklet features an illustrated crowd, like those gathered outside the MuchMusic and MusiquePlus buildings. The booklet interior shows groups of four of each stamp, while the booklet back cover repeats the dynamic and dimensional colour blocks prominent in the design of this issue. The buildings that housed the stations are highly stylized to reflect art of the era. Cancellation Site: Toronto, ON and Montréal, QC; Stamp Designer: Paprika; Stamp Illustrator: Michael Haddad; Quantity Produced: 120,000; Issue Date: October 10, 2024.
MuchMusic (2024): Official First Day Cover … Take home a piece of Canadian music and broadcast history with this Official First Day Cover celebrating music video broadcast channel MuchMusic. One of two stamps in the MuchMusic/MusiquePlus (2024) issue, the stamp is cancelled in Toronto, Ontario – where MuchMusic was broadcast. Cancellation Site: Toronto, Ontario; Stamp Designer: Paprika; Stamp Illustrator: Michael Haddad; Quantity Produced: 6,000; Issue Date: October 10, 2024.
MusiquePlus (2024): Official First Day Cover … Take home a piece of Canadian music and broadcast history with this Official First Day Cover celebrating music video broadcast channel MusiquePlus. One of two stamps in the MuchMusic/MusiquePlus (2024) issue, the stamp is cancelled in Montréal, Quebec, where MusiquePlus was broadcast. Cancellation Site: Montréal, Quebec; Stamp Designer: Paprika; Stamp Illustrator: Michael Haddad; Quantity Produced: 6,000; Issue Date: October 10, 2024. MusiquePlus shaped the way a generation discovered and connected with their favourite artists. Launched in Montréal in 1986, the groundbreaking, interactive programming provided a platform for Canadian francophone musicians. It featured VJs (video jockeys), who introduced music videos, conducted informal interviews and hosted a variety of other shows. Intimate performances took place just metres from enthusiastic studio audiences and the crowds that gathered in front of the huge street-level studio windows.
2024 … Diwali
booklet of 6 Permanent™ stamps
Canada Post has issued this booklet of 6 Permanent™ stamps heralds the arrival of Diwali, one of the largest, most popular and most widely celebrated festivals in India – and one observed by Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and other communities in Canada and around the world. The Diwali stamp is one of several annual issues that mark events of importance to Canada’s culturally diverse population. Good to know … The Diwali stamp was issued on October 14, 2024, a few weeks ahead of Diwali, which this year falls on November 1. This is Canada Post’s sixth Diwali stamp; the previous ones were issued in 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. There were 60,000 booklets of 6 Permanent™ stamps printed for this issue, for a total of 360,000 stamps.
About the Diwali stamp issue … In celebration of Canada’s cultural diversity, this stamp heralds the arrival of Diwali, one of the largest, most popular and most widely celebrated festivals in India – and one observed by Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and other communities in Canada and around the world. Diwali is a multiple-day (often five-day) celebration that usually falls in October or November. The timing of Diwali day itself coincides with the arrival of the new moon. This year, Diwali falls on November 1. Also called the Festival of Lights, Diwali’s main theme is the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. The stamp features three hands, representing those of Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, whom celebrants welcome and worship during Diwali. Lakshmi is typically depicted with four hands. One hand is showering coins, one holds a lotus flower, and one holds a diya (small clay lamp). The stamp features tones of red and gold, colours that are considered auspicious.
The stamp and booklet have two special printing features: ***A new soft-touch, matte finish that Canada Post has never before used on stamps or booklets. ***A high-gloss spot varnish on certain elements of the design (e.g., the lotus flowers, coins and bangles) that gives them a shiny, eye-catching finish.
About Diwali … Diwali is a multiple-day (often five-day) celebration that usually falls in October or November. The timing of Diwali day itself coincides with the arrival of the new moon. Also called the Festival of Lights, Diwali’s main theme is the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. It should be noted that different regions and communities celebrate aspects of Diwali on different days and in different ways. During the celebrations, small clay oil lamps called diyas are often lit in rows in homes and temples or set adrift on rivers. There are also often displays of fireworks, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness.
Families and friends also often exchange gifts and give food and goods to those in need. Colourful geometric Rangoli patterns are often created in entrance ways, living rooms and courtyards, using rice, paint, coloured sand or powder, or flower petals. Beautiful garlands – known as toranas – are often draped across the entrances and facades of homes and temples. These auspicious decorations (e.g., Rangoli patterns, diyas, toranas) and others that feature prominently during the holiday are intended to welcome guests and – for many – to invite Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, to bestow good fortune on those who enter.
Lakshmi Puja is, for many, the most important occasion during Diwali. People open their doors and windows to welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, who is believed to roam the Earth that night. In anticipation of her arrival, celebrants clean and decorate their homes, make special delicacies as offerings, and prepare their ledger books for her blessing. During Lakshmi Puja, they traditionally light diyas (small clay lamps) to illuminate her way, perform rituals of worship – known as pujas – in her honour, and gather with family and friends to exchange gifts and enjoy feasts and fireworks.
About the design … The booklet cover features an illustration of one of the goddess Lakshmi’s hands holding a lotus. The inside of the booklet features the six stamps and an illustration of lotus flowers and two elephants. Traditional artwork depicting Lakshmi commonly features her flanked on either side by elephants, often spraying water from their trunks. Cancellation Site: Moncton, NB; Stamp Designer: Rahul Bhogal, Nothing Design Studio; Stamp Illustrator: Humble Raja; Quantity Produced: 60,000; Stamp Value: Permanent™ domestic rate; Issue Date: October 14, 2024.
This Official First Day Cover heralds the arrival of Diwali, one of the largest, most popular and most widely celebrated festivals in India – and one observed by Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and other communities in Canada and around the world. It is cancelled in Moncton, New Brunswick, which is home to a large community of Indian Canadians. There were 4,000 Official First Day Covers printed for this issue. The cover of the OFDC features an illustration of lotus flowers. The stamp was cancelled on October 14, 2024, ahead of Diwali, which this year falls on November 1. It was cancelled in Moncton, New Brunswick, which is home to a large community of Indian Canadians. The cancel image, printed in gold, is the word “Diwali” in Hindi. Stamp Designer: Rahul Bhogal, Nothing Design Studio; Stamp Illustrator: Humble Raja; Stamp Value: Permanent™ domestic rate; Issue Date: October 14, 2024.
From Far and Wide (Part 4):
Qarlinngua sea arch, Arctic Bay (NU)
Mark the release of the 2024 From Far and Wide stamp issue with the Qarlinngua sea arch, Arctic Bay (NU) Postage-paid Postcard, for mailing worldwide. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – to places near and far. The series celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. Collect all nine Postage-paid Postcards from the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue. Postage Paid Postcards can be mailed from Canada to anywhere in the world. From national park reserves to an historic abbey and an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These Postage Paid Postcards are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.
Qarlinngua sea arch, Arctic Bay (NU) – Photo: Clare Kines … This sea arch, known as Qarlinngua (pronounced kar-ling-wah), is located approximately 85 kilometres southwest of the community of Arctic Bay, Nunavut, at the north end of Baffin Island. The Inuktitut name means “like pants.” Locals estimate that the formation is more than 50 metres high. Wind and water erosion over many years likely contributed to the formation.
About the design … The Postage Paid Postcards in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series feature breathtaking images of nine scenic locations in seven provinces and two territories, each taken by a different Canadian photographer. This Postcard features a photograph Qarlinngua sea arch and nearby rock formations in Arctic Bay, Nunavut by Clare Kines. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Quantity Produced: 2,500; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.
Holiday: Gingerbread Houses: booklet of 12
Permanent™ domestic rate stamps
About the issue … These stamps, in three popular denominations, are part of our annual tradition of providing secular holiday-themed stamps for mailing cards and other holiday mail. Gingerbread houses may have originated in what is now Germany. They were often ornately decorated and eventually became part of Christmas traditions. German, Dutch, French and English settlers brought gingerbread to Canada as early as the 1700s. Today, many hotels, bakeries and other places create lavish gingerbread houses and sometimes whole villages to delight visitors. There are gingerbread-house making competitions in many Canadian cities. Classes and DIY kits are also available for those who want to try to make their own.
About the design … These scrumptious stamps feature elaborately decorated gingerbread houses with all their “creature comforts” – a birdhouse (domestic rate), a doghouse (U.S. rate) and a barn that is the home of Santa’s magical transport team of reindeer (international rate). The “sweet” designs feature photographs of actual baked and constructed gingerbread houses. These stamps carry on the annual tradition of providing whimsical, holiday-themed stamps that make mail more festive. Cancellation Site: Kitchener, Ontario; Stamp Designer: Katina Constantinou, Sugar; Quantity Produced: 1.2 million booklets of 12; Issue Date: November 4, 2024.
Holiday: Gingerbread Houses:
U.S. rate stamps – booklet of 6
About the issue … These stamps, in three popular denominations, are part of our annual tradition of providing secular holiday-themed stamps for mailing cards and other holiday mail.These stamps, in three popular denominations, are part of our annual tradition of providing secular holiday-themed stamps for mailing cards and other holiday mail. Gingerbread houses may have originated in what is now Germany. They were often ornately decorated and eventually became part of Christmas traditions. German, Dutch, French and English settlers brought gingerbread to Canada as early as the 1700s.
Today, many hotels, bakeries and other places create lavish gingerbread houses and sometimes whole villages to delight visitors. There are gingerbread-house making competitions in many Canadian cities. Classes and DIY kits are also available for those who want to try to make their own.
About the design … These scrumptious stamps feature elaborately decorated gingerbread doghouse with a house-proud dog welcoming you to his home.The “sweet” designs feature photographs of actual baked and constructed gingerbread houses. These stamps carry on the annual tradition of providing whimsical, holiday-themed stamps that make mail more festive. Cancellation Site: Kitchener, ON; Stamp Designer: Katina Constantinou, Sugar; Quantity Produced: 330,000 booklets of 6; Issue Date: November 4, 2024.
Holiday: Gingerbread Houses:
International rate stamps – booklet of 6
About the issue … These stamps, in three popular denominations, are part of our annual tradition of providing secular holiday-themed stamps for mailing cards and other holiday mail. Gingerbread houses may have originated in what is now Germany. They were often ornately decorated and eventually became part of Christmas traditions. German, Dutch, French and English settlers brought gingerbread to Canada as early as the 1700s. Today, many hotels, bakeries and other places create lavish gingerbread houses and sometimes whole villages to delight visitors. There are gingerbread-house making competitions in many Canadian cities. Classes and DIY kits are also available for those who want to try to make their own.
About the design … These scrumptious stamps feature a gingerbread barn that is the home of Santa’s magical transport team of reindeer. The “sweet” designs feature photographs of actual baked and constructed gingerbread houses. These stamps carry on the annual tradition of providing whimsical, holiday-themed stamps that make mail more festive. Cancellation Site: Kitchener, Ontario; Stamp Designer: Katina Constantinou, Sugar; Quantity Produced: 330,000 booklets of 6; Issue Date: November 4, 2024.
5 Kilo Pure Silver Coin –
Heraldic Landscape: Birds of Canada
It is a powerful portrait of Canada formed by some of our most notable emblems and heraldry. Meticulously crafted in 5 kilograms of luminous 99.99% pure silver, this collector’s item features a new rendition of the Arms of Canada, redrawn by the artist behind the arms’ present official rendition: Cathy Bursey-Sabourin. The coin’s large diameter (180 mm) allows the viewer to appreciate all the intricacies of the heraldic design, rivalled only by the elaborate border in which the birds of Canada—all 13 provincial and territorial emblems—are paired with heraldic division lines to form a stirring representation of the Canadian landscape. Canada’s Coat of Arms, as you’ve never seen it before.
Face Value: $500 … Composition: 99.99% pure silver; Mintage: 100; Weight: 5000 g; Diameter: 180 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Cathy Bursey-Sabourin (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse). Packaging: Housed in a clear round capsule, your coin comes in a premium Royal Canadian Mint-branded wooden case and is accompanied by a special serialized, multi-page booklet.
DID YOU KNOW? …***As Fraser Herald at the Canadian Heraldic Authority, artist Cathy Bursey-Sabourin drew the present official rendition of the Canadian Coat of Arms (or Arms of Canada), which was revised in 1994 to include an annulus bearing the motto of the Order of Canada, Desiderantes meliorem patriam (Latin for “They desire a better country”).
Designed by Cathy Bursey-Sabourin, the coin’s reverse features a new rendition of the Canadian … Coat of Arms, redrawn to fit a circular format. Around the Arms, the official birds of the provinces and territories of Canada, as well as heraldic stylizations and division lines representing key geographical features, are arranged in counter-clockwise order to form a pictorial representation of Canada from west to east, and across the north.
Starting at upper left: a Steller’s jay (British Columbia); a line engrailed for the waves of the Pacific coast; a line dancetty for the Canadian Rockies; a great horned owl (Alberta); a line invected for the round hills of the coulee landscape; a tapissé of wheat for the prairies; a sharp-tailed grouse (Saskatchewan); a great grey owl (Manitoba); a common loon (Ontario); barry wavy for the lakes of Central Canada and the Canadian Shield; a snowy owl (Quebec); a black-capped chickadee (New Brunswick); a line nebuly for the high tides of the Bay of Fundy; an osprey (Nova Scotia); a blue jay (Prince Edward Island); an Atlantic puffin (Newfoundland and Labrador); a line wavy crested for the Atlantic coast; a rock ptarmigan (Nunavut); a barry pattern representing the Arctic Ocean and the ice floes in Canada’s north; a gyrfalcon (Northwest Territories); and a common raven (Yukon). The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
Cathy Bursey-Sabourin, Artist … “I relished the opportunity to create a new rendition, not a new version, of the Arms of Canada. Nothing in the design has been changed in any way that would alter the blazon of the arms, and although it looks different than the familiar ‘official’ version, it is still heraldically correct. While the overall coin design forms a circular nest shape that represents home, the graphic depictions of natural elements demonstrate how heraldry can tell a story in a simple and effective way—and I love the drama that they create. This design was both challenging and fun to put together—a real puzzle to make all the elements fit in a balanced and pleasing way, especially since the design is not symmetrical.”
Samy Khalid, Chief Herald of Canada … “The arms of Canada, proclaimed just over 100 years ago in 1921, were designed with maple leaves as a Canadian reference. Since that time, there has been a huge growth in the number of emblems representing our country, the official birds on this coin being important examples. Also, the Canadian Heraldic Authority, founded in 1988, has introduced many new and innovative ways to express our nation’s identity. This coin showcases many facets of Canadian heraldry, inviting you on a journey of discovery!”
Matt Bowen, Engraver … “Being able to participate in a reimagining of Canada’s iconic Coat of Arms is a huge thrill for me. Cathy’s drawings are great to work from and it is a pleasure to collaborate with the Canadian Heraldic Authority. The Coat of Arms are always a great challenge, but to be able to sculpt this one with the entire set of provincial and territorial birds will go down as one of the highlights of my career.”
$50 … Pure Silver Coin –
Heraldic Landscape: Birds of Canada
It is a powerful portrait of Canada formed by some of our most notable emblems and heraldry. Meticulously crafted in 5 oz. of luminous 99.99% pure silver and selectively gold plated, this collector’s item features a new rendition of the Arms of Canada, redrawn by the artist behind the arms’ present official rendition: Cathy Bursey-Sabourin. The coin’s large diameter (65 mm) allows the viewer to appreciate all the intricacies of the heraldic design, rivalled only by the elaborate border in which the birds of Canada – all 13 provincial and territorial emblems – are paired with heraldic division lines to form a stirring representation of the Canadian landscape. Canada’s Coat of Arms, as you’ve never seen it before.
Face Value: $50 … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with selective gold plating; Mintage: 1,300; Weight: 157.6 g; Diameter: 65.25 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Cathy Bursey-Sabourin (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.
DID YOU KNOW? …***As Fraser Herald at the Canadian Heraldic Authority, artist Cathy Bursey-Sabourin drew the present official rendition of the Canadian Coat of Arms (or Arms of Canada), which was revised in 1994 to include an annulus bearing the motto of the Order of Canada, Desiderantes meliorem patriam (Latin for “They desire a better country”).
Designed by Cathy Bursey-Sabourin, the coin’s reverse features a new rendition of the Canadian Coat of Arms, redrawn to fit a circular format. Around the Arms, the official birds of the provinces and territories of Canada, as well as heraldic stylizations and division lines representing key geographical features, are arranged in counter-clockwise order to form a pictorial representation of Canada from west to east, and across the north.
Starting at upper left: a Steller’s jay (British Columbia); a line engrailed for the waves of the Pacific coast; a line dancetty for the Canadian Rockies; a great horned owl (Alberta); a line invected for the round hills of the coulee landscape; a tapissé of wheat for the prairies; a sharp-tailed grouse (Saskatchewan); a great grey owl (Manitoba); a common loon (Ontario); barry wavy for the lakes of Central Canada and the Canadian Shield; a snowy owl (Quebec); a black-capped chickadee (New Brunswick); a line nebuly for the high tides of the Bay of Fundy; an osprey (Nova Scotia); a blue jay (Prince Edward Island); an Atlantic puffin (Newfoundland and Labrador); a line wavy crested for the Atlantic coast; a rock ptarmigan (Nunavut); a barry pattern representing the Arctic Ocean and the ice floes in Canada’s north; a gyrfalcon (Northwest Territories); and a common raven (Yukon). The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
Cathy Bursey-Sabourin, Artist … I relished the opportunity to create a new rendition, not a new version, of the Arms of Canada. Nothing in the design has been changed in any way that would alter the blazon of the arms, and although it looks different than the familiar “official” version, it is still heraldically correct. While the overall coin design forms a circular nest shape that represents home, the graphic depictions of natural elements demonstrate how heraldry can tell a story in a simple and effective way — and I love the drama that they create. This design was both challenging and fun to put together — a real puzzle to make all the elements fit in a balanced and pleasing way, especially since the design is not symmetrical.
Samy Khalid, Chief Herald of Canada … The arms of Canada, proclaimed just over 100 years ago in 1921, were designed with maple leaves as a Canadian reference. Since that time, there has been a huge growth in the number of emblems representing our country, the official birds on this coin being important examples. Also, the Canadian Heraldic Authority, founded in 1988, has introduced many new and innovative ways to express our nation’s identity. This coin showcases many facets of Canadian heraldry, inviting you on a journey of discovery!
Matt Bowen, Engraver … Being able to participate in a re-imagining of Canada’s iconic Coat of Arms is a huge thrill for me. Cathy’s drawings are great to work from and it is a pleasure to collaborate with the Canadian Heraldic Authority. The Coat of Arms are always a great challenge, but to be able to sculpt this one with the entire set of provincial and territorial birds will go down as one of the highlights of my career.
2024 … $2 Celebrating Inuit Nunangat
Colourized Special Wrap Roll
Representing a first for a Canadian circulation coin, the reverse design of the $2 Celebrating Inuit Nunangat commemorative circulation coin was created jointly by four Inuit artists, each representing one of the four treaty areas of Inuit Nunangat (ᐃᓄᐃᑦ ᓄᓇᖓᑦ): Nunatsiavut (ᓄᓇᑦᓯᐊᕗᑦ), Nunavik (ᓄᓇᕕᒃ), Nunavut (ᓄᓇᕗᑦ) and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ᐃᓄᕕᐊᓗᐃᑦ ᓄᓇᖓ).
Working closely with the Royal Canadian Mint and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) in real time to create a seamless piece of art, these four artistic voices have come together to express both Inuit unity and regional diversity on the coin’s reverse. Each Coloured Special Wrap Roll gives you 25 of these $2 coins, all neatly rolled up in a paper wrap and bearing the same selectively coloured design that invites all people living in Canada to celebrate the rich heritage and present-day vitality of life in Inuit Nunangat. One roll adds 25Celebrate Inuit Nunangat coins to your collection.
Face Value: $2 … Composition: Outer ring: Three-ply nickel-plated steel, Inner core: Three-ply brass-plated aluminum bronze, with selective colour; Mintage: 15,000; Weight: 6.99 g; Diameter: 28 mm; Edge: Interrupted serrations; Finish: Circulation; Artist: Tegan Voisey, Thomassie Mangiok, Charlotte Karetak, Mary Okheena (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse).
DID YOU KNOW? … This celebration of Inuit Nunangat coincides with several significant anniversaries for Inuit: in 2024, the 25ᵗʰ anniversary of the territory of Nunavut created by the Agreement signed earlier by Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, as well as the 40ᵗʰ Anniversary of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, governed by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation; and in 2025, the 50ᵗʰ Anniversary of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement signed by Makivvik, and the 20ᵗʰ Anniversary of the Labrador Inuit Agreement, which created the self-governing region of Nunatsiavut in Newfoundland and Labrador.
A celebration of the Inuit homeland in Canada, this 2024 commemorative $2 coin combines the art of four Inuit artists representing each of the four treaty areas of Inuit Nunangat (ᐃᓄᐃᑦ ᓄᓇᖓᑦ): Tegan Voisey (Makkovik, Nunatsiavut), Thomassie Mangiok (Ivujivik, Nunavik), Charlotte Karetak (Arviat, Nunavut) and Mary Okheena (Ulukhaktok, Inuvialuit Settlement Region). A unifying symbol on the inner core, Nuliajuk (ᓄᓕᐊᔪᒃ) the spirit of the sea is an ancient story shared, with regional variations, by Inuit communities across Inuit Nunangat; she is connected to Inuit through her bond with the sea creatures that Inuit depend on for food and resources, represented by a walrus, narwhal, two beluga whales, a seal and Arctic char. On the outer ring, each of the four artists has designed a regionally specific ulu (ᐅᓗ). A pattern used both in the tradition of Inuit tattooing and on clothing appears between the two security features at the base of the ring, while the inclusion of “INUIT NUNANGAT” expresses the importance of this terminology in the expression of Canada’s identity. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
2024 … $2 Celebrating Inuit Nunangat
Non-colourized Special Wrap Roll
Representing a first for a Canadian circulation coin, the reverse design of the $2 Celebrating Inuit Nunangat commemorative circulation coin was created jointly by four Inuit artists, each representing one of the four treaty areas of Inuit Nunangat (ᐃᓄᐃᑦ ᓄᓇᖓᑦ): Nunatsiavut (ᓄᓇᑦᓯᐊᕗᑦ), Nunavik (ᓄᓇᕕᒃ), Nunavut (ᓄᓇᕗᑦ) and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ᐃᓄᕕᐊᓗᐃᑦ ᓄᓇᖓ).
Working closely with the Royal Canadian Mint and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) in real time to create a seamless piece of art, these four artistic voices have come together to express both Inuit unity and regional diversity on the coin’s reverse. Each Special Wrap Roll gives you 25 of these $2 coins, all bearing the same engraved design that invites all people living in Canada to celebrate the rich heritage and present-day vitality of life in Inuit Nunangat. Buy the $2Celebrate Inuit Nunangat coin by the roll.
Face Value: $2 … Composition: Outer ring: Three-ply nickel-plated steel, Inner core: Three-ply brass-plated aluminum bronze; Mintage: 10,000; Weight: 6.99 g; Diameter: 28 mm; Edge: Interrupted serrations; Finish: Circulation; Artist: Tegan Voisey, Thomassie Mangiok, Charlotte Karetak, Mary Okheena (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse).
DID YOU KNOW? … This celebration of Inuit Nunangat coincides with several significant anniversaries for Inuit: in 2024, the 25ᵗʰ Anniversary of the territory of Nunavut created by the Agreement signed earlier by Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, as well as the 40ᵗʰ Anniversary of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, governed by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation; and in 2025, the 50ᵗʰ Anniversary of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement signed by Makivvik, and the 20ᵗʰ Anniversary of the Labrador Inuit Agreement, which created the self-governing region of Nunatsiavut in Newfoundland and Labrador.
A celebration of the Inuit homeland in Canada, this 2024 commemorative $2 coin combines the art of four Inuit artists representing each of the four treaty areas of Inuit Nunangat (ᐃᓄᐃᑦ ᓄᓇᖓᑦ): Tegan Voisey (Makkovik, Nunatsiavut), Thomassie Mangiok (Ivujivik, Nunavik), Charlotte Karetak (Arviat, Nunavut) and Mary Okheena (Ulukhaktok, Inuvialuit Settlement Region). A unifying symbol on the inner core, Nuliajuk (ᓄᓕᐊᔪᒃ) the spirit of the sea is an ancient story shared, with regional variations, by Inuit communities across Inuit Nunangat; she is connected to Inuit through her bond with the sea creatures that Inuit depend on for food and resources, represented by a walrus, narwhal, two beluga whales, a seal and Arctic char. On the outer ring, each of the four artists has designed a regionally specific ulu (ᐅᓗ). A pattern used both in the tradition of Inuit tattooing and on clothing appears between the two security features at the base of the ring, while the inclusion of “INUIT NUNANGAT” expresses the importance of this terminology in the expression of Canada’s identity. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
2025 … $15 Fine Silver Coin –
Lunar Year of the Snake
www.mint.ca www.canadapost.ca
Continuing our folk art-styled journey through the Chinese zodiac, the elegant and enigmatic Snake on this fine silver coin is blessed with wisdom, intuition and an eye for fine art. People born in the Year of the Snake are natural problem solvers who will calmly identify issues and create solutions for even the most complex situation. These traits, combined with the nourishing and grounding influence of the Wood element in 2025, allow the sociable Snake to gracefully glide through a crowd while seeking out new opportunities for growth and prosperity.
Face Value: 15 Dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver; Mintage: 18,888; Weight: 31.39 g; Diameter: 38 mm, Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Jai Paek (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with red outer box.
DID YOU KNOW? … ***Every year in the Chinese zodiac’s 12-year cycle is ruled by a different sign, and each zodiac animal is associated with one of the five elements, meaning the Wood Snake is only celebrated once every 60 years. The last Year of the Wood Snake was 1965, and the next one after 2025 will be… 2085. ***The Wood Snake is driven to succeed and rarely makes mistakes. To increase their luck, people born under the Wood Snake sign should consider 2, 8 and 9 to be their lucky numbers, while black, red and yellow are their lucky colours.
Inspired by traditional Chinese folk art, the reverse design by Canadian artist Jai Paek celebrates the Year of the Snake (2025) by presenting the Chinese zodiac animal with its lucky flower, the orchid. Orchid leaves and branches are positioned around its form so the Snake appears to be part of a tree, thus representing the Wood element in 2025. its head faces East – a lucky direction for the Snake – while its coiled body forms the shape of the luckiest number in Chinese culture, eight (8), which is associated with wealth and prosperity. The reverse also includes the Chinese character for “snake”, along with the word “CANADA”, the year “2025” and a face value of “15 DOLLARS”. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
Jai Paek, Artist … Blending wisdom and flexibility, the Wood Snake symbolizes a harmonious balance of growth, strength and compassion. It also teaches us the art of navigating life with philosophical insight and elegant adaptability. I wanted to illustrate and express this meaningful message in a simple, modern, yet elegant form.
2025 … $100 Pure Gold Coin –
Lunar Year of the Snake
www.mint.ca www.canadapost.ca
Start the Year of the Snake off right by inviting good fortune with this $100 99.99% pure gold coin! A symbol of wisdom in Chinese culture, the Snake is guided by intuition and possesses an innate elegance that is reflected in its personal style, manners and surroundings. As it sheds its skin, the Snake is able to break free from the past and old habits, making it an inspiring symbol of transformation and renewal in 2025, when the grounding influence of the Wood element creates opportunities for growth. Invite good fortune into your life with this $100 pure gold coin.
Face Value: 100 Dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure gold; Mintage: 1,888; Weight: 15.43 g; Diameter: 29 mm, Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Simon Ng (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Red lacquered case with red outer box.
DID YOU KNOW? … ***Every year in the Chinese zodiac’s 12-year cycle is ruled by a different sign, and each zodiac animal is associated with one of the five elements, meaning the Wood Snake is only celebrated once every 60 years. The last Year of the Wood Snake was 1965, and the next one after 2025 will be… 2085.
***The Wood Snake is driven to succeed and rarely makes mistakes. To increase their luck, people born under the Wood Snake sign should consider 2, 8 and 9 to be their lucky numbers, while black, red and yellow are their lucky colours.
The reverse design by artist Simon Ng celebrates the Year of the Snake, as indicated by the Chinese character for “snake” (top). It features a unique view of the Chinese zodiac animal in disguise while basking on a tree branch that represents the Wood element in 2025. Its body is ornamented with auspicious narcissus blooms that complement the yin (female) aspect of the lunar snake. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
Simon Ng, Artist … A lofty perch seemed appropriate for an auspicious symbol, since the coin is commemorating the Lunar Snake. As for the narcissus, it was the ideal flower to replace the graphic pattern of the snake because it symbolizes prosperity and good fortune, and it perfectly complements the feminine yin of the Lunar Snake.
2025 … Pure Silver Coin –
Treasured Silver Maple Leaf:
Year of the Snake Privy Mark
Give a lasting gift of the iconic Silver Maple Leaf bullion coin with a special privy mark. The Treasured Silver Maple Leaf is a Premium Bullion in special packaging product that is made for celebrating life’s memorable moments.
Featuring the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III, the 2025 Treasured Silver Maple Leaf bullion coin makes it easy to give or collect 99.99% pure silver—a lasting treasure that is both precious and pure. Including a special snake privy mark to help you mark the Year of the Snake, every Treasured Silver Maple Leaf delivers the quality, artistry and purity the world has come to expect from Canada’s Mint. Premium bullion from the Royal Canadian Mint: When life calls for something special.
Special Packaging … Why is this called Premium Bullion? … Your Premium Bullion coin comes encapsulated and presented in custom designed, themed packaging. On the front of the card, an easy-to-scan QR code is a quick link to an informative website that welcomes you to the world of bullion.
Face Value: $5 … Composition: 99.99% pure silver; Mintage: 25,000; Weight: 31.11 g; Diameter: 38 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Bullion with radial lines; Artist: Walter Ott/RCM Engravers (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Encapsulated in a premium card.
Price is subject to change without notice. Represents minimum guaranteed weight. The Royal Canadian Mint reserves the right to refuse or limit orders, and to change its prices and product offerings without notice if, for any reason, it should be found necessary to do so. The Mint also reserves the right to impose purchase quantity limits on certain items. Once an order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Premium Bullion Products in special packaging are final sale (they cannot be returned or exchanged, and are not eligible for refund for any reason). Exceptionally, in the event of a damaged, defective or incorrect product purchased through the Mint online (whether by mobile app or on mint.ca) or via the call centre, you may contact the Mint’s Customer Service Solutions Centre within 14 calendar days after shipment to request an exchange for the same product originally purchased (subject to product availability), where the Mint will, at its discretion, evaluate exchange requests on a case-by-case basis.