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Bulletin # 264 … September 2024 – Wrzesień 2024 … Newsletter by Robert E. Owczarz

TROYAK EXECUTIVE TEAM is informing all members, colleagues, collectors, and Polonia at large, that Club meetings taking place at John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd. (just south of Hwy. 403), Mississauga, Ontario. The new members are always welcome.

ADRES SPOTKAÑ KLUBOWYCH ! Zarząd Główny Klubu “Troyak” informuje wszystkich członków kolekcjonerów, sympatyków oraz całą Polonię, że spotkania klubowe odbywają się w Polskim Centrum Kultury im. Jana Pawła II, przy 4300 Cawthra Rd. (na południe od autostrady 403), Mississauga, Ontario. Zapraszamy nowych członków do prężnego. Klubu “Troyak”.


TROYAK CLUB @ Roncesvalles Polish Festival 2024
Saturday, September 14th, 2024 …
Festival Hours: 11:00am to 11:00pm

Sunday, September 15th, 2024 …
Festival Hours: 11:00am to 7:00pm 

St. Casimir’s Church
Parish Hall … 156 Roncesvalles Ave. Toronto, Ontario
Stamp Exhibit … Pope John Paul II on World Stamps
Displays of Coins, Stamps, Collectibles
by Troyak Club Members.

Roncesvalles Polish Festival

Sunday  29th September 2024     @       4:30 p.m.

27th October 2024

24th November 2024

Sunday – 1st December 2024 @ 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mississauga Coin & Stamp Show


December 2024 … Happy Holidays!

Polscy medaliści olimpijscy w jeździectwie
Polish Olympic medalists in equestrianism

W dniu 26 czerwca 2024 r. została wprowadzona do obiegu kartka pocztowa z nadrukowanym znakiem opłaty pocztowej, emisji: Polscy medaliści olimpijscy w jeździectwie. Wartość nominalna znaku opłaty pocztowej z oznaczeniem literowym A odpowiada wartości nominalnej znaczka pocztowego używanego do uiszczenia opłaty za ekonomiczną przesyłkę listową nierejestrowaną, w tym kartkę pocztową, w obrocie krajowym, w formacie S. W prawym górnym rogu strony adresowej kartki nadrukowano znak opłaty pocztowej, na którym umieszczono kolejno zdjęcia: plakatu VIII Olimpiady w Paryżu, brązowego medalu, nad którym znajduje się napis: POLSKA oraz Adama Królikiewicza na koniu Picador. W prawym górnym rogu umieszczono oznaczenie wartości: A, a pod znakiem opłaty pocztowej znajduje się krótki biogram Adama Królikiewicza. W części ilustracyjnej kartki umieszczono nazwę emisji: POLSCY MEDALIŚCI OLIMPIJSCY W JEŹDZIECTWIE oraz trzy koła, a w nich zdjęcia kolejno: Adama Królikiewicza z koniem Picador, jeźdźca w trakcie wykonywania skoku i stadion olimpijski w Paryżu . Kartkę o wymiarach 148 x 105 mm wydrukowano jednostronnie, techniką offsetową, na kartonie białym, w nakładzie 3 500 sztuk. Autor projektu kartki: Agnieszka Sancewicz.

Polish Olympic medalists in equestrianism denomination: 4,90 PLN; number of stationeries in set: 1; print run: 3.500 pcs; printing technique: offset; card size: 148 x 105 mm; author: Agnieszka Sancewicz; release date: 26th June 2024.

Polacy ratujący Żydów
Poles rescuing Jews

W dniu 28 czerwca 2023 r. zostały wprowadzone do obiegu znaczki pocztowe o wartości 4,90 zł emisji “Polacy ratujący Żydów”. Na znaczkach umieszczono portrety osób, którym zostały poświęcone: na pierwszym – Katarzynę Filipek, zamordowaną przez Gestapo w marcu 1944 r.; na drugim – Franciszkę i Stanisława Kurpielów, zamordowanych przez Gestapo w czerwcu 1944 r.

Znaczek wydrukowano techniką rotograwiurą, na papierze fluorescencyjnym, w formacie znaczka 31,25 x 39,5 mm, w nakładzie 100.000 sztuk. Arkusz sprzedażny zawiera 50 znaczków. Z tej okazji zostały wydane również koperty FDC. Autorka projektów znaczków: Agata Tobolczyk; autor koloryzacji fotografii: Mirosław Szponar.

Poles rescuing Jews denomination: 4,90 PLN;  number of stamps in set: 2; print run: 100.000 pcs.; printing techniques: rotogravure;  paper: fluorescent; stamp size: 31,25 x 39,5 mm; 50 stamps in sheet; number of FDC: 2; designer: Agata Tobolczyk; photo color author: Mirosław Szponar;  circulation date: 28th June 2024.


Sztuka ulicy – Street Art
Street Art

W dniu 28 czerwca 2024 został wprowadzony do obiegu znaczek pocztowy w formie bloku o wartości 10,00 zł , emisji “Sztuka ulicy – Street Art”. Na znaczku przedstawiono zdjęcie muralu ,,Atraktor” autorstwa Krzysztofa Syrucia (Proembrion). Wzdłuż górnej krawędzi znaczka umieszczono napis: POLSKA, a w lewym dolnym rogu oznaczenie wartości: 10 zł. Znaczek wydrukowano techniką offsetową, na papierze fluorescencyjnym, w formacie: – znaczek 43 x 62,50 mm, – blok 90 x 82 mm w nakładzie 90 000 szt. Z tej okazji zostanie wydana również koperta FDC. Autor projektu znaczka: Paweł Myszka Autor muralu: Krzysztof Syruć Ekspertem, wskazanym przez Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie, którego poprosiliśmy o pomoc w tworzeniu emisji jest Pan Marcin Rutkiewicz, Prezes Fundacji Sztuki Zewnętrznej, wieloletni wybitny znawca pełnego spektrum Street Art-u w Polsce, autor licznych publikacji z tego zakresu, kurator wielu wystaw.

Autorem muralu, który został wybrany do realizacji emisji jest Pan Krzysztof Syruć. Krzysztof Syruć / Proembrion jest artystą, twórcą malarskich iluzji abstrakcyjnych przestrzeni bazujących na odkryciach z zakresu czystej matematyki, koloru i grafiki generatywnej NFT. Interesują go konstrukcje architektoniczne i miejskie formy, które podważają percepcję obserwatora. W swoich pracach używa geometrycznych figur, generatywnych struktur, odwołań do biomorfizmu i biomimikry. Fascynuje go parametryczność, generowanie nowych skomplikowanych wzorów, które pozwoliłyby zobaczyć matematykę w jej czystej postaci i tworzyć wizualny język natury. Zajmuje się działaniem na systemie rzeczywistości rozszerzonej. Konstruktor instalacji przestrzennych; współpracownik grupy projektowej CENTRALA. Absolwent Architektury na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Od 1996 roku Proembrion związany jest z polską sceną street artu. Jego prace był wielokrotnie prezentowane na wystawach, Ryan Joseph Gallery w Denver, Brain Damage Gallery w Lublinie, galerii Celal M13 w Paryżu, Kolonii Artystów w Gdańsku, czy 44309 Urban Contemporary Art w Dortmundzie. Atraktor – praca, która została wybrana do zaprezentowania w grafice emisji, powstała w ramach Traffic Design w Gdyni. Autorem zdjęcia muralu jest Pan Filip Bartnicki.

Street Art denomination: 10,00 PLN .; number of stamps in block: 1; print run: 90.000 pcs.; printing techniques: offset; paper: fluorescent;  stamp size: 43 x 62,50 mm; block size: 90 x 82 mm; number of FDC: 1; author: Robert Duczkowski; author of the mural: Krzysztof Syruć; circulation date: 28th June 2024.

100 lat Polskich Lasów Państwowych
100 Years of the Polish State Forests

W dniu 28 czerwca 2024 r. została wprowadzona do obiegu kartka pocztowa z nadrukowanym znakiem opłaty pocztowej, emisji: 100 lat Polskich Lasów Państwowych. Wartość nominalna znaku opłaty pocztowej z oznaczeniem literowym A odpowiada wartości nominalnej znaczka pocztowego używanego do uiszczenia opłaty za ekonomiczną przesyłkę listową nierejestrowaną, w tym kartkę pocztową, w obrocie krajowym, w formacie S. W prawym górnym rogu strony adresowej kartki nadrukowano znak opłaty pocztowej, na którym umieszczono fotografię Adama Loreta, pierwszego dyrektora Lasów Państwowych; w prawym górnym rogu umieszczono oznaczenie wartości: A; w prawym dolnym rogu – logo obchodów 100-lecia Lasów Państwowych, a wzdłuż lewej krawędzi – napis: POLSKA. W części ilustracyjnej kartki umieszczono nazwę emisji: 100 LAT POLSKICH LASÓW PAŃSTOWYCH, logo Lasów Państwowych i obchodów 100-lecia Lasów Państwowych oraz fotografię lasu bukowego. Kartkę o wymiarach 148 x 105 mm wydrukowano jednostronnie, techniką offsetową, na kartonie białym, w nakładzie 4 500 sztuk. Autor projektu kartki: Agnieszka Sancewicz.

100 Years of the Polish State Forests denomination: 4,90 PLN … number of stationeries in set: 1; print run: 3.500 pcs; printing technique: offset; card size: 148 x 105 mm; author: Agnieszka Sancewicz ; release date: 28th June 2024.

Polska Reprezentacja Olimpijska
na Igrzyskach XXXIII Olimpiady Paryż 2024
Polish Olympic Team at the Games
of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024

18.07.2024 …  Na znaczku przedstawiono logo TEAM PL, stanowiące element promocji Polskiej Reprezentacji na Igrzyskach XXXIII Olimpiady Paryż 2024. W prawym górnym rogu znaczka umieszczono napis: POLSKA i oznaczenie wartości: 4,90 zł.

Nominał znaczka … 4,90 zł … Format znaczka: 31,25 x 43 mm; Ilość znaczków w emisji: 1; Ilość znaczków w arkuszu: 9; Nakład: 90 000 szt.; Papier: Fluorescencyjny;  Technika druku: Offset;  Format koperty FDC: 162×113;  Koperta FDC emisji “80.rocznica Powstania Warszawskiego” Nominał znaczka:  10,00 zł;  Nakład: 126 000 szt..; Autor projektu: Poczta Polska S.A.

Polish Olympic Team at the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024 …  The stamp shows the TEAM PL logo, which is part of the promotion of the Polish National Team at the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024. Denomination: 4,90 PLN … Number of stamps in issue:1; Number of stamps in sheet: 9; Paper: Fluorescent; Printing techniques: Offset; Stamp size: 31,25 x 43 mm; Print run: 126 000 pcs; FDC size: 162×113; Designer: Poczta Polska S.A.

Polskie produkty regionalne – comber jagnięcy
Polish regional products – comber of lamb

29.07.2024 …  Na znaczku przedstawiono comber – najszlachetniejszy z elementów jagnięciny, w lewej części znaczka umieszczono znak certyfikujący: Chronione Oznaczenie Geograficzne. Na kopercie również przedstawiono comber jagnięcy i znak Chronione Oznaczenie Geograficzne.

Nominał znaczka: 4,90 zł … Ilość znaczków w emisji:1; Ilość znaczków w arkuszu: 9; Format znaczka: 43 x 31,25 mm; Papier: Fluorescencyjny; Nakład: 126 000 szt.; Technika druku: Offset; Format koperty FDC: 162×113; Autor projektu: Agnieszka Sancewicz.

Polish regional products – comber of lamb  29 July 2024 … The stamp depicts the comber – the noblest of the elements of lamb, with the certification mark on the left side of the stamp: Protected Geographical Indication. The envelope also depicts the comber of lamb and the Protected Geographic Indication mark. Denomination: 4,90 PLN; Number of stamps in issue: 1; Number of stamps in sheet: 9; Stamp size: 43 x 31,25 mm; Paper: Fluorescent; Printing techniques: Offset; Print run: 126 000 pcs; FDC size: 162×113; Designer: Agnieszka Sancewicz.

Słowacka mniejszość narodowa w Polsce

Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem państwa odpowiadającym za politykę pieniężną i stabilność cen. Jego funkcje określa Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ustawa o NBP. NBP ma wyłączne prawo emisji pieniądza. Jako bank centralny nie prowadzi rachunków bankowych obywateli, nie przyjmuje od nich lokat, nie udziela kredytów. Prowadzi natomiast obsługę budżetu państwa, a także podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. Gromadzi rezerwy walutowe państwa i zarządza nimi. Pełni funkcję banku banków, tworząc warunki do działania systemu bankowego. Jest również jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków naukowo-analitycznych w dziedzinie ekonomii i rynków finansowych.

Emisja wartości kolekcjonerskich stanowi okazję do upamiętniania ważnych historycznych rocznic i postaci oraz do rozwijania zainteresowań polską kulturą, nauką i tradycją. 12 czerwca 2024 roku Narodowy Bank Polski wprowadził do obiegu srebrną monetę o nominale 10 zł „Słowacka mniejszość narodowa w Polsce”.

Nominał: 10 zł … metal: Ag 999/1000; stempel: lustrzany; średnica: 32,00 mm; masa: 14,14 g; brzeg (bok): gładki; nakład: do 10 000 szt.; Projektantka: Dominika Karpińska-Kopiec;  Emitent: NBP; Na zlecenie NBP monety wyprodukowała Mennica Polska SA.

Rewers monety przedstawia wizerunek rzeźby Ludwika Korkoša „Człowiek i Wszechświat”, a tło stanowi odwzorowanie trójkolorowej flagi Słowacji.

Na awersie umieszczono widok na Babią Górę ze wsi Jabłonka, która jest jednym z centrów mniejszości słowackiej, oraz opaskę używaną przez żołnierzy 535. plutonu AK „Słowaków” w Powstaniu Warszawskim, a także sylwetki ludzi, które symbolizują środowisko mniejszości słowackiej.

Mniejszość słowacka w Polsce składa się z dwóch historycznie ukształtowanych społeczności – członków diaspory słowackiej w Warszawie oraz części mieszkańców Górnej Orawy i Górnego Spisza. Środowisko warszawskie uformowało się w wyniku migracji przed I wojną światową. Ówcześni migranci to głównie słowaccy kupcy i przedsiębiorcy. Społeczność ta była zintegrowana ze społeczeństwem polskim. Jej członkowie byli lojalni wobec państwa polskiego, ale jednocześnie zachowali słowacką świadomość. Uważali Polskę za swoją drugą ojczyznę. W czasie II wojny światowej wielu z nich solidaryzowało się z polskim ruchem oporu. W 1942 r. powstał w Polsce konspiracyjny Słowacki Komitet Narodowy, który współpracował z Polskim Państwem Podziemnym. Było to możliwe dzięki kooperacji emigracyjnych rządów Polski i Czechosłowacji w Londynie. Na podstawie porozumienia z dowództwem Armii Krajowej utworzono 535. pluton AK „Słowaków”. W jego skład weszli także przedstawiciele innych narodowości.

Dowódcą 535. plutonu AK „Słowaków” był ppor. Miroslaw Iringh. Pluton brał udział w walkach Powstania Warszawskiego. Regiony Górnej Orawy i Górnego Spisza zostały włączone do Polski w 1920 r. na mocy decyzji Konferencji Ambasadorów, która w taki sposób rozstrzygnęła spory graniczne pomiędzy Polską i Czechosłowacją. Część mieszkańców tych regionów nadal przyznaje się do narodowości słowackiej. Najważniejszym artystą ze środowiska mniejszości słowackiej w Polsce był rzeźbiarz akademicki Ludwik Korkoš (1928–1992), którego dzieło zaprezentowano na rewersie monety. Korkoš pochodził ze wsi Czarna Góra na polskim Spiszu. Ukończył Akademię Rzemiosła Artystycznego w Pradze, a w latach 1953–1981 był profesorem w Średniej Szkole Przemysłu Artystycznego w Bratysławie. Motywy, pierwotnie zaczerpnięte z tradycji folklorystycznych Słowaków mieszkających w Polsce, przekształcił w sztukę abstrakcyjną. Korkoš do końca życia utożsamiał się z tą społecznością, choć swoje twórcze życie spędził na Słowacji. Informacja: dr Juraj Marušiak Instytut Nauk Politycznych Słowacka Akademia Nauk.  Wizerunek opaski 535. plutonu AK „Słowaków” z Powstania Warszawskiego opracowany na podstawie opaski znajdującej się w depozycie Muzeum Warszawy.

The Slovak National Minority in Poland

Narodowy Bank Polski is the central bank of the State, responsible for its monetary policy and price stability. The Bank’s functions are described in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Act on NBP. NBP holds the exclusive right to issue the currency of the Republic of Poland. As the central bank, it does not provide accounts for the general public, accept deposits from or extend loans to individuals. It acts as a banker to the State budget and public sector entities. NBP also holds and manages the foreign exchange reserves of the State. Finally, it functions as a banker to banks, creating conditions for the operation of the Polish banking system. Narodowy Bank Polski is one of the most important research and analytical centres in the fields of economics and financial markets.

Issuing collector items is an occasion to commemorate important historic figures and anniversaries, as well as to develop the interest of the public in Polish culture, science and tradition. On 12 June 2024, Narodowy Bank Polski issued into circulation a silver coin “The Slovak National Minority in Poland”, with a face value of 10 złoty.

Face value: 10 zł … Metal: Ag 999/1,000; Finish: proof; Diameter: 32.00 mm; Weight: 14.14 g; Edge (side): plain; Mintage: up to 10,000 pcs; Designer: Dominika Karpińska-Kopiec; Issuer: Narodowy Bank Polski The coins, commissioned by Narodowy Bank Polski, were struck by Mennica Polska SA.

The reverse of the coin features the image of Ludwik Korkoš’s sculpture “Man and the Universe”, against the background representing the tricolour flag of Slovakia. The obverse features the view of Babia Góra as seen from the village of Jabłonka, which is one of the centres of the Slovak minority, and the armband used by “Slovak” 535th platoon soldiers in the Warsaw Uprising*, as well as silhouettes of people symbolising the Slovak minority community.

The Slovak minority in Poland consists of two historically formed communities – members of the Slovak diaspora in Warsaw and part of the inhabitants of Upper Orava and Upper Spiš. The Warsaw community was formed as a result of migration before World War I. The then migrants were mainly Slovak merchants and entrepreneurs. This community was integrated into Polish society. Its members were loyal to the Polish state, but at the same time retained a Slovak national consciousness. They considered Poland as their second homeland. During World War II, many of them stood in solidarity with the Polish resistance movement. In 1942, the underground Slovak National Committee was established in Poland and cooperated with the Polish Underground State. This was possible thanks to the cooperation of the Polish and Czechoslovakian governments in exile in London. Upon the agreement with the Polish Home Army command, the “Slovak” 535th platoon of the Home Army was formed. It also included representatives of other nationalities. Second lieutenant Miroslaw Iringh was the commander of the platoon, which took part in the battles of the Warsaw Uprising.

The regions of Upper Orava and Upper Spiš were incorporated into Poland in 1920 pursuant to the decision of the Conference of Ambassadors, which thus settled the border disputes between Poland and Czechoslovakia. Some of the inhabitants of these regions still claim Slovak nationality. The most important artist from the Slovak minority community in Poland was the academic sculptor Ludwik Korkoš (1928-1992), whose work is depicted on the reverse of the coin. Korkoš came from the village of Czarna Góra in the Polish Spiš region. He graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Prague and was a professor at the Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Bratislava from 1953 to 1981. He transformed the motifs, originally inspired by the folk traditions of the Slovaks residing in Poland, into abstract art. Korkoš identified with this community to the end of his life, although he spent his artistic life in Slovakia. Info: Juraj Marušiak, PhD Institute of Political Science Slovak Academy of Sciences.  * The image of the armband used in the Warsaw Uprising by the soldiers of the Home Army’s “Slovak” 535th platoon replicating the armband deposited in the Museum of Warsaw.


80. rocznica operacji Armii Krajowej „Ostra Brama”

Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem państwa odpowiadającym za politykę pieniężną i stabilność cen. Jego funkcje określa Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ustawa o NBP. NBP ma wyłączne prawo emisji pieniądza. Jako bank centralny nie prowadzi rachunków bankowych obywateli, nie przyjmuje od nich lokat, nie udziela kredytów. Prowadzi natomiast obsługę budżetu państwa, a także podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. Gromadzi rezerwy walutowe państwa i zarządza nimi. Pełni funkcję banku banków, tworząc warunki do działania systemu bankowego. Jest również jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków naukowo-analitycznych w dziedzinie ekonomii i rynków finansowych.

Emisja wartości kolekcjonerskich stanowi okazję do upamiętniania ważnych historycznych rocznic i postaci oraz do rozwijania zainteresowań polską kulturą, nauką i tradycją. 25 czerwca 2024 roku Narodowy Bank Polski wprowadził do obiegu srebrną monetę o nominale 10 zł „80. rocznica operacji Armii Krajowej »Ostra Brama«”.

Nominał: 10 zł … metal: Ag 999/1000; stempel: lustrzany; średnica: 32,00 mm; masa: 14,14 g; brzeg (bok): gładki; nakład: do 10 000 szt.; Projektant: Sebastian Mikołajczak;  Emitent: NBP; Na zlecenie NBP monety wyprodukowała Mennica Polska SA.

Na rewersie monety znajdują się wizerunki mjr. Macieja Kalenkiewicza „Kotwicza” i ppłk. Aleksandra Krzyżanowskiego „Wilka” oraz orzeł wojskowy Armii Krajowej. Na awersie umieszczono symbol Polski Walczącej.

Operacja „Ostra Brama” była częścią akcji „Burza” określanej jako polskie powstanie strefowe. Koncepcję operacji przygotował mjr Maciej Kalenkiewicz „Kotwicz”, cichociemny. Przedstawił ją 15 kwietnia 1944 r. na naradzie komendy Okręgu Wileńskiego AK poświęconej akcji powstańczej. Szczegółowy plan został opracowany przez sztab komendanta Okręgu Wileńskiego AK ppłk. Aleksandra Krzyżanowskiego „Wilka”. Głównym celem militarnym było zdobycie Wilna własnymi siłami, politycznym natomiast – zamanifestowanie polskości Wileńszczyzny i wystąpienie oddziałów AK w roli gospodarzy wobec wkraczających oddziałów Armii Czerwonej. W związku z przyspieszeniem terminu akcji tylko część polskich sił wzięła udział w uderzeniu na Wilno nocą z 6 na 7 lipca 1944 r. W walkach uczestniczyły dwa z pięciu zgrupowań partyzanckich z Okręgów Wileńskiego i Nowogródzkiego liczące nieco ponad 4 tys. żołnierzy. Były to: Zgrupowanie nr 1, którym dowodził mjr Antoni Olechnowicz „Pohorecki”, składające się z 3, 8 i 13 brygady wileńskiej oraz III i V batalionu 77 Pułku Piechoty z Okręgu Nowogródzkiego, i dowodzone przez mjr. Czesława Dębickiego „Jaremę” Zgrupowanie nr 3, w którym znalazły się 9 i 12 brygada oraz I i VI batalion z nowogródzkiego 77 Pułku Piechoty AK. W walkach brało udział także około 1,5 tys. żołnierzy garnizonu wileńskiego AK. Na północ od miasta walczyło z kolei Zgrupowanie nr 2 pod komendą mjr. Mieczysława Potockiego „Węgielnego” w składzie pięciu brygad wileńskich (1, 2, 4, 23 i 36), liczące blisko 3 tys. żołnierzy.

12 lipca 1944 r. podjęło ono walkę z niemieckimi siłami wycofującymi się z Wilna i stoczyło z nimi bój w rejonie miejscowości Nowosiółki oraz Krawczuny. W sumie w walkach o miasto toczonych od 6 do 13 lipca 1944 r. wzięło udział od 5,5 do 8 tys. żołnierzy AK, poległo w nich około 500, a kilkuset odniosło rany. W trakcie walk doszło do taktycznego współdziałania sił AK z jednostkami 3 Frontu Białoruskiego Armii Czerwonej dowodzonego przez gen. Iwana Czerniachowskiego. Cztery dni po zakończeniu operacji NKWD podstępnie aresztowało ppłk. Aleksandra Krzyżanowskiego „Wilka”, a także oficerów AK wezwanych na naradę z dowództwem sowieckim w Boguszach, która miała dotyczyć dalszego współdziałania. Następnie rozpoczęło rozbrajanie oddziałów AK zgromadzonych pod Wilnem. W wyniku tych działań do obozów trafiło ponad 6 tys. żołnierzy AK. 650 oficerów uwięziono w obozie w Riazaniu, pozostałych w Miednikach Królewskich. Był to początek zaplanowanej i konsekwentnie realizowanej sowieckiej akcji wyniszczania struktur polskiego podziemia niepodległościowego, które działały na wschodnich terenach II RP. Informacja:  dr Tomasz Łabuszewski. 

80th Anniversary of Home Army Operation Ostra Brama

Military Operation “Ostra Brama” – Its objective was the liberation of Vilnius from German occupation. It lasted from July 7 to July 13, 1944, and ended with the capture of Vilnius by Home Army units along with cooperating Soviet units.

Obverse: Centrally, on a separate circular surface, the image of an eagle established as the emblem of the Republic of Poland. Below the eagle, on the right side, the mint mark: m / w; above the eagle, along the edge of the surface, in a semicircle, the inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA. At the bottom, the Fighting Poland emblem, with the year of issue: 2024 and the inscription: 10 ZŁ on either side along the coin’s edge.

Reverse: Centrally, on a separate circular surface, the image of an eagle referring to the military eagle worn by soldiers of the Home Army. Below, in a semicircle, the inscription: “OSTRA BRAMA,” which was the codename for the Home Army’s military operation in Vilnius in 1944. At the bottom, the busts of the commanders of Operation “Ostra Brama”: on the left, Major Maciej Kalenkiewicz, a paratrooper, and on the right, Lieutenant Colonel Aleksander Krzyżanowski. Along the upper edge, in a semicircle, the inscription: 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE HOME ARMY OPERATION.


From Far and Wide (Part 4):
Coil strip of 10 stamps – Single stamp rate

Add the new 2024 From Far and Wide single-rate stamp to your collection with this convenient 10-stamp coil strip. This stamp is sold individually in post offices for a single individual mailing in Canada. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – from coast to coast to coast. This issue celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. The single stamp coil strip is a convenient way to add this single denomination to your collection. From national park reserves to an historic abbey and an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These stamps are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.

The single rate stamp features the Point Prim Lighthouse (PE)…. This heritage lighthouse, the first to be built on Prince Edward Island, was constructed in 1845, nearly 30 years before PEI joined Confederation. It is located in an open field at the end of Point Prim, which juts out into Northumberland Strait and marks the southeastern entrance to Hillsborough Bay and Charlottetown Harbour. The Point Prim Lighthouse is one of only a few cylindrical brick lighthouses – and one of the oldest lighthouse structures still standing – in Canada

About the design …  The stamp features a view of the Point Prim Lighthouse in Prince Edward Island, photographed by Sander Meurs. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Quantity Produced: 1,200; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.

Graphic Novelists: Permanent™
domestic rate stamps

The Graphic Novelists issue celebrates the work of some of Canada’s most talented and influential graphic novelists: *** Chester Brown: Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography; *** Michel Rabagliati:  Paul à Québec;  *** Seth: Clyde Fans; *** Mariko Tamaki, Jillian Tamaki: This One Summer.

The four stamps highlight acclaimed novels by each author, who created original illustrations for their stamp designs that show the main characters engrossed in their own stories. Each booklet of 8 Permanent™  stamps in the Graphic Novelists issue includes two of each of the four designs in the set. Among Canada’s most talented and influential graphic novelists, Chester Brown, Michel Rabagliati, Seth, and Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki deftly interweave words and illustrations in their award-winning works. These stamps – featuring an acclaimed novel by each author – show the main characters engrossed in their own stories through original illustrations created by the novelists themselves.

The stamp booklet cover features a photograph of the spines of the four graphic novels whose main characters are featured on the stamps. The back features a short text on the issue. Stamp Value:  Permanent™ domestic rate; Stamp Designer: Subplot Design Inc.; Quantity Produced: 960,000;  Issue Date: May 10, 2024.

Chester Brown … Fascinated by cartooning as a child, Chester Brown (b. 1960 in Montréal, Quebec) set his sights on a career as a comic book artist when he was in his teens. The pioneering and influential cartoonist began self-publishing in 1983 and soon attracted a cult following for his deeply personal comic strips. Brown received the first Canada Council for the Arts grant awarded to his genre, for Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography (2003). Critically and commercially acclaimed for its powerful, minimalist style, the story of the enigmatic Métis leader became the first graphic novel on a Canadian non-fiction best-seller list.

Graphic Novelists – Chester Brown: Official First Day Cover … The Official First Day Cover features a stamp celebrating the award-winning graphic novel Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography, by Chester Brown. One of four stamps in the Graphic Novelists 2024 set, the stamp is cancelled in Toronto, Ontario – Brown’s place of residence. The front of the Official First Day Cover features a photograph of the cover of Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography, which shows Riel standing on a rocky hilltop. The background of the envelope shows slats of wood. The front also includes the text “Graphic Novelists” and the Chester Brown stamp, cancelled in Toronto, Ontario – Brown’s place of residence. The stamp is an original drawing by Brown of Louis Riel – the lead character in the novel – reading his own story. The cancel image is of an open graphic novel. The back features a photograph of a page from the novel, along with a short text on Brown and Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography. The stamp was cancelled on May 10, in advance of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (May 11-12). Stamp Designer: Subplot Design Inc.; Quantity Produced: 4,000; Issue Date: May 10, 2024.

Michel Rabagliati … Michel Rabagliati (b. 1961 in Montréal, Quebec) was in his late 30s and working as a professional graphic designer when he switched gears to pursue his childhood love of comics. The result was an award-winning series of “altered autobiographies” about a middle-class graphic designer named Paul. Firmly rooted in Rabagliati’s home province and acclaimed for their honesty and authenticity, the 10 graphic novels follow the titular character through different stages of his life. Paul à Québec (2009) – later adapted into a movie – is a tender portrayal of Paul and his family as he struggles to cope with his father-in-law’s failing health.

Graphic Novelists – Michel Rabagliati: Official First Day Cover … The Official First Day Cover features a stamp celebrating the award-winning graphic novel Paul à Québec, by Michel Rabagliati. One of four stamps in the Graphic Novelists 2024 set, the stamp is cancelled in Montréal, Quebec – Rabagliati’s birthplace. The front of the Official First Day Cover features a photograph of the cover of Paul à Québec, which shows Paul leaning on a railing, looking out over the city of Montréal below. The background of the envelope shows a purplish fabric. The front also includes the text “Graphic Novelists” and the Michel Rabagliati stamp, cancelled in Montréal, Quebec – Rabagliati’s birthplace. The stamp is an original drawing by Rabagliati of a balding and bespectacled Paul – the lead character in the novel – reading his own story. The cancel image is of an open graphic novel. The back features a photograph of a page from the novel, along with a short text on Rabagliati and Paul à Québec. The stamp was cancelled on May 10, in advance of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (May 11-12). Stamp Designer:  Subplot Design Inc.; Quantity Produced: 4,000; Issue Date: May 10, 2024.

Seth … An influential leader in the underground comic book movement, Seth (the pen name of Gregory Gallant, b. 1962 in Clinton, Ontario) spent much of his youth drawing comics and creating an inner fantasy world “where things were much more pleasant.” He attended the Ontario College of Art (now OCAD University) and worked as a commercial artist before launching his Palookaville comics in 1991. Over the last 20 years of its run, the series told the story of two brothers struggling with the gradual demise of their family’s electric-fan business. Introspective and tinged with yearning for an earlier time, it was published as the award-winning graphic novel Clyde Fans in 2019.

Graphic Novelists – Seth: Official First Day Cover …  The Official First Day Cover features a stamp celebrating the award-winning graphic novel Clyde Fans, by Seth. One of four stamps in the Graphic Novelists 2024 set, the stamp is cancelled in Clinton, Ontario – Seth’s birthplace. The front of the Official First Day Cover features a photograph of the cover of Clyde Fans, which shows the storefront of the fan shop around which the story is centred. The background of the envelope is reminiscent of grey concrete. The front also includes the text “Graphic Novelists” and the Seth stamp, cancelled in Clinton, Ontario – Seth’s birthplace. The stamp is an original drawing by Seth of Simon Matchcard – one of the two lead characters in the novel – reading his own story. The cancel image is of an open graphic novel. The back features a photograph of a page from the novel, along with a short text on Seth and Clyde Fans. The stamp was cancelled on May 10, in advance of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (May 11-12). Stamp Designer: Subplot Design Inc.; Quantity Produced: 4,000; Issue Date: May 10, 2024.

Jillian Tamaki, Mariko Tamaki … Critically acclaimed for their individual and collaborative creations, cousins Jillian Tamaki (b. 1980 in Ottawa, Ontario) and Mariko Tamaki (b. 1975 in Toronto, Ontario) share a talent for nuance. Jillian’s skillful illustrations have appeared in everything from books and web comics to animated television, while Mariko’s witty and insightful words have lent themselves to dozens of novels, short essays and comic books. This One Summer (2014) is the second prize-winning graphic novel that they co-created. The poignant tale of cottage friends Rose and Windy stumbling from innocence into adolescence, it was the first graphic novel to receive a Caldecott Honor (U.S.), which is awarded to the most distinguished children’s picture books.

Graphic Novelists – Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki: Official First Day Cover …The Official First Day Cover features a stamp celebrating the award-winning graphic novel This One Summer, by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki. One of four stamps in the Graphic Novelists 2024 set, the stamp is cancelled in Toronto, Ontario – Jillian’s long-time place of residence and Mariko’s birthplace. The front of the Official First Day Cover features a photograph of the cover of This One Summer, which shows two young girls jumping into a lake. The background of the envelope shows sand and a beach towel. The front also includes the text “Graphic Novelists” and the Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki stamp, cancelled in Toronto, Ontario – Jillian’s long-time place of residence and Mariko’s birthplace. The stamp is an original drawing by Jillian Tamaki of Rose and Windy – the two young girls who are the main characters in the novel – reading their own story. The cancel image is of an open graphic novel. The back features a photograph of a page from the novel, along with a short text on the Tamakis and This One Summer. The stamp was cancelled on May 10, in advance of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (May 11-12).Stamp Designer:  Subplot Design Inc.;. Quantity Produced: 4,000. Issue Date:  May 10, 2024.

From Far and Wide (Part 4):
Torngat Mountains National Park (NL)
Postage-paid Postcard (1)

Mark the release of the 2024 From Far and Wide stamp issue with the Torngat Mountains National Park (NL) Postage-paid Postcard, for mailing worldwide. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – to places near and far. The series celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. Collect all nine Postage-paid Postcards from the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue. Postage Paid Postcards can be mailed from Canada to anywhere in the world. From national park reserves to an historic abbey and an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These Postage Paid Postcards are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.

Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga – Torngat Mountains National Park (NL) – Photo: Michael Winsor …  Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga (pronounced Toon-gite Hak-ha-suang-eeta See-lack-hee-yup-veenga) – Torngat Mountains National Park – on the northern tip of Labrador, is named for the Inuktitut word tongait, which means place of spirits. Visitors can enjoy beautiful vistas of mountains, small glaciers and dramatic fjords and may catch a glimpse of polar bears, caribou and whales. Inuit still hunt, fish and travel the area, as their ancestors did for thousands of years.

About the design …  The Postage Paid Postcards in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series feature breathtaking images of nine scenic locations in seven provinces and two territories, each taken by a different Canadian photographer. This Postcard features a photograph of Torngat Mountains National Park (NL) by Michael Winsor. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Quantity Produced: 2,500; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.

From Far and Wide (Part 4):
Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve
Postage-paid Postcard (2)

Mark the release of the 2024 From Far and Wide stamp issue with the Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve Postage-paid Postcard, for mailing worldwide. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – to places near and far. The series celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. Collect all nine Postage-paid Postcards from the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue. Postage Paid Postcards can be mailed from Canada to anywhere in the world. From national park reserves to an historic abbey and an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These Postage Paid Postcards are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.

Tehjeh Deé (South Nahanni River), Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve (NT) – Photo: Colin Field … The South Nahanni River (Tehjeh Deé, pronounced Teh-jeh Day) is a leading destination for canoeing, kayaking and rafting. The river boasts sections of challenging whitewater and spectacular views of wilderness and wildlife. The river, which is protected by the Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve (a traditional homeland of the Dene), is navigable from June to September. [Nááts’įhch’oh is pronounced Nats-inch-oh(n)]. Those travelling the river’s length typically begin at Virginia Falls or Rabbitkettle Lake, with trips lasting a week or two.

About the design … The Postage Paid Postcards in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series feature breathtaking images of nine scenic locations in seven provinces and two territories, each taken by a different Canadian photographer. This Postcard features a photograph of Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve by Colin Field. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Quantity Produced: 2,500; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.

2024 … $300 Pure Platinum Coin –
Maple Leaf Forever

Your 2024 platinum maple leaf coin celebrates nature’s multifaceted beauty. Year after year, the Royal Canadian Mint’s annual Maple Leaf Forever platinum coin is the essence of elegance, its reverse design artfully combining a classic Canadian emblem with modern minting techniques and/or precious metal pairings. For 2024, the proud maple leaf shines once more in 99.95% pure platinum – a precious metal 30 times rarer than gold. However, all eyes will be on the rose-gold plated leaf brought to life by multifaceted engraving, its angled facets providing maximum reflectivity while resembling the network of veins that provide structure and support throughout the leaf’s life cycle.

Add a rose-gold, multifaceted maple leaf to your platinum collection. Multifaceted maple leaf. An innovative approach to minting dimensional art, multifaceted engraving utilizes highly reflective, geometric-shaped facets to give shape to a key design element – in this case, the maple leaf in the foreground. Rose gold. This is the first platinum coin featuring multifaceted engraving and the first (selectively) plated multifaceted design, crafted in a proof finish in order to reflect light from every angle. Pure platinum. Crafted in 99.95% pure platinum – a precious metal 30 times rarer than gold – the annual platinum maple celebration highlights the natural beauty of Canada’s most famous emblem, the beloved maple leaf. Reverse proof finish. Thanks to the coin’s reverse proof finish (frosted field, brilliant relief), the focus is entirely on the classic and multifaceted maple leaves. A prestigious addition. The Maple Leaf Forever coins sell out every year. For 2024, mintage is limited to just 425 coins and they’re expected to sell out fast! Includes serialized certificate. The Royal Canadian Mint certifies all of its collector coins.

Did you know? … Why is platinum so rare? An average of 130 metric tons of platinum are mined each year, compared to 1,800 tons of gold. Refining the ore is a complex process, too: it takes up to 10 tones of ore and five months to produce a single troy ounce of platinum bullion!

About the design … Your coin is encapsulated and presented in a Royal Canadian Mint-branded, red lacquered wooden case with a black beauty box. Set against a matte field, the reverse design features two sugar maple (Acer saccharum) leaves: a classically rendered leaf in the background, and a multifaceted one in the foreground. Rose gold plating on the rim frames the engraving and highlights the foremost leaf, creating a striking colour contrast. The rim is also plated with rose gold on the obverse, which features the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II by Susanna Blunt. The obverse also bears a special marking that includes four pearls symbolizing the four effigies that have graced Canadian coins and the double date of her reign. Composition: 99.95% Pure Platinum; Mintage: 425; Artist: RCM Engravers; Finish: Reverse Proof; Diameter: 30 mm; Weight: 31.16 g.

2024 … $20 Silver Coin –
Colourful Birds: American Goldfinch

Soak up some of the most cheerful colours of summer. Whether it’s bouncing around in flight, singing its lively song or climbing seed-bearing plants, the American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) can’t help but draw attention to itself as it brings a brilliant flash of colour to any setting. On this coin’s reverse, it’s easy to see why this handsome finch is a favourite of many birdwatchers, its yellow-and-black plumage contrasting beautifully with the cheerful purple hues of aster flowers.

Face Value: 20 dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with selective colour; Mintage: 7,500; Weight: 31.39 g; Dimensions: 38 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Tony Bianco (reverse), Steve Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? … Breeding across much of southern Canada, the American Goldfinch is sometimes referred to as a wild canary but it is a member of the finch family—and only the male is decked out in those bright yellow-and-black feathers (the female is a more muted brown/olive colour). There are just three species of goldfinches worldwide, and only the American Goldfinch molts its body feathers twice a year.

Your coin’s selectively coloured reverse features a cheery late-summer scene set in the countryside and designed by Canadian artist Tony Bianco. A barn appears behind the wood fence and a gate opens up to a dirt road in the engraved background. Easily detected by its black cap and yellow plumage, a male American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) is perched on a cluster of purple-coloured aster flowers that rise up in the foreground. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Tony Bianco, Artist …  I’ve been a bird watcher since I was a youth, and one of my favourites has always been the goldfinch. Their friendly nature and bold colour make them particularly enticing to an artist. Pairing the striking yellow, black and white with the soft lavender of the aster flower makes a natural and striking combination.

$30 Fine Silver Coin – The Hunter

The Eagle: Hand-carved Western Red Cedar Kwakiutl panel, re-created in silver. From the West Coast to your collection—this 2 oz. 99.99% pure silver selectively gold-plated coin pays homage to the rich artistic heritage of the Kwakiutl (Tsaxis) peoples of the Kwakwaka’wakw nation by showcasing a contemporary work of art that is rooted in traditional knowledge.

The coin’s design is inspired by hand-carved Western Red Cedar panels by Kwakiutl artist Jason Henry Hunt, including the wood-grain pattern and rope frame adorning both sides of this coin. Rendered in the Northwest Coast formline style and selectively plated with yellow gold on this coin, the carved work inspires awe for the high-flying Eagle, as he hunts in the skies above the Pacific Ocean, home of the Orca. From Western Red Cedar to silver: A wood-grain texture and rope frame complete the look.

Face Value: 30 dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with yellow gold plating; Mintage: 4,500; Weight: 62.694 g; Dimensions: 50 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Modified Reverse Proof; Artist: Jason Henry Hunt  (reverse), Steve Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? … A member of the famous Hunt family of Fort Rupert, B.C., Kwakiutl artist Jason Henry Hunt has inherited a proud artistic legacy that traces its roots from his father Stanley Clifford Hunt, through his grandfather Henry Hunt, and his great-grandfather Mungo Martin—a key figure in Northwest Coast art. Jason’s uncle, renowned artist Richard Hunt, has also contributed designs for several coins, including 2021’s Ramming Bighorn Sheep.

For the Kwakiutl, the Eagle is known as a master of the skies and also believed to have the closest relationship to the Creator. Flying so high that he can travel between the physical and the spiritual world. It is said that while the Creator sends messages down, the Eagle is capable of sending messages up.

Your coin’s reverse was inspired by a hand-carved wood panel by Kwakiutl artist Jason Henry Hunt. Rendered in the traditional Northwest Coast formline style, the image depicts the Eagle—the master of the skies—hunting as it soars in the air, while the Orca’s dorsal fin appears in the waves below. To mimic the look of a carved Kwakiutl wood panel framed by cedar bark rope, the reverse and obverse both showcase an engraved wood grain texture and a rope along the rim. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Kwakiutl artist Jason Henry Hunt … “Here in the bay where I live, I watch the Eagles search for various fish and sometimes ducks as well. They’re adept at using the wind and water to their advantage, while also extremely patient. I’ve been fortunate to witness them hunting while Orca travel past at the same time—this is why I’ve shown the Orca’s dorsal fin in the waves of this design, with the Eagle playing in the air above.”

Alicia Cook Sapene, Product Manager … “Bringing The Hunter design to life was both exciting and humbling. We wanted to preserve the unique, vibrant esthetics of the original work, but also challenge the boundaries of craftsmanship by adding relief to the coin’s rim and a wood grain texture to the field; ultimately, the result was a fusion of tradition and innovation.”

Matt Bowen, Engraver …  “When we strike a coin from a set of dies, the coin fills from the centre towards the edge, with the rim filling last. So, when the profile of the rim changes, we don’t really know how it will fill. I worked closely with the Product Engineer and we used sophisticated tools that increase the probability of success, but until we trial the dies, the entire team is just holding its breath. There is nothing like the feeling of relief when the trial is completed successfully. I just loved The Hunter artwork, this coin was a joy to work on—in fact, I’m going to have to buy one.”

$20 Fine Silver Coin – Nunavut

Bring the spirit of Nunavut into your collection with this fine silver coin. Encompassing one-fifth of this country’s total land mass, Nunavut is the largest and northernmost Territory in Canada, and also the newest one, having come into existence just 25 years ago, in 1999. This 1‑oz. 99.99% pure silver coin celebrates Nunavut—“our land” in Inuktut—on its reverse, where the design is imbued with the Territory’s spirit and framed by Inuit tattoo (kakiniit in Inuktut) markings. It is a place where beauty and resilience intertwine; where new and old ways are shaping the future; and where the traditions of Nunavummiut reflect their deep-rooted connection to the land and sea, to the midnight sun, and to each other. Celebrate Nunavut—the land, its people and its spirit.

Face Value: 20 dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure silver; Mintage: 5,000; Weight: 31.39 g; Dimensions: 38 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Aija Komangapik (reverse), Steve Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? … Nunavut Day is celebrated annually on July 9, the day that the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA) Act received royal assent. The largest Indigenous land claim settlement in recent Canadian history, paved the way for the creation of Nunavut on April 1, 1999.

Designed by Inuk artist Aija Komangapik, your coin’s reverse features a representation of Nunavut (“ᓄᓇᕗᑦ“) as an Inuit mother figure surrounded by markings inspired by kakiniit, traditional Inuit tattoos. Nunavut is cradled and sheltered by this ring representing the midnight sun; this, in turn, allows her to cradle and shelter Nunavummiut, as they dance to Nunavut’s heartbeat while nestled in a traditional amauti. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.

Aija Komangapik, Artist …  “On the coin, Nunavut is the young mother, cradling her children in an amauti. The children feel her beating heart as a thumping drum. It’s so joyous that her children can’t help but dance. Being able to reach all the same milestones as Nunavut—as in, being the face of the promotion of Nunavut turning 10 when I myself was 10 years old—and creating the commemorative coin for Nunavut turning 25 while I am 25 is a very special feeling.”

$200 Pure Gold Coin – The Crowns

Mark the anniversary of His Majesty’s Coronation with a viewing of the Canadian Royal Crown. Occupying the place of honour atop the Canada Coat of Arms, the Royal Crown is the heraldic emblem that represents the Crown in Canada, the state’s power and the Sovereign’s authority. In April 2023, a new Canadian Royal Crown created by the Canadian Heraldic Authority was approved by His Majesty King Charles III for use as a perennial emblem that speaks to this country’s history and identity through its distinctly Canadian elements—from the maple leaves that line the Crown’s rim, to the snowflake that resembles the insignia of one of our highest honours.

Making its first appearance on a coin, the Canadian Royal Crown graces the reverse of this 99.99% pure gold piece, where it appears alongside a stylized St. Edward’s Crown, the historic headpiece worn by His Majesty at the moment of coronation on May 6, 2023. The Canadian Royal Crown – first time on a coin.

Face Value: 200 dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure gold; Mintage: 425; Weight: 31.16 g; Dimensions: 30 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Anna Bucciarelli (reverse), Steve Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.

DID YOU KNOW? … The heraldic representation of the Royal Crown has traditionally followed the personal preference of the Sovereign, and upon his accession to the throne, His Majesty King Charles III chose to return to the Tudor Crown, replacing the St. Edward’s Crown used during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. With the unveiling of the Canadian Royal Crown, Canada now has its own unique royal symbol that will be used throughout His Majesty’s reign and that of future Sovereigns.

Designed by Canadian artist Anna Bucciarelli, your coin’s reverse features a heraldic rendition of St. Edward’s Crown—the historic headpiece worn by His Majesty King Charles III at the moment of coronation on May 6, 2023—on the left, and the Canadian Royal Crown on the right. United by a maple leaf symbolizing Canada, the two Royal Crowns are surrounded by emblems of the United Kingdom—the shamrock for Ireland, the thistle for Scotland, the Tudor rose for England, and the daffodil for Wales—entwined with acanthus leaves. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian Steven Rosati.

Similar to other heraldic versions of the Royal Crown, the Canadian Royal Crown features gold arches set with pearls and a red cap lined in ermine fur. The wavy band represents Canada’s waterways and ocean borders, while beneath the maple leaves, the rising and falling peaks symbolize mountain ranges and river valleys; together, they emphasize the importance of the environment while also alluding to Indigenous teachings about harmony between the land and its inhabitants. At the top, the stylized snowflake serves as a reference to Canada’s snowy winters and to the insignia of the Order of Canada, one of Canada’s highest honours.

Anna Bucciarelli, Artist … “The composition is based on a symmetrical layout that provides equal space for each Royal Crown, which are surrounded by interlocking branches and acanthus leaves. While the royal heraldic badges of Scotland (thistle), Ireland (shamrock), Wales (daffodil) and England (Tudor rose) echo traditional British coin designs, all the decorative and organic elements are curved slightly to reinforce the focus on the two crowns, with the Canadian maple leaf positioned between them for maximum visual impact.”

Dr. Samy Khalid, Chief Herald of Canada … For 70 years during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, Canada—like the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms—used a heraldic representation of the St. Edward’s Crown as a symbol of the Sovereign’s authority. Shortly before the coronation of King Charles III in May 2023, His Majesty approved a design for a new Canadian version of the Royal Crown. Over the next few years, this symbol will appear in many official emblems in our country, so it is fitting that it is making its appearance on a special coin.
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