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Bulletin # 267 … December 2024 – Grudzień 2024 … Newsletter by Robert E. Owczarz



TROYAK EXECUTIVE TEAM is informing all members, colleagues, collectors, and Polonia at large, that Club meetings taking place at John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd. (just south of Hwy. 403), Mississauga, Ontario. The new members are always welcome.

ADRES SPOTKAÑ KLUBOWYCH ! Zarząd Główny Klubu “Troyak” informuje wszystkich członków kolekcjonerów, sympatyków oraz całą Polonię, że spotkania klubowe odbywają się w Polskim Centrum Kultury im. Jana Pawła II, przy 4300 Cawthra Rd. (na południe od autostrady 403), Mississauga, Ontario. Zapraszamy nowych członków do prężnego. Klubu “Troyak”.


Sunday – 1st December 2024 @ 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mississauga Coin & Stamp Show

December 2024 … Happy Holidays!

Sunday  12th  January 2025  AGM

Sunday  26th  January 2025

Sunday  23rd  February 2025

Sunday – 2nd March 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mississauga Coin & Stamp Show

Sunday  30th  March 2025

Sunday  27th  April 2025

Sunday  25th  May 2025

Sunday  22nd  June 2025

July 2025  & August 2025  –
Summer break … Letnie wakacje …

TROYAK CLUB @ Roncesvalles Polish Festival 2025
Saturday, September 13th  2025   &   
Sunday, September 14th, 2025 
St. Casimir’s Church
Parish Hall … 156 Roncesvalles Ave. Toronto, Ontario
Stamp Exhibit … Pope John Paul II on World Stamps
and Displays of Coins, Stamps, Collectibles
by Troyak Club Members.
Roncesvalles Polish Festival

Sunday  28th  September 2025

Sunday  26th  October 2025

Sunday  30th  November 2025

December 2025 … Happy Holidays!

Błogosławiony ks. Jerzy Popiełuszko
Blessed priest Jerzy Popiełuszko

2024-10-19 … Na znaczku przedstawiono wizerunek księdza Jerzego Popiełuszki. Koperta FDC obrazuje zdjęcie z pogrzebu z dn. 3 listopada 1984 r. przedstawiające tłumy ludzi przed kościołem św. Stanisława Kostki na warszawskim Żoliborzu. W datowniku okolicznościowym widnieje część loga obchodów upamiętnienia 40. rocznicy porwania i męczeńskiej śmierci ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki. Emisja tworzona we współpracy ze Społecznym Komitetem upamiętnienia 40. rocznicy porwania i męczeńskiej śmierci błogosławionego księdza Jerzego Popiełuszki. Wartość: 4.90 zl … autor projektu znaczka: Jarosłąw Ochendzan; Liczba znaczkow: 1;  Nakład: 120,000; Technika druku/papier: Offset / fluorescencyjny; Format: 39.5×51 mm; Arkusz sprzedażny: 8 znaczków; Koperta pierwszego dnia obiegu: 1;  Format koperty FDC: 162×113 mm.

2024-10-19 … The stamp depicts an image of Father Jerzy Popieluszko. The FDC envelope depicts a photo of the funeral on 3rd November 1984, showing crowds of people in front of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Warsaw’s Żoliborz district. The commemorative postmark shows part of the logo of the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the kidnapping and martyrdom of Father Jerzy Popieluszko.

The issue is created in cooperation with the Social Committee for the Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Kidnapping and Martyrdom of Blessed Father Jerzy Popieluszko. Denomination: 4,90 PLN; Designer: Jarosław Ochendzan; Number of stamps in issue: 1; Paper: Fluorescent; Printing techniques: Offset; Stamp size:  39,5 x 51 mm;  Number of stamps in sheet: 8; Print run: 120 000 pcs; FDC size: 162×113 mm.

80 lat Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
80 years of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin 

   2024-10-21 … Na znaczku przedstawiono kampus Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie oraz wizerunek patronki uczelni – Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Na kopercie pierwszego dnia obiegu FDC wykorzystano fragment grafiki autorstwa P. Szymona Strużyńskiego, której głównym motywem jest (wpisany do rejestru zabytków województwa lubelskiego) pomnik Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie znajdujący się w sercu miasteczka akademickiego. Wizerunek Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie przedstawiony na znaczku i w datowniku został przygotowany na bazie fotografii pochodzącej ze zbiorów Muzeum Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie w Warszawie. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie to największa uczelnia publiczna we wschodniej Polsce, która obchodzi w 2024 roku jubileusz 80-lecia istnienia. Wartość: 4.90 zl … autor projektu znaczka: Andrzej Gosik; Liczba znaczkow: 1; Nakład: 126,000; Technika druku/papier: Offset / fluorescencyjny; Format: 31,25×43 mm; Arkusz sprzedażny: 9 znaczków; Koperta pierwszego dnia obiegu: 1.

2024-10-21 … The stamp depicts the campus of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and the image of the university’s patroness, Maria Curie-Skłodowska. The FDC envelope uses a fragment of a graphic by P. Szymon Strużyński, the main motif of which is the (listed in the register of monuments of the Lublin Province) monument to Maria Sklodowska-Curie located in the heart of the university campus. The image of Maria Sklodowska-Curie depicted on the stamp and on the postmark was prepared on the basis of a photograph from the collection of the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Museum in Warsaw.

The University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin is the largest public university in eastern Poland, which celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2024. Denomination: 4,90 PLN;  Designer: Andrzej Gosik;  Number of stamps in issue: 1;  Number of stamps in sheet: 9;  Stamp size: 31,25 x 43 mm;  Paper: Fluorescent;  Printing techniques: Offset;  Print run: 126 000 pcs;  FDC size: 162×113 mm.

Boże Narodzenie

2024-10-25 … Na znaczkach autorka Agata Tobolczyk, w oryginalny sposób przedstawiła grafikę nawiązującą do symboliki świąt obchodzonych w grudniu na całym świecie niezależnie od miejsca i preferencji wyznaniowych. ***1. Na znaczku z oznaczeniem PRIORYTETOWY S przedstawiono tradycyjną bombkę świąteczną. PRIORYTETOWY S co odpowiada wartości nominalnej znaczka pocztowego właściwego do uiszczenia opłaty za priorytetową przesyłkę listową nierejestrowaną w obrocie krajowym w formacie S. ***2. Na znaczku z oznaczeniem EKONOMICZNY S przedstawiono choinkę bożonarodzeniową. EKONOMICZNY S co odpowiada wartości nominalnej znaczka pocztowego właściwego do uiszczenia opłaty za ekonomiczną przesyłkę listową nierejestrowaną w obrocie krajowym w formacie S. Na kopercie FDC przedstawiono motywy świąteczne, a w datowniku tytuł emisji, datę i miejsce wprowadzenia umieszczono w płatku śniegu.  Nominał znaczka: beznominałowy; Autor projektu: Agata Tobolczyk; Ilość znaczków w emisji: 2; Format znaczka: 25,5 x 31,25 mm; Papier: Fluorescencyjny; Technika druku:  Rotograwiura;  Ilość znaczków w arkuszu: 100; Nakład: wielomilionowy, powtarzalny; Format koperty FDC: 162×113 mm.

On the stamps, the author Agata Tobolczyk, in an original way, presented graphics referring to the symbolism of holidays celebrated in December around the world regardless of location and religious preferences. 1. The PRIORITY S stamp depicts a traditional Christmas bauble. 2. The ECONOMIC S stamp depicts a traditional Christmas tree.

The FDC envelope shows holiday motifs, while the postmark contains the issue title, date and place of introduction in a snowflake. Denomination: stamps without face value; Designer: Agata Tobolczyk; Number of stamps in issue: 2; Paper: Fluorescent; Stamp size: 25,5 x 31,25 mm; Printing techniques: Photogravure; Number of stamps in sheet: 100; Print run: multi millions pcs; FDC size: 162×113 mm.

Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

2024-10-25 … Na znaczku przedstawiono wizualizację wschodniej ściany frontowej nowego budynku Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie. Wprowadzenie znaczka do obiegu zbiega się z otwarciem nowej siedziby Muzeum. Za jego sylwetkę odpowiada nowojorska pracownia Thomas Phifer and Partners, współpracująca z architektami studia APA Wojciechowski. Muzeum zapowiadane przez wszystkich kolejnych prezydentów Warszawy od 2004 roku, znalazło swoja nową siedzibę na powstającym w centrum Warszawy Placu Centralnym (dawnym Placu Defilad). Ciekawostką jest, że w okolicy Muzeum zasadzonych zostanie ponad 100 nowych drzew, tysiące krzewów, a także trawniki i nowe alejki. Ich nieregularny kształt prowadzący do Muzeum, uwypukli jego bryłę, a zarazem odwzorowywać będzie sieć dawnych ulic i zarys budynków, które zostały wyburzone po II wojnie światowej, by zrobić miejsce pod Pałac Kultury i Nauki i obecny Plac Defilad. Po oddaniu do użytku nowego budynku zostaną tam przeniesione dotychczas zgromadzone zbiory powołanego 20 lat temu Muzeum. W nowej siedzibie będą realizowane dotychczasowe i nowe programy badawcze w zakresie historii sztuki najnowszej. Jak dotychczas Muzeum będzie gromadzić dzieła współczesnych artystów i organizować wystawy. Nominał znaczka: 4,90 zł …  Autor projektu: Paweł Myszka; Ilość znaczków w emisji: 1; Format znaczka: 43 x 31,25 mm; Papier: Fluorescencyjny; Technika druku:  Offset;  Ilość znaczków w arkuszu: 6;  Nakład: 120 000 szt.; Format koperty FDC: 162×113 mm.

2024-10-25 … The stamp shows a visualization of the eastern front wall of the new building of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. The stamp’s launch coincides with the opening of the Museum’s new headquarters. New York-based Thomas Phifer and Partners, working with architects from the APA Wojciechowski studio, is responsible for its silhouette. The museum, heralded by all successive Warsaw city presidents since 2004, has found its new home at the Central Square (formerly Defilade Square) under construction in the center of Warsaw. Interestingly, more than 100 new trees and thousands of shrubs will be planted around the Museum, as well as lawns and new alleys. Their irregular shape leading up to the Museum will highlight its massing, while mapping the network of former streets and the outline of buildings that were demolished after World War II to make room for the Palace of Culture and Science and the current Defilade Square.

Once the new building is put into use, the hitherto accumulated collections of the Museum, established 20 years ago, will be transferred there. The new premises will house existing and new research programs in the history of recent art. As before, the Museum will collect works by contemporary artists and organize exhibitions. Denomination: 4,90 PLN … Designer: Paweł Myszka; Number of stamps in issue: 1; Paper: Fluorescent; Stamp size: 43 x 31,25 mm; Printing techniques: Offset; Number of stamps in sheet: 6; Print run:120 000 pcs; FDC size: 162×113 mm.

Ofiarom obozu koncentracyjnego Stutthof

Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem państwa odpowiadającym za politykę pieniężną i stabilność cen. Jego funkcje określa Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ustawa o NBP. NBP ma wyłączne prawo emisji pieniądza. Jako bank centralny nie prowadzi rachunków bankowych obywateli, nie przyjmuje od nich lokat, nie udziela kredytów. Prowadzi natomiast obsługę budżetu państwa, a także podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. Gromadzi rezerwy walutowe państwa i zarządza nimi. Pełni funkcję banku banków, tworząc warunki do działania systemu bankowego. Jest również jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków naukowo-analitycznych w dziedzinie ekonomii i rynków finansowych.

Emisja wartości kolekcjonerskich stanowi okazję do upamiętniania ważnych historycznych rocznic i postaci oraz do rozwijania zainteresowań polską kulturą, nauką i tradycją. 27 sierpnia 2024 roku Narodowy Bank Polski wprowadził do obiegu srebrną monetę o nominale 10 zł „Ofiarom obozu koncentracyjnego Stutthof”.

Nominał: 10 zł … metal: Ag 999/1000;  stempel: lustrzany;  średnica: 32,00 mm;  masa: 14,14 g;  brzeg (bok): gładki;  nakład: do 10 000 szt.;  Projektant: Paweł Pietras;  Emitent: NBP; Na zlecenie NBP monety wyprodukowała Mennica Polska SA.

Na awersie monety widoczne są fragmenty oznaczeń strojów więziennych z numerami obozowymi i trójkątami (także nałożonymi na siebie, by tworzyły gwiazdę). Więźniowie nazywali je winklami. Stanowiły one element identyfikacji więźniów – numer zastępował imię i nazwisko, kolor trójkąta oznaczał przynależność więźnia do kategorii związanej z powodami aresztowania, a litera wpisana w trójkąt – kraj, z którego więzień pochodził. Litery na trójkątach symbolizują więźniów: T – z Czechosłowacji, P – z Polski, J – pochodzenia żydowskiego, R – ze Związku Radzieckiego. Na rewersie monety znajduje się wizerunek tzw. Bramy Śmierci, oddzielającej części obozu przeznaczone dla SS-manów i więźniów. W tle powtórzono motyw obozowych oznaczeń więźniów.

Stutthof to niemiecka nazwa miejscowości Sztutowo na Mierzei Wiślanej. Słowo to stało się synonimem hitlerowskiego terroru w północnej Polsce w czasie II wojny światowej. Od 2 września 1939 r. w lesie w okolicy wsi Stutthof – przed wojną znajdującej się na terenie Wolnego Miasta Gdańska – funkcjonował obóz, w którym niemieccy naziści osadzali ludzi uznanych przez nich za szkodliwych dla III Rzeszy. Formalnie miał status obozu koncentracyjnego od 7 stycznia 1942 r., jednak jego zbrodniczy charakter od początku nie budził wątpliwości. Pierwszymi więźniami obozu byli działacze polskich organizacji w Wolnym Mieście Gdańsku, w tym wielu przedstawicieli inteligencji. Przez cały okres wojny trafiło tam około 110 tysięcy osób 28 narodowości. Blisko 65 tysięcy straciło życie.

W końcowej fazie wojny Stutthof stał się ośrodkiem masowej eksterminacji europejskich Żydów. W obozie zginęło ich niemal 27 tysięcy. W drewnianych barakach, za ogrodzeniem z drutu kolczastego każdego dnia rozgrywały się ludzkie tragedie. Osadzeni tu ludzie byli fizycznie i psychicznie torturowani przez członków załogi, a także pomagających im tzw. więźniów funkcyjnych. Więźniowie musieli pracować ponad siły, w warsztatach zbrojeniowych i przy wyrębie lasu. Brak higieny i głód powodowały szerzenie się chorób, np. tyfusu plamistego. Tysiące ludzi zmarło w czasie ewakuacji obozu, która trwała od stycznia do maja 1945 r. Stutthof przestał funkcjonować po wkroczeniu na jego teren jednostek Armii Czerwonej 9 maja 1945 r. Od 1962 r. o przetrwanie pamięci o więźniach dba Muzeum Stutthof w Sztutowie. W 1968 r. na jego terenie został odsłonięty pomnik Walki i Męczeństwa zaprojektowany przez byłego więźnia KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Wiktora Tołkina. Informacja: dr Kordian Kuczma.

To the Victims of the Stutthof Concentration Camp

Narodowy Bank Polski is the central bank of the State, responsible for its monetary policy and price stability. The Bank’s functions are described in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Act on NBP. NBP holds the exclusive right to issue the currency of the Republic of Poland. As the central bank, it does not provide accounts for the general public, accept deposits from or extend loans to individuals. It acts as a banker to the State budget and public sector entities. NBP also holds and manages the foreign exchange reserves of the State. Finally, it functions as a banker to banks, creating conditions for the operation of the Polish banking system. Narodowy Bank Polski is one of the most important research and analytical centres in the fields of economics and financial markets.

Issuing collector items is an occasion to commemorate important historic figures and anniversaries, as well as to develop the interest of the public in Polish culture, science and tradition. On 27 August 2024, Narodowy Bank Polski issued into circulation a silver coin “To the Victims of the Stutthof Concentration Camp”, with a face value of 10 złoty.

The obverse of the coin shows fragments of prisoner clothing bearing camp numbers and triangle badges, which the prisoners called “winkiels”. They were elements of prisoner identification: the number replaced the person’s name, the colour of the triangle meant the classification of the prisoner to one of the categories connected with the reasons for their arrest, whereas the letter in the triangle indicated the country of origin: T for Czechoslovakia, P for Poland, J meant Jewish, R – the Soviet Union. The reverse of the coin presents an image of the so-called Death Gate, separating the parts of the camp for the SS men and for the prisoners. In the background, the pattern with camp prisoner designations is repeated.

Face value: 10 zł … Metal: Ag 999/1000;  Finish: proof;  Diameter: 32.00 mm;  Weight: 14.14 g;  Edge (side): plain;  Mintage: up to 10,000 pcs;  Designer: Paweł Pietras;  Issuer: Narodowy Bank Polski; The coins, commissioned by Narodowy Bank Polski, were struck by Mennica Polska SA.

Stutthof is the German name of Sztutowo, a village on the Vistula Spit. That name became a byword for Nazi terror in northern Poland during World War II. In the forest near the Stutthof village, which had been within the limits of the Free City of Gdańsk before the war, German Nazis established a camp in which, from 2 September 1939, they incarcerated people whom they considered to be harmful to the Third Reich. The camp was formally given the status of concentration camp on 7 January 1942, yet its murderous character had been beyond doubt since inception. The first inmates were activists of Polish organisations from the Free City of Gdańsk, including many representatives of the intelligentsia. During the whole war, some 110,000 people of 28 nationalities were sent there. Nearly 65,000 lost their lives.

In the final stages of the war, Stutthof became a site of mass extermination of European Jews. Close to 27,000 of them died in the camp. Human tragedies played themselves out in wooden barracks beyond a barbed-wire fence every day. The inmates were physically and psychologically tortured by the camp crew and so-called prisoner functionaries helping the Nazis. The inmates were forced to work to exhaustion in weapon manufacturing workshops or in the forest felling trees for timber. Lack of hygiene and starvation caused the spread of diseases, such as typhus. Thousands died during the evacuation of the camp, which lasted from January to May 1945. Stutthof ceased to function when units of the Red Army arrived in it on 9 May 1945. Since 1962, the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo has been striving to preserve the memory of the prisoners. On its site, a Monument to Struggle and Martyrdom was erected in 1968. It was designed by Wiktor Tołkin, a former prisoner of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau. Info: Kordian Kuczma, PhD.

100-lecie utworzenia Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza

Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem państwa odpowiadającym za politykę pieniężną i stabilność cen. Jego funkcje określa Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ustawa o NBP. NBP ma wyłączne prawo emisji pieniądza. Jako bank centralny nie prowadzi rachunków bankowych obywateli, nie przyjmuje od nich lokat, nie udziela kredytów. Prowadzi natomiast obsługę budżetu państwa, a także podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. Gromadzi rezerwy walutowe państwa i zarządza nimi. Pełni funkcję banku banków, tworząc warunki do działania systemu bankowego. Jest również jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków naukowo-analitycznych w dziedzinie ekonomii i rynków finansowych.

Emisja wartości kolekcjonerskich stanowi okazję do upamiętniania ważnych historycznych rocznic i postaci oraz do rozwijania zainteresowań polską kulturą, nauką i tradycją. 10 września 2024 roku Narodowy Bank Polski wprowadził do obiegu srebrną monetę o nominale 10 zł „100-lecie utworzenia Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza”.

Nominał: 10 zł … metal: Ag 999/1000;  stempel: lustrzany, druk UV;  średnica: 32,00 mm;  masa: 14,14 g;  brzeg (bok): gładki;  nakład: do 10 000 szt.;  Projektant: Sebastian Mikołajczak;  Emitent: NBP; Na zlecenie NBP monety wyprodukowała Mennica Polska SA.

Na awersie monety umieszczono postać żołnierza Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza na tle zarysu słupa granicznego. Na rewersie znajdują się wizerunki odznaki Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza oraz słupa granicznego przedstawionego w barwach Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.

W odpowiedzi na sowieckie działania dywersyjne na Kresach II Rzeczypospolitej, 12 września 1924 r. Minister Spraw Wojskowych gen. Władysław Sikorski wydał rozkaz o utworzeniu wojskowej formacji specjalnej – Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza, która podlegała Ministerstwu Spraw Wewnętrznych. Formacja przez cały okres swojego istnienia stanowiła ważny element w systemie obrony państwa, a jej głównymi celami były ochrona granicy wschodniej i zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa na różnorodnych narodowościowo terenach przygranicznych. Struktura KOP bazowała na strukturze wojskowej: korpus składał się z brygad, pułków i batalionów piechoty oraz szwadronów kawalerii. Bezpośrednio na linii granicznej służbę pełniły załogi strażnic. Ochronę polskiej granicy żołnierze KOP zapewniali przez 15 lat. W tym czasie zdołali poprawić bezpieczeństwo na Kresach Wschodnich. Widok „kopowskich” mundurów na terenach przygranicznych był wówczas stałym elementem kresowego krajobrazu. KOP w swojej służbie odwoływał się do etosu rycerskiego, którego kresowe wątki odnajdywano w twórczości Henryka Sienkiewicza i Wincentego Pola.

Szczególnym wyróżnieniem dla każdego żołnierza służącego w KOP była odznaka pamiątkowa „Za służbę graniczną”, jednakowa dla oficerów i szeregowych. Przedstawiała orła (godło państwowe), poniżej którego umieszczono wstążkę z nazwą odznaczenia. Za orłem widniał biało-czerwony słup graniczny z tabliczką oraz rozchodzące się w górę 19 promieni. Owalną krawędź zdobił wieniec laurowy. Otrzymanie odznaki było zaszczytem i powodem do dumy.

We wrześniu 1939 r. żołnierze KOP wzięli czynny udział w obronie polskich granic, zarówno wschodniej, jak i zachodniej. Wiele jednostek korpusu walczyło z Wehrmachtem. Strażnice KOP jako pierwsze stawiły też opór sowieckiemu najeźdźcy, starając się powstrzymać wielokrotnie liczniejsze siły Armii Czerwonej, które zaatakowały Polskę 17 września 1939 r. Wielu żołnierzy KOP zapłaciło życiem za pełną poświęcenia walkę podczas działań wojennych. Wielu z nich stało się ofiarami zbrodni katyńskiej i spoczęło w dołach śmierci. Członkowie korpusu walczyli na prawie wszystkich frontach II wojny światowej. Żołnierze Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza stali się symbolem wiernej służby w ochronie granic Rzeczypospolitej, a ich postawa pozostaje wzorcem postępowania dla dzisiejszych funkcjonariuszy Straży Granicznej. Informacja:  Grzegorz Cwyl.

100th Anniversary of the Border Protection Corps

Narodowy Bank Polski is the central bank of the State, responsible for its monetary policy and price stability. The Bank’s functions are described in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Act on NBP. NBP holds the exclusive right to issue the currency of the Republic of Poland. As the central bank, it does not provide accounts for the general public, accept deposits from or extend loans to individuals. It acts as a banker to the State budget and public sector entities. NBP also holds and manages the foreign exchange reserves of the State. Finally, it functions as a banker to banks, creating conditions for the operation of the Polish banking system. Narodowy Bank Polski is one of the most important research and analytical centres in the fields of economics and financial markets.

Issuing collector items is an occasion to commemorate important historic figures and anniversaries, as well as to develop the interest of the public in Polish culture, science and tradition. On 10 September 2024, Narodowy Bank Polski issued into circulation a silver coin “100th Anniversary of the Formation of the Border Protection Corps”, with a face value of 10 złoty.

Face value: 10 zł … Metal: Ag 999/1000;  Finish: proof, UV printing;  Diameter: 32.00 mm;  Weight: 14.14 g;  Edge (side): plain;  Mintage: up to 10,000 pcs;  Designer: Sebastian Mikołajczak; Issuer: Narodowy Bank Polski; The coins, commissioned by Narodowy Bank Polski, were struck by Mennica Polska SA.

The obverse of the coin features a figure of a soldier of the Border Protection Corps against the background of an outline of a border post. On the reverse there are images of the Border Protection Corps badge and a border post depicted in the colours of the Republic of Poland.

In response to Soviet sabotage activities in the Borderlands of the Second Republic, on 12 September 1924, the Minister of Military Affairs, General Władysław Sikorski, issued an order to create a special military formation − the Border Protection Corps (BPC) which was subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Throughout the entire period of its existence, the formation was an important element in the system of the country’s defence, and its main objectives were to protect the eastern border and ensure security in the ethnically diverse border areas. The structure of the BPC was based on a military structure: the corps consisted of infantry brigades, regiments and battalions, as well as cavalry squadrons. Directly on the border line, guardhouse crews were on duty. The BPC soldiers guarded the Polish border for 15 years. During that period they managed to improve security in the Eastern Borderlands. At that time, the sight of the BPC uniforms in border areas was a permanent element of the frontier landscape.

In its service, the BPC followed the knightly ethos, the borderland motifs of which were found, among others, in the (literary) works of Henryk Sienkiewicz and Wincenty Pol. It was a special honour for every soldier serving in the BPC to receive a commemorative badge “For Border Service”, made to the same design for officers and privates alike. It depicted an eagle (the state emblem), below which there was a ribbon with the name of the decoration. Behind the eagle, the badge featured a red and white border post with a plate and 19 rays radiating upwards. The oval rim was decorated with a laurel wreath. Receiving the badge was an honour and a source of pride. In September 1939, BPC soldiers took an active part in the defence of the Polish borders, both eastern and western. Many of the corps units fought against the Wehrmacht.

The BPC guardhouses were also the first to resist the Soviet invaders, trying to hold back the many times more numerous Red Army forces that attacked Poland on 17 September 1939. Many BPC soldiers sacrificed their lives in the heroic fight during the war. Many of them became victims of the Katyń massacre and ended up buried in death pits. Members of the corps fought on almost all fronts of the Second World War. Soldiers of the Border Protection Corps became a symbol of faithful service in protecting the borders of the Republic of Poland, and their attitude remains a model of conduct for today’s Border Guard officers. Info: Grzegorz Cwyl.

Christmas: Nativity: Booklet of 12
Permanent™ domestic rate stamps

This stamp is part of our annual tradition of providing a stamp on a sacred, nativity-related topic for the Christmas season. The 2024 stamp issue features a richly coloured illustration of the Holy Family. Canada Post has been issuing stamps for the Christmas and holiday season every year since 1964. These popular stamps are issued in advance of Christmas so that they can be used on Christmas and holiday mail.

The stamp depicts the Holy Family. According to the Gospel of Matthew, an angel announced to Joseph in a dream that his betrothed, Mary, carried a child by the Holy Spirit and that he should name the baby Jesus. Fleeing to Egypt to escape the wrath of King Herod, the Holy Family eventually settled in Nazareth, in the district of Galilee. Joseph is considered by some to be the patron saint of adoptive and foster parents – and is also the primary Catholic patron saint of Canada. The 2024 stamp depicts an illustration of the Holy Family executed in rich, vibrant colours, and features Mary and Joseph looking lovingly at the infant Jesus. A star is visible overhead, which was said to announce the birth of Jesus. Cancellation Site: Trinity, N.L.; Stamp Designer:  Underline Studio; Stamp Illustrator:  Amanda Arlotta; Quantity Produced:  450,000 booklets (5.4 million stamps); Issue Date: 4 November 2024.

Christmas: Nativity: Official First Day Cover … This stamp issue is part of our annual tradition of providing a stamp and Official First Day Cover on a sacred, nativity-related topic for the Christmas season, and depict the Holy Family. Canada Post has been issuing stamps for the Christmas and holiday season every year since 1964. Stamp Designer: Underline Studio; Quantity Produced: 5,500.

Truth and Reconciliation:
Permanent™ domestic rate stamps

In partnership with the Survivors Circle of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, this series of stamps seeks to raise awareness about residential schools and the legacy of trauma and abuse that continues to have an impact on Indigenous Peoples today. For this third year of the series, the Survivors Circle selected artists Adrian Stimson, Robert Burke and Helen Iguptak to provide work for the stamp issue. These works reflect the artists’ experiences at residential schools and express resilience, cultural resurgence and the hope for a better future for all children. The stamp issue is produced in partnership with the Survivors Circle of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Canada Post is committed to listening to Indigenous voices and to using these stamps as a vehicle for Survivors to share the truth of their experiences so that we can support the process of reconciliation and, ultimately, healing, as we move forward. Canada Post thanks the Survivors Circle of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation for their guidance throughout this process.

The booklet cover features the Survivors’ Flag of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR), reproduced with permission. According to the NCTR: “The Survivors’ Flag is an expression of remembrance, meant to honour residential school Survivors and all the lives and communities impacted by the residential school system in Canada.” Stamp Designer: Blair Thomson, Believe in; Stamp Value: Permanent™ domestic rate; Cancellation Site: Ottawa, Ontario; Quantity Produced: 200,000; Issue Date: September 27, 2024.

Robert Burke (b. 1944), … Robert Burke’s work explores the social issues and personal challenges surrounding his Black Indigenous identity, as well as his experiences at St. Joseph’s Residential School in Fort Resolution, Northwest Territories. Born in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, he pursued art full time after retiring in his 50s from his role as a logging contractor and heavy machinery mechanic. Burke has since received several grants and recognition for his art. An exhibit of his paintings focused on his experiences was mounted at Fort Smith’s Northern Life Museum & Cultural Centre in June 2015, after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission released the summary of its findings. The exhibit was mounted at Yellowknife’s Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre the following year. “Let’s just say that my years at residential school weren’t positive… But when you are a kid, there are also moments of happiness, which are reflected in my use of bright colours to shed light on some rather dark, subject matter. I have come to embrace bright colours and sharp-edged images as one of the best means of expressing my artistic voice.” – Robert Burke, from a 2015 CBC interview.

Helen Iguptak (b. 1951),  … Helen Iguptak is an Inuk artist born in Perry River and raised at Kangiqtiniq (Rankin Inlet), Nunavut. When she was seven, she was taken to live at Turquetil Hall in Chesterfield Inlet, where she was forced to abandon her traditional caribou clothing. Iguptak befriended an older girl who taught her how to make dolls, a medium with a rich history among Inuit. These “little friends” comforted her and helped her protect her culture from being taken away. Iguptak rediscovered her art in the 1990s, kindled by her desire to maintain her culture. Today, her dolls don traditional Inuit dress, stitched with intricate detail, and have been displayed in galleries and exhibitions across Canada. “I made my first doll when I was at residential school in Chesterfield Inlet. We didn’t have many toys at residential school, and a friend showed me how to make a doll, so I would have something of my own to play with.” – Helen Iguptak

Adrian Stimson (b. 1964), … Two-Spirit interdisciplinary artist Adrian Stimson is a member of the Siksika Nation of the Blackfoot Confederacy in Alberta. He is an award-winning artist who has exhibited and performed in major galleries and museums across Canada and internationally. Through a collage of paintings, photography and pictographs from his previous works, Stimson’s stamp depicts the role that residential schools have played throughout his life – he attended three in his youth – and how they serve as the basis for his art. His work depicts a personal history of abuse, as well as the resilience necessary to survive, and shows the power of reclaiming his culture and art as a means of overcoming the effects of abuse. “This stamp, albeit small, contains a big story, one that I am willing to share in hopes of bringing voice and courage to others who have passed and those who may still be suffering. For me, this stamp is a symbol of thriving instead of surviving, triumphing over adversity, a story that will now travel the world over.” – Adrian Stimson.

The Official First Day Cover, in orange, depicts the layers of meaning within the Survivors’ Flag of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, reproduced with permission. According to the NCTR: “The Survivors’ Flag is an expression of remembrance, meant to honour residential school Survivors and all the lives and communities impacted by the residential school system in Canada.” The stamps on the Official First Day Cover feature the artwork of the following artists: Robert Burke; Helen Iguptak; Adrian Stimson. The Official First Day Cover is cancelled on September 27 in Ottawa, ON. Stamp Designer: Blair Thomson, Believe in; Quantity Produced: 7,000; Issue Date: September 27, 2024.

From Far and Wide (Part 4):
Restigouche River (NB)

Mark the release of the 2024 From Far and Wide stamp issue with the Restigouche River (NB) Postage-paid Postcard, for mailing worldwide. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – to places near and far. The series celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. Collect all nine Postage-paid Postcards from the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue. Postage Paid Postcards can be mailed from Canada to anywhere in the world. From national park reserves to an historic abbey and an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These Postage Paid Postcards are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.

Restigouche River (NB) – Photo: Guylaine Bégin … The Restigouche River in northern New Brunswick flows northeast for 200 kilometres from its source in the Appalachian Mountains to Chaleur Bay, an arm of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The Upper Restigouche is included in the Canadian Heritage River System, in part for its history as a Mi’kmaq waterway, its habitat for bald eagles, moose and lynx, and its canoeing and kayaking appeal. The scenic river is also world renowned for its tranquil beauty and Atlantic salmon fishing, which attracts anglers from all over the world.

About the design … The Postage Paid Postcards in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series feature breathtaking images of nine scenic locations in seven provinces and two territories, each taken by a different Canadian photographer. This Postcard features a photograph of a horseshoe-shaped stretch of the Restigouche River in New Brunswick in autumn by Guylaine Bégin. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Quantity Produced: 2,500; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.

From Far and Wide (Part 4):
Point Prim Lighthouse (PE)

Mark the release of the 2024 From Far and Wide stamp issue with the Point Prim Lighthouse (PE) Postage-paid Postcard, for mailing worldwide. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – to places near and far. The series celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. Collect all nine Postage-paid Postcards from the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue. Postage Paid Postcards can be mailed from Canada to anywhere in the world. From national park reserves to an historic abbey and an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These Postage Paid Postcards are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.

Point Prim Lighthouse (PE) – Photo: Sander Meurs …  This heritage lighthouse, the first to be built on Prince Edward Island, was constructed in 1845, nearly 30 years before PEI joined Confederation. It is located in an open field at the end of Point Prim, which juts out into Northumberland Strait and marks the southeastern entrance to Hillsborough Bay and Charlottetown Harbour. The Point Prim Lighthouse is one of only a few cylindrical brick lighthouses – and one of the oldest lighthouse structures still standing – in Canada.

About the design … The Postage Paid Postcards in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series feature breathtaking images of nine scenic locations in seven provinces and two territories, each taken by a different Canadian photographer. This Postcard features a photograph of the Point Prim Lighthouse in Prince Edward Island by Sander Meurs. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Quantity Produced: 2,500; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.

$20  Ultra-High Relief Pure Silver Coin –
Great Hunters: Cougar

Marvel at this striking UHR scene of a cougar stalking its prey. Its intended prey will rarely see or hear a cougar’s approach… until it’s too late. Guided by its senses and gifted with both speed and agility, Puma concolor doesn’t need to put on an amazing strength display during the hunt. Instead, Canada’s largest wild cat quietly stalks its quarry, crouching and creeping and concealing itself in foliage as it closes in, before swiftly pouncing and delivering a fatal prolonged bite. The cougar’s adept stalking abilities are powerfully conveyed on the second instalment in our Great Hunters series, each Ultra High Relief (UHR) portrait serving as a commanding example of the unconquerable and often elusive nature of Canada’s wilderness.

Face Value: 20 Dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver; Mintage: 6,000; Weight: 31.39 g; Diameter: 36.15 mm,  Edge: Plain; Finish: Proof; Artist: Emily Damstra (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

Did you know? … An opportunistic predator who hunts from dusk until dawn, the cougar is known to prey on a variety of species, including mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, moose calves, coyotes, beavers and mice. A cougar relies on cover to ambush its prey, and once it has eaten its fill, it will hide any remains and save them for another feeding.

Your coin is encapsulated and presented in a black Royal Canadian Mint-branded clamshell with a black beauty box. Reverse: Face-to-face with a cougar … Engraved in Ultra High Relief (UHR), the reverse design by artist Emily Damstra brings the viewer face-to-face with a cougar (Puma concolor) in the Canadian wilderness. The quietly stalking cougar is steady on its feet, its big paws padding and silencing its approach as it creeps down a rocky slope strewn with fallen leaves from the surrounding trembling aspen trees. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Emily Damstra, Artist … “Showing the cougar descending a slope allowed me to showcase its muscular body, while keeping the head—and the cougar’s intense stare—near the centre of the composition. The rocks, along with the aspens in the background, suggest a mountainous habitat while offering a good variety of textures.”

50-Cent Lenticular Coin –
Trimming the Holiday Tree

Trimming the tree is a fun activity that combines all the best of the holiday season: lights to brighten long winter nights; colourful decorations to liven up our spaces; and stories of holidays past to regale our friends and family. It’s people and moments like these that warm the heart year after year and leave us with treasured memories, and this 2024 keepsake is a happy reminder of those special times. Helped by lenticular technology, the coin’s reverse is sure to generate smiles as the scene shifts from daytime preparations to an evening gathering of (furry) friends. A cheerful image that captures the joy of the holiday season in Canada!

Face Value: 50 Cents … Composition: Nickel-plated Steel; Mintage: 30,000; Weight: 12.3 g; Diameter: 35 mm,  Edge: Serrated; Finish: Specimen; Artist: Alisha Giroux (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse).

Did you know … ***Is it a reindeer or a caribou on Canada’s 25-cent coin? They’re the same animal—Rangifer tarandus is known as the caribou in North America, and reindeer in Europe and Asia. ***Churchill wears a toque and scarf on this coin but polar bears don’t need extra gear to stay warm, since they have two fur “coats” to keep them warm: a dense undercoat, and a protective outer layer with hollow guard hairs that provide added insulation by trapping warm air. ***Nervous about seeing a beaver near a tree? Hungry beavers have been known to chomp on the twigs and bark of conifer trees, but their favourite are deciduous ones such as aspen, birch and maple. Your coin is encapsulated and presented in a Royal Canadian Mint-branded clamshell with a black beauty box.

Reverse: Lenticular whimsical winter scene … Designed by Canadian artist Alisha Giroux, the coin’s holiday-themed reverse showcases the time-honoured tradition of trimming the holiday tree. The whimsical winter scene features three wildlife friends—Caribou, Churchill the polar bear and Beaver—who have gathered in a forest to decorate a tree and enjoy the magic of the holiday season in Canada. Lenticular technology creates the illusion of motion and time passage, as a second image reveals itself when the scene is viewed from different angles: day changes to a snowy night, and the three friends are now seated around the illuminated tree while taking part in a holiday gift exchange. Obverse: His Majesty King Charles III …  The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

$20   Pure Silver Glow-in-the-Dark Coin –
Canada’s Unexplained Phenomena:
The Langenburg Event

See a famous UFO/UAP incident from the witness’s perspective. Coin #7 brings you a close encounter of the second kind. Some crop circles are harder to dismiss… and that’s what makes Saskatchewan’s most famous UFO/UAP incident so intriguing! Viewed from the witness’s perspective, the Langenburg Event is the seventh unusual encounter re-told as part of our popular Canada’s Unexplained Phenomena series of coins.

On the morning of September 1ˢᵗ, 1974, a farmer was swathing his fields near the town of Langenburg, Saskatchewan, when he noticed five highly polished, steel-like objects at the edge of a slough. Upon closer look, he noticed these unusual saucer-shaped objects were rotating rapidly and hovering just above the ground. He continued to observe them until they suddenly rose up, emitting a strange vapour as they silently disappeared into the sky. But the objects hadn’t vanished without a trace; according to the RCMP incident report, they left behind “five different distinct circles, caused by something exerting what had to be heavy air or exhaust pressure over the high grass,” which was curious enough to warrant serious attention both locally and worldwide.  

Face Value: 20 Dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with colour and blacklight technology; Mintage: 6,500; Weight: 31.56 g; Dimensions: 49.80 mm x 28.60 mm,  Edge: Plain; Finish: Proof; Artist: Steve Hepburn (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with graphic beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? …  ***Instead of “UFO,” scientists and officials have now adopted the acronym “UAP” (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon) as a more encompassing term for unexplainable sights or phenomena. ***Nobody does UFO stories like we do! Canada’s Unexplained Phenomena is a fun series for everyone, whether you’re a believer or skeptic. The seven coins issued so far are all based on documented accounts of strange encounters, occurrences and sightings across Canada – the mysterious circumstances make for great storytelling, especially through colourful art enhanced with glowing effects.

The reverse design by Steve Hepburn presents the artist’s rendition of the well-documented Langenburg Event, which occurred on the morning of September 1, 1974. The incident is presented from the witness’s perspective: seated on his now-stalled swather with his back to the viewer, the farmer looks on as five saucer-shaped objects lift off after hovering above the tall grass. The vapour emitted by these objects, as well as the radioactive material deposited on the circular patterns that formed beneath them, are visible when the black light paint technology is activated. The obverse features a radial pattern behind the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Steve Hepburn, Artist …  I stepped into the eyewitness’s shoes, attempting to envision the awe and disbelief he must have experienced when his morning routine was disrupted by the peculiar sight of five metallic domes hovering just a few metres away. The initial amazement must have quickly turned into fear as he grappled with the realization of what he was witnessing. Talk about a life-changing event.

Chris Rutkowski, Science Writer and Journalist …  The strange circular swirls in vegetation that were said to be left behind by UFOs near Langenburg, Saskatchewan, in 1974, predated the many “crop circles” discovered in British fields several years later. RCMP investigation failed to definitively explain what the eyewitness had seen, nor what created the “UFO landing site.”

2024 … $20 Fine Silver Coin –  Snowflake

Enjoy the distinct winter sparkle of our second Snowflake coin. Our Snowflake series continues with another exquisite snowflake shape dotted with a sparkling crystal! This second hexagon coin features a magnified view of another classic stellar dendrite, which is the most common type of snow crystal, but each star-shaped form varies according to atmospheric conditions. Re-created in 99.99% pure silver, this particular snow crystal, which would have formed at temperatures around -15 degrees Celsius, is elaborately ornamented with distinct markings on a hexagonal motif that provide the illusion of symmetry, while the ice-blue crystal at its centre evokes the crisp winter sparkle of freshly fallen snow.

Face Value: 20 Dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with a light blue crystal; Mintage: 7,500; Weight: 32.41 g; Diameter: 42 mm,  Edge: Plain; Finish: Reverse Proof; Artist: Don Komarechka (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Graphic paperboard case.

DID YOU KNOW? …  ***Snow can appear blue depending on how the light hits all those tiny ice crystals. The multiple ice surfaces act like mirrors, reflecting and scattering the light, sometimes in a way that causes our eyes to perceive a blue hue.

Your coin’s reverse features a magnified view of a stellar dendrite ice crystal captured by Canadian photographer Don Komarechka and intricately reproduced by Royal Canadian Mint engravers. The coin’s proof finish directs light onto the six engraved branches (or arms) and the hexagonal motif, while the light blue crystal at the centre adds icy winter sparkle. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Steven Rosati.

Don Komarechka, Artist/Photographer …  “A frigid Canadian winter is full of hidden beauty. Within the quiet and frozen night, snowflakes gently fall when no one notices. Stepping out a few feet from my door, countless millions of pristine crystals fall from the sky on a routine basis. It’s such a routine event that the average person pays no attention, staying warm inside waiting for the storm to pass. Those willing to explore the universe of glistening details that falls to our feet will gain a much greater appreciation of a Canadian winter; winter is the most beautiful season, and snowflakes are the proof.”

2024 … Treasured Maple Leaf: Effigies
3-Coin Set (Premium Bullion)

From one royal era to the next—get a glimpse of history with this Premium Bullion set. Issued directly by the Royal Canadian Mint, the Treasured Silver Maple Leaf is a specially packaged Premium Bullion offering that is made for marking milestones, and this three-coin Premium Bullion set is distinguished by its special commemorative theme.

By bringing together three different issues of our 1 oz. 99.99% pure silver Treasured Maple Leaf bullion coin—one from 2022, 2023 and 2024—the set is a snapshot of an extraordinary moment in time for Canadian coinage, featuring obverse designs that trace the historic transition from the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II to that of His Majesty King Charles III. Presented side-by-side in a special presentation folder, these easy-to-collect Premium Bullion coins pay homage to the longest-reigning monarch in Canada’s modern history while also marking the beginning of a new royal era.

Set Face Value: $5 each x 3 … Composition: 99.99% pure silver; Mintage: 5,500; Weight: 31.11 g; Diameter: 38 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Bullion with radial lines; Artist: Walter Ott (reverse), 2022 – Susanna Blunt (obverse), 2023 – Susanna Blunt (obverse), 2024 – Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Encapsulated in a presentation folder.

DID YOU KNOW? …  ***Featured in this set, the fourth (and final) Canadian coin effigy of Queen Elizabeth II recalls the effigy of George VI, who also chose to be portrayed without a crown—and the tradition continues with the first effigy of His Majesty King Charles III. Another coin tradition? His Majesty’s profile faces left, in the opposite direction to his predecessor.

This set consists of three different annual issues of the Treasured Maple Leaf Premium Bullion coin, each one featuring Walter Ott’s iconic Silver Maple Leaf (SML) bullion coin design on its reverse. The first coin features the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II by Canadian artist Susanna Blunt on its obverse with the date “2022,” the last year of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign. The second Treasured Maple Leaf coin was struck in 2023 and features that same effigy, but with a double-dated (“1952 2022”) transition mark that commemorates Queen Elizabeth II’s 70-year reign. The third coin in this set is the 2024 issue, which features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

2024 … $2  100th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian
Air Force Colourized Special Wrap Roll

Throughout its first century of service (1924-2024), Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) personnel have taken to the skies to assist, defend and represent Canadians, at home and abroad. As Canada’s Air Force marks its centennial, the $2 100th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force  commemorative circulation coin features a design that spans 100 years of RCAF missions, machinery and milestones. Each Colourized Special Wrap Roll contains 25 $2 coins featuring a colour-enhanced view of the RCAF roundel and the CC-130H Hercules at the centre of the coin, where they’re surrounded by engraved RCAF aircraft representing the past and present. A specially wrapped salute to 100 years of RCAF service.

Face Value: $2 … Composition: Outer ring: Three-ply nickel-plated steel; Inner core: Three-ply brass-plated aluminum bronze, with selective colour; Mintage: 20,000; Weight: 6.99 g; Diameter: 28 mm; Edge: Interrupted serrations; Finish: Circulation; Artist: Pui Yan Fong (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse).

DID YOU KNOW? …  ***The RCAF was formed on April 1, 1924, just 15 years after the first powered, controlled, heavier-than-air flight in Canada in 1909—a reminder of how quickly aviation evolved. ***One of the RCAF’s predecessors, the Canadian Air Force, was first granted permission to use the (British) Royal Air Force’s Blue Ensign in 1921, and this was extended to the RCAF upon its formation. Since 1946, RCAF aircraft have been marked with a uniquely Canadian roundel design, which is featured on this $2 coin and many other 2024 RCAF Centennial coins.

Designed by Toronto-based illustrator Pui Yan Fong, the coin’s reverse spans 100 years of Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) history, represented by stylized depictions of aircraft flown by RCAF personnel past and present. The inner core features the RCAF roundel above a Model H of the CC-130 Hercules that has been the mainstay of the RCAF transport fleet for over 60 years; the upward angle of the Hercules is a nod to the RCAF motto, Sic itur ad astra («Such is the pathway to the stars”), while the double dates “1924 2024” commemorate the RCAF Centennial. Eight current and historical RCAF aircraft appear on the outer ring, from top to bottom: the Finch Mk. II, CSR-123 Otter, F-86 Sabre Mk. 6 and CF-100 Canuck Mk. 5 on the left side; and on the right, the CT-114 Tutor, CC-115 Buffalo, CF-188 Hornet and CH-146 Griffon helicopter. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

2024 … $2  100th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian
Air Force Non-colourized Special Wrap Roll

Throughout its first century of service (1924-2024), Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) personnel have taken to the skies to assist, defend and represent Canadians, both at home and abroad. As Canada’s Air Force marks its centennial, the $2 commemorative circulation coin features a design that spans 100 years of RCAF missions, machinery and milestones. Each Non-colourized Special Wrap Roll contains 25 engraved-only $2 coins featuring historic RCAF aircraft, past and present, that have been used to perform different roles throughout the RCAF’s first century of service—from air defence to search-and-rescue efforts. A specially wrapped salute to 100 years of RCAF service.

Face Value: $2 … Composition: Outer ring: Three-ply nickel-plated steel; Inner core: Three-ply brass-plated aluminum bronze; Mintage: 10,000; Weight: 6.99 g; Diameter: 28 mm; Edge: Interrupted serrations; Finish: Circulation; Artist: Pui Yan Fong (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse).

DID YOU KNOW? … ***The RCAF was formed on April 1, 1924, just 15 years after the first powered, controlled, heavier-than-air flight in Canada in 1909—a reminder of how quickly aviation evolved. ***One of the RCAF’s predecessors, the Canadian Air Force, was first granted permission to use the (British) Royal Air Force’s Blue Ensign in 1921, and this was extended to the RCAF upon its formation. Since 1946, RCAF aircraft have been marked with a uniquely Canadian roundel design, which is featured on this $2 coin and many other 2024 RCAF Centennial coins.

Designed by Toronto-based illustrator Pui Yan Fong, the coin’s reverse spans 100 years of Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) history, represented by stylized depictions of aircraft flown by RCAF personnel past and present. The inner core features the RCAF roundel above a Model H of the CC-130 Hercules that has been the mainstay of the RCAF transport fleet for over 60 years; the upward angle of the Hercules is a nod to the RCAF motto, Sic itur ad astra («Such is the pathway to the stars”), while the double dates “1924 2024” commemorate the RCAF Centennial. Eight current and historical RCAF aircraft appear on the outer ring, from top to bottom: the Finch Mk. II, CSR-123 Otter, F-86 Sabre Mk. 6 and CF-100 Canuck Mk. 5 on the left side; and on the right, the CT-114 Tutor, CC-115 Buffalo, CF-188 Hornet and CH-146 Griffon helicopter. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
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