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Bulletin # 266 … November 2024 – Listopad 2024 … Newsletter by Robert E. Owczarz



TROYAK EXECUTIVE TEAM is informing all members, colleagues, collectors, and Polonia at large, that Club meetings taking place at John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd. (just south of Hwy. 403), Mississauga, Ontario. The new members are always welcome.

ADRES SPOTKAÑ KLUBOWYCH ! Zarząd Główny Klubu “Troyak” informuje wszystkich członków kolekcjonerów, sympatyków oraz całą Polonię, że spotkania klubowe odbywają się w Polskim Centrum Kultury im. Jana Pawła II, przy 4300 Cawthra Rd. (na południe od autostrady 403), Mississauga, Ontario. Zapraszamy nowych członków do prężnego. Klubu “Troyak”.


Sunday  24th November 2024     @       4:30 p.m.

Sunday – 1st December 2024 @ 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mississauga Coin & Stamp Show 

December 2024 … Happy Holidays!

Sunday  12th  January 2025  AGM

Sunday  26th  January 2025

Sunday  23rd  February 2025

Sunday – 2nd March 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mississauga Coin & Stamp Show

Sunday  30th  March 2025

Sunday  27th  April 2025

Sunday  25th  May 2025

Sunday  22nd  June 2025

July 2025  & August 2025
Summer break … Letnie wakacje …

Polskie dworce kolejowe – Gdańsk Główny
Polish Railway Stations – Gdańsk Główny

30-09-2024 … Na kartce w prawym górnym rogu strony adresowej kartek nadrukowano znak opłaty pocztowej, na którym wzdłuż prawej krawędzi umieszczono napis: Polska oraz oznaczenie wartości: A, oraz fotografię wnętrza dworca kolejowego Gdańsk Główny.  W części ilustracyjnej umieszczono fotografię budynku dworca kolejowego w Gdańsku, a w górnej części napis: Polskie dworce kolejowe – Gdańsk Główny. W projekcie datownika przedstawiono zegar dworcowy. Wartość nominalna znaku opłaty pocztowej z oznaczeniem literowym A odpowiada wartości nominalnej znaczka pocztowego używanego do uiszczenia opłaty za ekonomiczną przesyłkę listową nierejestrowaną, w tym kartkę pocztową, w obrocie krajowym, w formacie S. Nominał znaczka: A; Autor projektu: Paweł Myszka; Nakład: 5 000 szt.; Format całostki: 148x105mm; Technika druku: Offset.

The postage mark was printed on the card in the upper right corner of the address side of the card, with the inscription along the right edge: Poland and the value denomination: A, and a photograph of the interior of the railroad station in Gdańsk. A photograph of the railroad station building in Gdańsk was placed in the illustration section, and an inscription at the top: Polish railroad stations – Gdańsk Główny. The postmark design depicts the station clock. The nominal value of the postage mark with the letter designation A corresponds to the nominal value of the postage stamp used to pay for an economy unregistered letter mail item, including a postcard, in domestic circulation, in S format. Denomination: A; Designer: Paweł Myszka; Printing techniques: Offset; Print run: 5 000 pcs.; Stationery size: 148x105mm.

Polskie dworce kolejowe – Szklarska Poręba
Polish Railway Stations – Szklarska Poręba

30-09-2024 … Na kartce w prawym górnym rogu strony adresowej kartek nadrukowano znak opłaty pocztowej, na którym wzdłuż prawej krawędzi umieszczono napis: Polska oraz oznaczenie wartości: A, oraz fotografię wnętrza dworca kolejowego w Szklarskiej Porębie. W części ilustracyjnej umieszczono fotografię budynku dworca kolejowego w Szklarskiej Porębie, a w górnej części napis: Polskie dworce kolejowe – Szklarska Poręba. W projekcie datownika przedstawiono zegar dworcowy. Wartość nominalna znaku opłaty pocztowej z oznaczeniem literowym A odpowiada wartości nominalnej znaczka pocztowego używanego do uiszczenia opłaty za ekonomiczną przesyłkę listową nierejestrowaną, w tym kartkę pocztową, w obrocie krajowym, w formacie S. Nominał znaczka: A; Autor projektu: Paweł Myszka; Nakład: 5 000 szt.; Format całostki: 148x105mm; Technika druku: Offset.

The postage mark was printed on the card in the upper right corner of the address side of the card, with the inscription along the right edge: Poland and the value denomination: A, and a photograph of the interior of the railroad station in Szklarska Poreba. A photograph of the railroad station building in Szklarska Poreba was placed in the illustration section, and an inscription at the top: Polish railroad stations – Szklarska Poreba. The postmark design depicts the station clock. The nominal value of the postage mark with the letter designation A corresponds to the nominal value of the postage stamp used to pay for an economy unregistered letter mail item, including a postcard, in domestic circulation, in S format. Denomination: A; Designer: Paweł Myszka; Printing techniques: Offset; Print run: 5 000 pcs.; Stationery size: 148x105mm.

Polskie dworce kolejowe – Rabka Zdrój
Polish Railway Stations – Rabka Zdrój

30-09-2024 … Na kartce w prawym górnym rogu strony adresowej kartek nadrukowano znak opłaty pocztowej, na którym wzdłuż prawej krawędzi umieszczono napis: Polska oraz oznaczenie wartości: A, oraz fotografię wnętrza dworca kolejowego w Rabce-Zdroju.  W części ilustracyjnej umieszczono fotografię budynku dworca kolejowego w Rabce-Zdroju, a w górnej części napis: Polskie dworce kolejowe – Rabka-Zdrój. W projekcie datownika przedstawiono zegar dworcowy. Wartość nominalna znaku opłaty pocztowej z oznaczeniem literowym A odpowiada wartości nominalnej znaczka pocztowego używanego do uiszczenia opłaty za ekonomiczną przesyłkę listową nierejestrowaną, w tym kartkę pocztową, w obrocie krajowym, w formacie S. Nominał znaczka: A; Autor projektu: Paweł Myszka; Nakład: 5 000 szt.; Format całostki: 148x105mm; Technika druku: Offset.

The postage mark was printed on the card in the upper right corner of the address side of the card, with the inscription along the right edge: Poland and the value denomination: A, and a photograph of the interior of the railroad station in Rabka-Zdrój. A photograph of the railroad station building in Rabka-Zdrój was placed in the illustration section, and an inscription at the top: Polish railroad stations – Rabka-Zdrój. The postmark design depicts the station clock. The nominal value of the postage mark with the letter designation A corresponds to the nominal value of the postage stamp used to pay for an economy unregistered letter mail item, including a postcard, in domestic circulation, in S format. Denomination: A; Designer: Paweł Myszka; Printing techniques: Offset; Print run: 5 000 pcs.; Stationery size: 148x105mm.

Światowy Dzień Zdrowia Psychicznego
World Mental Health Day

Wartość znaczka: 4.90 zl; Liczba znaczków: 1; Nakład: 144,000; Technika druku/papier: Offset / fluorescencyjny; autor projektu znaczka: Bozydar Grozdew; Format: 43×31.25 mm; Arkusz sprzedażny: 12; Koperta pierwszego dnia obiegu:1; Data wprowadzenia do obiegu: 10.X. 2024.

Postage stamp worth PLN 4,90 entered into circulation, featuring a graphic that symbolically emphasizes the importance of mental health in human life. World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organization with members and contacts in more than 150 countries.

Pamięci więźniów warszawskiego Pawiaka

Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem państwa odpowiadającym za politykę pieniężną i stabilność cen. Jego funkcje określa Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ustawa o NBP. NBP ma wyłączne prawo emisji pieniądza. Jako bank centralny nie prowadzi rachunków bankowych obywateli, nie przyjmuje od nich lokat, nie udziela kredytów. Prowadzi natomiast obsługę budżetu państwa, a także podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. Gromadzi rezerwy walutowe państwa i zarządza nimi. Pełni funkcję banku banków, tworząc warunki do działania systemu bankowego. Jest również jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków naukowo-analitycznych w dziedzinie ekonomii i rynków finansowych.

Emisja wartości kolekcjonerskich stanowi okazję do upamiętniania ważnych historycznych rocznic i postaci oraz do rozwijania zainteresowań polską kulturą, nauką i tradycją. 21 sierpnia 2024 roku Narodowy Bank Polski wprowadził do obiegu srebrną monetę o nominale 10 zł „Pamięci więźniów warszawskiego Pawiaka”.

Nominał: 10 zł … metal: Ag 999/1000;  stempel: lustrzany, selektywne złocenie;  średnica: 32,00 mm;  masa: 14,14 g;  brzeg (bok): gładki;  nakład: do 10 000 szt.;  Projektant: Grzegorz Pfeifer;  Emitent: NBP; Na zlecenie NBP monety wyprodukowała Mennica Polska SA.

Na rewersie monety zaprezentowano Pomnik Drzewa Pawiackiego na tle krat więziennych. Na awersie umieszczono fragment wejścia do Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak.

Więzienie Pawiak – symbol walki o niepodległość kilku pokoleń Polaków – funkcjonowało w latach 1835–1944. Jego mury izolowały osadzonych będących w zdecydowanej większości więźniami politycznymi, którzy najpierw podjęli walkę z rosyjskim zaborcą, a później – z niemieckim okupantem. Decyzja o budowie placówki zapadła w 1829 r.W latach 1830–1836 trwały prace budowlane, zaś pierwszych więźniów osadzono tam w 1835 r. Nowo powstały budynek był usytuowany między ulicami: Dzielną, nieistniejącą dziś Więzienną oraz Pawią, od której nazwy przyjęło się zwyczajowe określenie obejmujące nie tylko budynek, ale i cały kompleks więzienny. W latach 80. XIX w. pojawiła się konieczność wyodrębnienia na Pawiaku oddziału żeńskiego, na który zaadaptowano sąsiedni dwupiętrowy budynek sądów.

Kiedy wybuchła wojna rosyjsko-turecka, potocznie zwana serbską, mieścił się w nim szpital dla przywożonych z tamtego frontu rosyjskich żołnierzy, przez co w latach późniejszych oddział żeński zaczęto nazywać Serbią. Początkowo za mury Pawiaka trafiali więźniowie kryminalni, polityczni zaś byli kierowani do X Pawilonu Cytadeli Warszawskiej. Sytuacja zmieniła się po wybuchu w 1863 r. powstania styczniowego, kiedy mury cytadeli nie mogły pomieścić wszystkich aresztowanych. Wówczas zapadła decyzja o konieczności osadzania więźniów politycznych na Pawiaku. Najtragiczniejszy w dziejach więzienia był czas II wojny światowej. Wówczas w jego murach przetrzymywano schwytanych członków podziemia oraz przypadkowych przechodniów aresztowanych na ulicy w trakcie łapanek. Na Pawiak trafiały nie tylko pojedyncze osoby, mężczyźni bądź kobiety, lecz także całe rodziny z małymi dziećmi oraz przyszłe matki w zaawansowanej ciąży.

Od października 1939 r. do sierpnia 1944 r. przez Pawiak przeszło około 100 tys. osób, z czego 37 tys. zginęło w tzw. warszawskim pierścieniu śmierci (Palmiry, Magdalenka, Las Kabacki, Wólka Węglowa, Wydmy Łuże, Rembertów, Wawer, okolice Jabłonny), a później w ruinach getta. Blisko 60 tys. więźniów wywieziono do obozów koncentracyjnych: Auschwitz-Birkenau, Stutthofu, Majdanka, Ravensbrück. 21 sierpnia 1944 r., w ramach zaplanowanej ucieczki z Warszawy przed zbliżającym się frontem, Niemcy wysadzili w powietrze kompleks więzienny Pawiaka. Wśród wielu dowodów zbrodni, które zostały pochłonięte przez ruiny, znalazła się również kartoteka więźniów, dlatego prawdopodobnie nigdy nie poznamy imion i nazwisk wszystkich osób więzionych w pawiackich murach. Ważne jest jednak to, że mimo upływu lat pamięć o ofiarach tego strasznego miejsca jest wciąż kultywowana. Informacja:  Joanna Gierczyńska.

In Memory of Warsaw Pawiak Prison Inmates

Narodowy Bank Polski is the central bank of the State, responsible for its monetary policy and price stability. The Bank’s functions are described in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Act on NBP. NBP holds the exclusive right to issue the currency of the Republic of Poland. As the central bank, it does not provide accounts for the general public, accept deposits from or extend loans to individuals. It acts as a banker to the State budget and public sector entities. NBP also holds and manages the foreign exchange reserves of the State. Finally, it functions as a banker to banks, creating conditions for the operation of the Polish banking system. Narodowy Bank Polski is one of the most important research and analytical centres in the fields of economics and financial markets.

Issuing collector items is an occasion to commemorate important historic figures and anniversaries, as well as to develop the interest of the public in Polish culture, science and tradition. On 21 August 2024, Narodowy Bank Polski issued into circulation a silver coin “In Memory of Warsaw Pawiak Prison Inmates”, with a face value of 10 złoty.

Face value: 10 zł … Metal: Ag 999/1000; Finish: proof, selective gilding;  Diameter: 32.00 mm;  Weight: 14.14 g;  Edge (side): plain;  Mintage: up to 10,000 pcs;  Designer: Grzegorz Pfeifer;  Issuer: Narodowy Bank Polski; The coins, commissioned by Narodowy Bank Polski, were struck by Mennica Polska SA.

The reverse of the coin depicts the Monument Tree of Pawiak against the background of prison bars. The obverse features a fragment of the entrance to the Pawiak Prison Museum.

Pawiak Prison – a symbol of the struggle for independence of several generations of Poles – functioned from 1835 to 1944. Its walls isolated inmates, the vast majority of whom were political prisoners who first took up arms against the Russian invaders, and later – against the German occupiers. The decision to build the institution was taken in 1829. Construction lasted from 1830 to 1836 and the first inmates were incarcerated there in 1835. The newly erected building was located between Dzielna Street, now defunct Więzienna Street, and Pawia Street, from whose name the customary term “Pawiak” came to apply to not only the building, but also to the entire prison complex. In the 1880s, a need arose for a female ward in Pawiak, for which the neighbouring two-storey court building was adapted.

When the Russo-Turkish War, commonly referred to as the Serbian War, broke out, it housed a hospital for Russian soldiers brought in from the front, and so in the following years the female ward came to be known as Serbia. Initially, criminal prisoners were sent to Pawiak, while political prisoners were put in the 10th Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel. The situation changed after the outbreak of the January Uprising in 1863, when the citadel walls could not accommodate all the detainees. Then, a decision was made to send political prisoners to Pawiak. The most tragic time in the history of the prison was the period of World War II. It was then that captured members of the underground and random passersby arrested on the street during roundups were held within its walls. Not only individuals, men or women, were sent to Pawiak, but also entire families with small children and expectant mothers in advanced pregnancy.

Between October 1939 and August 1944, around 100,000 people were imprisoned in Pawiak, of whom 37,000 died in the so-called Warsaw death ring (Palmiry, Magdalenka, Las Kabacki, Wólka Węglowa, Wydmy Łuże, Rembertów, Wawer, Jabłonna area), and later in the ruins of the ghetto. Nearly 60,000 prisoners were sent to concentration camps: Auschwitz-Birkenau, Stutthof, Majdanek, and Ravensbrück. On 21 August 1944, as part of a planned escape from Warsaw from the approaching front, the Germans blew up the Pawiak prison complex. The compelling body of evidence of the crimes that was buried in the ruins included the register of its inmates. Therefore, we will probably never know the names of all individuals held in Pawiak prison. What is important, however, is that despite the passage of time, the memory of the victims of this terrible place is still cultivated. Info: Joanna Gierczyńska.

80. rocznica wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego

25 lipca 2024 … Narodowy Bank Polski emitował banknot kolekcjonerski upamiętniający powstańców warszawskich i wspierającą ich ludność cywilną. Narodowy Bank Polski poinformował, że od jutra będzie dostępny w sprzedaży banknot kolekcjonerski „80. rocznica wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego”.

Banknot o nominale 20 zł ma wymiary 150 mm x 77 mm, jego nakład wynosi do 80 000 sztuk. Na banknocie zaprezentowano symboliczny obraz zrywu niepodległościowego z 1944 r.: na przedniej stronie zwycięstwo polskich żołnierzy, którzy mimo słabego uzbrojenia i osamotnienia w walce potrafili wygrywać z niemieckim okupantem, choćby zdobywając budynek PAST-y. Na odwrotnej stronie – ludność cywilną modlącą się podczas jednej z polowych mszy św., odprawianych głównie na podwórkach warszawskich kamienic. Widniejący na banknocie symbol Polski Walczącej – wszechobecny na murach i pomnikach powstańczej stolicy – był znakiem nadziei na odzyskanie niepodległości Ojczyzny.

W 80. rocznicę wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego wspominamy heroizm zarówno żołnierzy tego bezprecedensowego zrywu niepodległościowego, jak i ludności cywilnej miasta, która wspierała powstańców, a jednocześnie była narażona na działania wojenne toczone na ulicach stolicy.

Warszawa walczyła przez 63 dni (od 1 sierpnia do 3 października 1944 r.). Po raz pierwszy od jesieni 1939 r. ujawniono wtedy podziemne struktury państwowe. Polska znów żyła! Powstanie Warszawskie było kulminacyjną, a jednocześnie ostatnią podjętą przez Polskie Państwo Podziemne próbą otwartej walki zbrojnej o niepodległość Polski z okupantem niemieckim, a pod względem politycznym – także z Sowietami, gdyż powstańcze zwycięstwo miało przypisać podziemnym władzom rolę gospodarza terytorium, na które wkraczała Armia Czerwona. Cele te nie zostały osiągnięte. Przegrano walkę. Wydawało się też wówczas, że na zawsze przegrano niepodległość.

Ciężar odpowiedzialności za decyzję o zrywie spoczął na dowódcach powstania z gen. Tadeuszem Komorowskim „Borem” na czele. Historycy szacują, że podczas walk, nalotów, ostrzałów artyleryjskich, a także masakr przeprowadzanych przez oddziały niemieckie na ludności cywilnej zginęło od 150 tys. do 200 tys. osób – żołnierzy Armii Krajowej oraz cywilnych mieszkańców miasta.

Niemcy, na skutek systematycznego wyburzania i nalotów, obrócili w gruzowisko 85 proc. przedwojennej zabudowy Warszawy, pozostałą wśród ruin ludność wypędzili z miasta, a żołnierzy osadzili w obozach. Zginął kwiat młodzieży polskiej, przyszłej elity narodu.

Ponieważ powstańczy dramat Polski był tak dojmujący, a powojenny werdykt przywódców zwycięskich mocarstw tak niesprawiedliwy, wolni od 35 lat Polacy obchodzą co roku dzień wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego z należnym, głębokim szacunkiem dla bohaterów zrywu. Powstańcy wykazali się bowiem niezwykłym poświęceniem i patriotyzmem, a odwagi dodawała im wiara.

80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising

July 25, 2024 … The National Bank of Poland issued a collector’s banknote commemorating the Warsaw insurgents and the civilians who supported them. The National Bank of Poland announced that the collector’s banknote “80th Anniversary of the Outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising” is available now for sale. The 20 PLN banknote measures 150 mm x 77 mm and has a circulation of up to 80,000 pieces. 

The banknote presents a symbolic image of the independence uprising of 1944: on the front side, the victory of Polish soldiers, who, despite poor armament and loneliness in combat, managed to win against the German occupiers, for example by capturing the PAST building. On the reverse side, among others, civilians praying during one of the field masses, held mainly in the courtyards of Warsaw tenement houses. The symbol of Fighting Poland on the banknote – omnipresent on the walls and monuments of the insurgent capital – was a sign of hope for regaining the independence of the Homeland.

On the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising, we commemorate the heroism of both the soldiers of this unprecedented independence uprising and the civilian population of the city who supported the insurgents and were at the same time exposed to military operations fought on the streets of the capital.

Warsaw fought for 63 days (from August 1 to October 3, 1944). For the first time since the autumn of 1939, underground state structures were revealed. Poland was alive again! The Warsaw Uprising was the culmination and at the same time the last attempt by the Polish Underground State to openly fight for the independence of Poland against the German occupier, and in political terms – also against the Soviets, because the uprising victory was to assign the underground authorities the role of the host of the territory that the Red Army was entering. These goals were not achieved. The fight was lost. It also seemed at that time that independence had been lost forever.

The burden of responsibility for the decision to start the uprising fell on the commanders of the uprising, led by General Tadeusz Komorowski “Bór”. Historians estimate that during the fighting, air raids, artillery fire, and massacres carried out by German troops on the civilian population, between 150,000 and 200,000 people died – soldiers of the Home Army and civilian residents of the city.

The Germans, as a result of systematic demolitions and air raids, reduced 85 percent of Warsaw’s pre-war buildings to rubble, expelled the remaining population from the city among the ruins, and placed soldiers in camps. The flower of Polish youth, the future elite of the nation, perished. Because the Polish uprising drama was so overwhelming, and the post-war verdict of the leaders of the victorious powers so unjust, Poles, who have been free for 35 years, celebrate the day of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising every year with due, deep respect for the heroes of the uprising. The insurgents showed extraordinary sacrifice and patriotism, and their courage was given them by their faith.

Banknot obiegowy o nominale 500 zł

Na banknocie o wartości nominalnej 500 zł znajduje się portret króla Jana III Sobieskiego.Na odwrotnej stronie znajduje się orzeł w koronie oraz pałac w Wilanowie.

Charakterystyczne elementy banknotu 500 zł to: ***wymiary: 150 x 75 mm; ***znak wodny z cyfrowym oznaczeniem nominału widoczny pod światło na niezadrukowanym polu; ***nitka zabezpieczająca (okienkowa), której fragmenty są widoczne na powierzchni strony przedniej banknotu, w całości jest widoczna pod światło; ***korona w owalu, której pełny obraz tworzy się podczas oglądania banknotu pod światło; ***liczba „500” widoczna, w zależności od kąta patrzenia, w prawej części portretu władcy; ***szyszak husarski płynnie zmieniający barwę z zielonej na niebieską: ***wyczuwalne w dotyku elementy na stronie przedniej: portret władcy, podpisy Prezesa oraz Głównego Skarbnika NBP, godło Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, napis „Warszawa” i data emisji, oznaczenie dla osób niewidomych w postaci dwóch pionowych linii złożonych z drobnych kwadratów oraz układu linii na krótszych krawędziach banknotu, napis „NARODOWY BANK POLSKI”, cyfrowe oznaczenie nominału, górny pas z prawej strony portretu. Na stronie odwrotnej: główny element szaty graficznej, słowne oznaczenie nominału, cyfrowe oznaczenie nominału, napis „NARODOWY BANK POLSKI”, klauzula prawna, pas u dołu banknotu.

Circulation banknote with a face value of 500 PLN

The 500 PLN banknote features a portrait of King Jan III Sobieski. On the reverse side there is an eagle with a crown and the Wilanów Palace.

The characteristic elements of the 500 PLN banknote are: ***dimensions: 150 x 75 mm; ***watermark with digital value visible against the light on an unprinted field; ***the security thread (window), fragments of which are visible on the surface of the front side of the banknote, is fully visible when held up to the light; ***an oval crown, the full image of which is created when the banknote is held up to the light; ***the number “500” is visible, depending on the viewing angle, in the right part of the ruler’s portrait; ***a hussar helmet that smoothly changes color from green to blue; ***tactile elements on the front: portrait of the ruler, signatures of the President and Chief Treasurer of the NBP, coat of arms of the Republic of Poland, the inscription “Warszawa” and the date of issue, marking for the blind in the form of two vertical lines made up of small squares and an arrangement of lines on the shorter edges of the banknote, the inscription “NARODOWY BANK POLSKI”, the digital value, the upper band on the right side of the portrait. On the reverse: the main element of the graphic design, the word value, the digital value, the inscription “NARODOWY BANK POLSKI”, legal clause, the band at the bottom of the banknote.

Norman Jewison 2024 stamps booklet

This stamp issue continues Canada Post’s longstanding tradition of honouring the many talented Canadians who have contributed significantly to the entertainment industry – both at home and internationally. Norman Jewison joins such past stamp honourees as legendary actors Fay Wray, Mary Pickford and Christopher Plummer, comedic stars Marie Dressler and Jim Carrey, director-screenwriter Denys Arcand and many more.

The genre-spanning resumé of Toronto-born filmmaker Norman Jewison (1926-2024) reads like an anthology of some of the most popular and powerful movies of our time. His films won a dozen Academy Awards, including five for the racially charged thriller In the Heat of the Night (1967), three for the musical Fiddler on the Roof (1971) and three for the romantic comedy Moonstruck (1987). The same trio of movies also earned him Oscar nominations for Best Director. The racism and antisemitism Jewison observed in the world around him fuelled his interest in exploring the themes of civil rights and social justice through his work. Although he initially pursued acting, his success as a television director launched his transition to the big screen in the early 1960s. Over his long career, he made some 60 films and television productions, received four Oscar nominations for Best Picture and won the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award for his outstanding body of work. A Companion of the Order of Canada, Jewison also founded the Canadian Film Centre, a charitable organization dedicated to nurturing Canadian talent.

About the design …  The front of the stamp booklet is a close-up of the stamp image, which features a photo of Jewison at the Canadian Film Centre in Toronto in 2007. The inside of the booklet features the six stamps and a photograph of Jewison taken in 1979 by Bob Olsen (Toronto Star, Getty Images). Stamp Designer: Russell Gibbs, Russell Gibbs Design; Quantity Produced: 900,000; Issue Date: July 24, 2024.

The Official First Day Cover pays tribute to genre-spanning filmmaker Norman Jewison, C.C. (1926-2024). This Official First Day cover was issued on July 24, the month in which Jewison was born. There were 5,000 covers printed for this issue. The front of the OFDC features a photograph of Jewison in 1979 by Bob Olsen (Toronto Star, Getty Images). The cancel mark is Jewison’s signature. Stamp Designer: Russell Gibbs, Russell Gibbs Design; Issue Date: July 24, 2024.

Sarah McLachlan:
booklet of 6 Permanent™ stamps

This booklet of 6 Permanent™ stamps pays tribute to pays tribute to singer-songwriter Sarah McLachlan (b. 1968 in Halifax, Nova Scotia). The Sarah McLachlan stamp was issued on September 17, 2024. There were 130,000 booklets of 6 Permanent™ stamps printed for this issue, for a total of 780,000 stamps.

About Sarah McLachlan … Known for her emotional ballads and hauntingly soulful vocals, singer-songwriter and musician Sarah McLachlan (b. 1968 in Halifax, Nova Scotia) has sold more than 40 million albums worldwide. The JUNO and Grammy award-winning artist – who is classically trained in guitar, piano and voice – has described creating music as a cathartic process of self-discovery.

McLachlan released her first studio album at age 20, after moving to Vancouver, British Columbia. She has since issued eight more, including Surfacing, which reached number one in Canada and achieved multi-platinum status. McLachlan’s unique fusion of pop and folk has spawned such hits as “Building a Mystery,” “Sweet Surrender” and “Angel.”

In 1997, she launched the exclusively female-fronted Lilith Fair concert tour, which helped bolster careers and raised more than $7 million for women’s charities. McLachlan has been an advocate for animal rights and is the founder of the non-profit Sarah McLachlan School of Music, which provides free music education and mentorship to children and youth facing various barriers to access. She was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada and inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame.

About the design … The booklet cover is a rearrangement of the components of the stamp design. The stamp design features a photo of Sarah McLachlan that was used to promote the CTV television show The Launch in 2019. A stylized version of McLachlan’s signature appears in the foreground, while the background features a detail from her hand silk-screened art print Blue Sunrays. The inside of the booklet features the six stamps and a photograph of McLachlan taken by Robert Stanzione. Stamp Designer:  Jocelyne Saulnier, Joce Creative; Quantity Produced: 780,000;  Issue Date: September 17, 2024.

Sarah McLachlan: Official First Day Cover … The Official First Day Cover pays tribute to singer-songwriter Sarah McLachlan (b. 1968 in Halifax, Nova Scotia). It is cancelled in Vancouver, British Columbia – her longtime place of residence. This Official First Day cover was issued on September 17, 2024.There were 7,000 covers printed for this issue.

About the Sarah McLachlan stamp issue … Canada Post has a long history of honouring Canadian musicians for their contributions to the nation’s arts and culture, as well as for their philanthropic pursuits. Sarah McLachlan joins such past honourees as Bryan Adams, Stompin’ Tom Connors, Robert Charlebois, k.d. lang, Renée Martel and Salome Bey, among many others.

The front and back of the OFDC feature photographs by David Bergman of McLachlan performing at the Beacon Theatre in New York City in July 2014. In the background of both is part of an illustration by McLachlan. The front also includes the Sarah McLachlan stamp, cancelled in Vancouver, British Columbia, where McLachlan has been a longtime resident. The stamp features a photo of Sarah McLachlan that was used to promote the CTV television show The Launch in 2019. A stylized version of McLachlan’s signature appears in the foreground, while the background features a detail from her hand silk-screened art print Blue Sunrays. The stamp was cancelled on September 17. The cancel mark is from the logo of the Sarah McLachlan School of Music. Cancellation Site: Vancouver, BC; Stamp Designer: Jocelyne Saulnier, Joce Creative; Quantity Produced: 7000; Issue Date: September 17, 2024.

From Far and Wide (Part 4):
Abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac (QC)

Mark the release of the 2024 From Far and Wide stamp issue with the Abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac (QC) Postage-paid Postcard, for mailing worldwide. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – to places near and far. The series celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. Collect all nine Postage-paid Postcards from the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue. Postage Paid Postcards can be mailed from Canada to anywhere in the world. From national park reserves to an historic abbey and an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These Postage Paid Postcards are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.

Abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac (QC) – Photo: Ladislas Kadyszewski …  The abbey was founded on the shores of Lac Memphrémagog in 1912 by a community of monks from Europe. The bell tower, completed in 1962, is a notable landmark in the region. The monastery is open to visitors, who can enjoy a guided tour, go apple picking and purchase products that the community crafts to support itself, including cheese, cider, fruit compotes and CDs of sacred music recorded by the monks.

About the design … The Postage Paid Postcards in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series feature breathtaking images of nine scenic locations in seven provinces and two territories, each taken by a different Canadian photographer. This Postcard features a photograph of Abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac on Lac Memphrémagog (QC) by Ladislas Kadyszewski. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Quantity Produced: 2,500; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.

From Far and Wide (Part 4):
Thousand Islands (ON)

Mark the release of the 2024 From Far and Wide stamp issue with the Thousand Islands (ON) Postage-paid Postcard, for mailing worldwide. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – to places near and far. The series celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. Collect all nine Postage-paid Postcards from the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue. Postage Paid Postcards can be mailed from Canada to anywhere in the world. From national park reserves to an historic abbey and an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These Postage Paid Postcards are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.

Thousand Islands (ON) – Photo: Ian Coristine …  The Thousand Islands are a group of some 1,800 islands in the St. Lawrence River, straddling the Canada-U.S. border in southeastern Ontario. between Kingston and Brockville. Popular for sightseeing and outdoor recreation, the islands are often explored by boat cruise, kayak, canoe or helicopter tour. The photo on the stamp shows part of the Admiralty Islands, a grouping of islands in Thousand Islands National Park, near Gananoque, Ontario.

About the design … The Postage Paid Postcards in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series feature breathtaking images of nine scenic locations in seven provinces and two territories, each taken by a different Canadian photographer. This Postcard features an aerial photograph of a grouping of islands in Thousand Islands National Park by Ian Coristine. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Quantity Produced: 2,500; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.

Fine Silver Coin – Remembrance Day

Honouring those who serve and have served. Each year on November 11, Canada pauses to honour all who serve or have served our country in times of war and peace, and our annual Remembrance Day coin keeps that spirit of gratitude and remembrance alive year-round. The 2024 edition presents a stirring visual metaphor for the more than 2,300,000 who served in Canada’s military throughout its history, including the more than 118,000 who ultimately gave their lives. Its reverse shows the red-petalled flower of Remembrance in various stages of bloom, from the poppy that proudly stands tall as a symbol of those who serve or have served, to the drooping one that pays respect to our fallen—those who are gone, but whose sacrifices will not be forgotten. Service and sacrifice, represented by red poppies.

Face Value: $20 … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with selective colour; Mintage: 7,500; Weight: 31.39 g; Diameter: 38 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist:  Anna Bucciarelli (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? …***Remembrance Day (originally Armistice Day) in Canada is observed every year on November 11, as the armistice agreement that ended the First World War came into effect at 11 a.m. on that date (“the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month”) in 1918.

The reverse design by Canadian artist Anna Bucciarelli centres on the poppy, the flower of Remembrance. Backed by stylized leaves and held together by a ribbon bearing the words “CANADA” and “2024”, the three poppies are presented in various stages of bloom: representing those who serve or have served, the tallest poppy (middle) is shown in full bloom with bold red petals that symbolize strength and life; pointing downward, another selectively coloured poppy honours the fallen and signals support for those who have given so much for their country; and the third poppy, an engraved bud, symbolizes resilience, hope and renewal, even in the face of tragedy. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Steven Rosati.

Anna Bucciarelli, Artist … “The flower petals are presented in full colour, with hues ranging from vivid scarlet to more gentle shades of crimson and burgundy, adding depth and dimension to their appearance. While the leaves are stylized to allow execution in metal, the three arching stems are held together by a ribbon at the centre, each one curved slightly to echo the coin’s circular shape for maximum visual impact.”

Steven Stewart, 3D Artist-Engraver … “For 2024, we’ve moved away from depicting the poppy in its environmental or usage context to represent the life cycle of the flower as a metaphor for generational loss and the hope for rebirth. It’s elegant in its simplicity, and I think it captures the spirit of remembrance beautifully.”

Fine Silver Coin – The Cycle of Life

Carved in silver: Celebrate Kwakwaka’wakw carving and storytelling traditions. To the Kwakwaka’wakw people, art and ceremony allow them to express a connection to, and appreciation for, all the living things that sustain them—including the Salmon, believed to be immortal people who offer themselves up as food, and whose bones are returned to the waters so they may rise again to continue the cycle of life. Signifying fertility and prosperity, the Salmon is given pride of place on this 10 oz. 99.99% pure silver adaptation of an original Kwakwaka’wakw carving, where it serves as a beautifully crafted tribute to the natural cycles that sustain life, and to a revered specie that is deeply connected to all living creatures on the Northwest Coast.

Face Value: 100 Dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with yellow gold plating; Mintage: 750; Weight: 311.54 g; Diameter: 76.25 mm,  Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Junior Henderson  (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? … The engraved “knife” markings on your coin’s reverse serve to honour both the artist and the artform, which has served as an important medium for preserving Kwakwaka’wakw heritage.

Enhanced with selective gold plating and a variety of frostings, your coin’s reverse re-creates an original cedar panel carved by Kwakwaka’wakw artist Junior Henderson, complete with engraved carving marks. The design centres on an adult Salmon rendered in the Northwest Coast formline style, its form extending in a circular motion so that the head is curved over the tail. The sense of movement extends to the twisting border that surrounds the Salmon, which is depicted with child (centre right) to represent fertility, abundance and renewal. The selectively gold-plated obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Junior Henderson, Kwakwaka’wakw artist and world-class chainsaw carver … “The Salmon is significant for our people: we believe the Salmon are a people who have chosen to sacrifice themselves to us as a food source, and that twins come to us from the Salmon People. My grandparents had two sets of twins, and when you’re a twin, you’re automatically born into the Salmon Dance that is danced by our people—my grandfather composed a song for it and my aunties used to perform the dance, we’re very proud of it. While working on this design that relates to the circle of life, I was thinking about my grandfather: I’m a third-generation carver, and all my life, I wanted to be just like my grandfather, who was a big inspiration to me in many different ways—drawing, carving, singing, dancing, all of that comes from him.”

Aida Alves, 3D Artist – Engraver … “Having access to the actual wood carving shaped my perspective and approach, because it allowed me to take a closer look at all the different heights, textures, shapes and carving cuts. After experimenting with brushes and maps in my 3D sculpting programs, and using close-up photographs as a reference, I settled on intricately carving out the base model I had created in my 3D software by hand—sort of how the artist would have shaped his original wood carving, except on a smaller scale and destined for a pure silver canvas.”

25-Cent Pure Silver Coin –
Tribute: W Mint Mark – Caribou

More than any other Canadian denomination, the 25-cent coin has served as a canvas for Canadian history, having featured a number of designs that preserve the spirit of our national celebrations and commemorations. The circulation piece’s commemorative history includes notable firsts, but it is Emanuel Hahn’s caribou portrait—re-created here in 99.99% pure silver with a tailored specimen finish—that has left an indelible mark on our coinage, and it continues to resonate with Canadians and collectors worldwide. Coin #4 in this “minted in Winnipeg” series.

Face Value: 25-cents … Composition: 99.99% pure silver; Mintage: 7,500; Weight: 31.39 g; Diameter: 38 mm,  Edge: Serrated; Finish: Tailored Specimen; Artist: Emanuel Hahn (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? … Emanuel Hahn’s caribou has been a fixture on the 25-cent coin since 1937, but a few years prior, Hahn had suggested putting a caribou on a silver dollar. As part of an effort to modernize Canada’s coins, Hahn’s concept was re-visited in 1936 but it was intended for the 5-cent coin (as seen in the 2018 Royal Canadian Mint Coin Lore: The Coins That Never Were three-coin set). After several revisions, the design was ultimately selected to appear on the 25-cent piece.

A numismatic tribute to Canada’s 25-cent circulation piece, this all-silver coin’s reverse features Emanuel Hahn’s caribou design, along with the “W” (Winnipeg) mint mark denoting where this coin was struck. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Struck in Winnipeg: Canada’s caribou quarter …  Over 90 different designs have graced the 25-cent coin’s reverse since 1937—the year Emanuel Hahn’s caribou design was introduced—and most of those special-themed coins were struck in Winnipeg! In 1992, the 125th Anniversary of Confederation 25-cent pieces, which featured a different design for each province and territory (12 at the time), marked the first time a single coin featured multiple designs. And in 2004, our Winnipeg plant proudly produced the world’s first coloured circulation coin, its red poppy of Remembrance made possible by a high-speed, computer-controlled inkjet process.

$50 Pure Silver Coin –
The Dragonfly and the Bloom

There’s something magical about seeing dragonflies hovering and darting through the air on a summer day—and that’s exactly what the dragonfly is doing on this 2024 movement coin. On the coin’s reverse, the 3D dragonfly and water lily are each cast in sterling silver and plated with yellow gold, evoking the sun’s warm rays. Tilt the coin and watch as the dragonfly moves around the bloom, which is fully open to reveal the water-like sparkle of a clear crystal—another feature that speaks to the enchantment of a light-filled summer day.

Face Value: 50 Dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with yellow gold plating, a clear crystal and embellishments cast in sterling silver; Mintage: 1250; Weight: 157.6 g; Diameter: 65.25 mm,  Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Ryan Poser (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Wood circular base with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? … ***Dragonflies love mosquitoes—in fact, a single dragonfly can eat more than 100 mosquitoes per day. Dragonflies use their feet to grab their insect prey, and their serrated mandibles to crush their meal (the order name Odonata means “toothed one” in Greek), all while flying. ***On overcast days, you’re less likely to see dragonflies, and sun-loving water lilies tend to keep their petals folded up, too!

Designed by RCM Engraver Ryan Poser, your coin’s reverse captures the light and magic of a summer day in a peaceful aquatic setting. A white water lily (Nymphaea odorata) blooms above engraved leaves (or pads) that lie flat on the mirror-like water surface, where gentle ripples disrupt the stillness of the scene. Surrounded by rows of petals and stamens, a clear crystal sparkles like a drop of water at the centre of the water lily, while a common whitetail dragonfly (Plathemis lydia) is on the hunt and hovers above the flower’s edge. The water lily and the dragonfly are each cast in sterling silver and plated in yellow gold; when the coin is tipped, the motion causes the dragonfly to circle around the bloom. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Rhodium-Plated Pure Silver Coin –
Discovering Dinosaurs:
Royal Horned Face

In 2005, a prehistoric snout encased in calcareous concretion was spotted in a cliff overlooking Alberta’s Oldman River. After a challenging extraction, the mostly intact skull—the one depicted on this coin—proved to be a significant discovery: its unusual mix of features, such as the set of horns and an elaborate frill, led paleontologists at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology to determine that the skull belonged to a new species of horned dinosaurs, and that ceratopsians were more diverse than previously thought! Unveiled in 2015, Regaliceratops peterhewsi makes its coin debut on this 2024 collectible, where the 69-million-year-old skull shines against the black rhodium-plated “limestone” background.

Face Value: 20 Dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with selective rhodium plating; Mintage: 8000; Weight: 31.39 g; Diameter: 38 mm,  Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Julius Csotonyi (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? … ***Its scientific name is Regaliceratops peterhewsi, and that regal genus was inspired by the dinosaur’s crown-like frill. Regaliceratops comes from the Latin word “regalis” meaning “royal” and the Greek word “ceratops” meaning “horned face,” while peterhewsi honours Peter Hews, the Canadian geologist who first discovered the skull. ***Palaeontologists from the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alta., spent three years excavating the 268.64 kg fossil depicted on your coin’s reverse. According to Dr. François Therrien, the museum’s Curator of Dinosaur Palaeoecology: “When it was being prepared at the Royal Tyrrell Museum and before it received its official scientific name, Regaliceratops was given the nickname ‘Hellboy’ because the fossil specimen had been very difficult to collect in the field and it was encased in very hard rock, making it very difficult to clean and prepare in the lab.” ***Despite being close cousins, Mercuriceratops (featured on the 2022 coin) and Regaliceratops don’t look alike. “In fact, Regaliceratops is a highly unusual ceratopsian. Although it is a member of a group of ceratopsians that possess large brow horns, a small nasal horn, and a large shield-like frill with a scalloped edge, Regaliceratops doesn’t have the same appearance as its cousin Mercuriceratops,” explains Dr. Therrien. “Instead, it mimics another group of ceratopsians that have small brow horns, a large nasal horn, and a short but elaborately ornamented frill, like  Centrosaurus and Styracosaurus.”

Designed by Canadian paleoartist Julius Csotonyi, the coin’s reverse features the fossilized skull of Regaliceratops peterhewsi, a recently discovered horned dinosaur species that lived approximately 69 million years ago. Beneath the black rhodium plating, the engraved texture represents the hard concretion that encased the skull, which was found on the banks of the Oldman River in southern Alberta. The obverse also features rhodium plating behind the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Julius Csotonyi, Paleoartist … As a biologist, I found it thrilling to illustrate the recently described horned dinosaur, Regaliceratops (“Royal Horned Face”), because its skull—possessing features from both major groups of horned dinosaurs—bears the earmarks of the process of convergent evolution, so it looks a bit like a chimeric mishmash. Illustrating its skull was no trivial task because its brow ridges, frill, and crown-gem-like epiparietal ornaments fit together at odd angles, giving it an overall boxy, stealth jet-like appearance.

Dr. François Therrien, Curator of Dinosaur Palaeoecology, Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology …  Regaliceratops is the newest addition to the big family of Canadian horned dinosaurs—in fact, Canada, and Alberta in particular, should be called the “Land of the Ceratopsians,” because nowhere else on Earth do you find as many different types of horned dinosaurs as you do here! Discovered in southwestern Alberta, Regaliceratops comes from an area where very few dinosaurs had been discovered before. It is an important fossil because it fills an important gap in the fossil record: Regaliceratops lived around 69 million years ago, a time interval during which we know very little about the dinosaurs that inhabited North America.

Pure Silver Coin – The Howling Wolf

The image of a howling wolf is a timeless one that evokes an array of feelings, from admiration of the untamed to fear of the unknown, as its mournful call carries through the moonlit night and pierces the very soul… First unveiled on the 2020 From the R&D LabFlying Loon prototype, Lifted Engraving technology is a ground-breaking innovation that turns a 2D design into 3D art, by lifting (and holding) the focal point above the rest of the engraved coin surface. This 99.99% pure silver coin is the first to use this new technology to its full potential, and its howling wolf was made possible by a proprietary process that allows for the crepuscular hunter to be lifted out of the coin to form a foreground layer, while behind it, the full moon sets the tone for a spellbinding scene.

Face Value: 30 Dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver; Mintage: 2,500; Weight: 61.3 g; Diameter: 50 mm,  Edge: Serrated; Finish: Antique finish; Artist: W. Allan Hancock (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? … ***Each month’s full moon goes by a different name, such as the Hunter’s Moon in October. January’s full moon is known as the Wolf Moon because it is popularly associated with wolves howling on a midwinter night—whether those cries are a hunting signal, an assertion of territorial boundaries, or a social call-out to other pack members. A wolf doesn’t simply howl at the moon: by lifting its head towards the sky, it projects its call so the sound carries farther.

The reverse design by artist W. Allan Hancock depicts three members of a wolf (Canis lupus) pack on a moonlit night: two of the wolves are focused on something in the distance while the third one is shown howling at the cliff’s edge, backed by the full moon. Enhanced with antique finish and Lifted Engraving technology, the shape of the howling wolf has been smoothly cut into the coin and raised above the coin’s surface to add depth to the wildlife scene. The cutaway creates a wolf silhouette within the full moon engraved on the obverse, which features an inset with the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Allan Hancock, Artist … “Whether communicating with members of its own pack or warning rival packs, the sound of the howling wolf has a purpose. While sketching ideas, I tried to consider what that purpose might be. By including a couple of wolves in the background looking outside the image, the viewer might wonder: Are other wolves howling back? The Hunter’s Moon that occurred while I was working on this design made the perfect full moon reference for this scene.”

Alicia Cook Sapene, Product Manager …  “Working with our Engineering and Engraving teams to bring this technology to its full potential was a thrilling rollercoaster of innovation and collaboration. From choosing the right theme and transforming the initial artwork into a dimensional design, to testing the technology to ensure it was a good fit, this project was a collective success story that raised the bar to reach new heights!”

Olivia Godwin, Product Engineer …  “Working on this Howling Wolf coin was very exciting and involved many engineering challenges! We utilized Lifted Engraving technology, which involves proprietary methods that allowed us to cut out and bend the Howling Wolf “up,” which makes the wolf jump right off the coin. Finally, we applied an antique finish that really brings all the design elements together—it’s truly a beautiful coin!”
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