TROYAK EXECUTIVE TEAM is informing all members, colleagues, collectors, and Polonia at large, that Club meetings taking place at John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd. (just south of Hwy. 403), Mississauga, Ontario. The new members are always welcome.
ADRES SPOTKAÑ KLUBOWYCH ! Zarząd Główny Klubu “Troyak” informuje wszystkich członków kolekcjonerów, sympatyków oraz całą Polonię, że spotkania klubowe odbywają się w Polskim Centrum Kultury im. Jana Pawła II, przy 4300 Cawthra Rd. (na południe od autostrady 403), Mississauga, Ontario. Zapraszamy nowych członków do prężnego. Klubu “Troyak”.
August 2024 – Summer break … Letnie wakacje …
TROYAK CLUB @ Roncesvalles Polish Festival 2024
Saturday, September 14th, 2024 …
Festival Hours: 11:00am to 11:00pm
Sunday, September 15th, 2024 …
Festival Hours: 11:00am to 7:00pm
St. Casimir’s Church
Parish Hall … 156 Roncesvalles Ave. Toronto, Ontario
Stamp Exhibit … Pope John Paul II on World Stamps
and Displays of Coins, Stamps, Collectibles
by Troyak Club Members.
Roncesvalles Polish Festival
29th September 2024
27th October 2024
24th November 2024
Sunday – 1st December 2024
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mississauga Coin & Stamp Show
December 2024 … Happy Holidays!
Międzynarodowy Dzień Dziecka
International Childrens Day
W dniu 1 czerwca 2024 r. został wprowadzony do obiegu znaczek pocztowy o wartości 4,90 zł emisji “Międzynarodowy Dzień Dziecka”. Na środku znaczka przedstawiono uśmiechnięte słońce, otoczone kolorowymi wyciągniętymi rękami. Wzdłuż dolnej krawędzi znaczka umieszczono napis: MIĘDZYNARODOWY DZIEŃ DZIECKA oraz napis: POLSKA i oznaczenie wartości: 4,90 ZŁ.
Znaczki wydrukowano techniką offsetową, na papierze fluorescencyjnym, w formacie 31,25 x 39,5 mm, w nakładzie 144 000 sztuk. Arkusz zawiera 12 znaczków w układzie tete-beche. Z tej okazji została wydana również koperta FDC. Autor projektu: Agata Tobolczyk.
International Childrens Day … denomination: 4,90 PLN; number of stamps in set: 1; print run: 144.000 pcs.; printing techniques: offset; paper: fluorescent; stamp size: 31,25 x 39,5 mm; 12 stamps in sheet, tete-beche; number of FDC: 1; author: Agata Tobolczyk; circulation date: 1st June 2024.
Okrągły Stół i wybory 4 czerwca 1989 r.
The Round Table and the June 4, 1989 elections
W dniu 04 czerwca 2024 r. zostały wprowadzone do obiegu dwa znaczki pocztowe w formie bloku o wartości 10,00 zł, emisji “Okrągły Stół i wybory 4 czerwca 1989 r.” Na znaczkach przedstawiono: na pierwszym, po prawej stronie w bloku, fragment zdjęcia archiwalnego, dokumentującego obrady Okrągłego Stołu (pełen kadr zdjęcia w grafice bloku), wzdłuż dolnej krawędzi znaczka umieszczono napis: POLSKA, a w lewym dolnym rogu oznaczenie wartości: 5 zł.; na drugim, znajdującym się w centralnym kadrze bloku, stylizowaną kartkę z kalendarza, na której widnieje napis: 4 czerwca 1989 – w wyniku obrad Okrągłego Stołu doszło do pierwszych po II wojnie światowej, częściowo wolnych wyborów do polskiego parlamentu, wzdłuż dolnej krawędzi znaczka umieszczono napis: POLSKA, a w prawym dolnym rogu oznaczenie wartości: 5 zł.
W grafice bloku tytuł emisji “Okrągły Stół i wybory 4 czerwca 1989 r.”, symbol orła białego na czerwonym tle, symbol zwycięstwa i wolności “Victoria” oraz stylizowany napis SOLIDARNOŚĆ. Emisji towarzyszy koperta FDC, w grafice której przedstawiono Pałac Namiestnikowski, gdzie odbywały się obrady Okrągłego Stołu. Datownik tworzy grafika przedstawiająca fragment kompleksu budynków Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Znaczki wydrukowano techniką offsetową, na papierze fluorescencyjnym, w formacie 31,25 x 43 mm, w nakładzie 90 000 sztuk każdy. Z tej okazji została również wydana koperta FDC. Autorka projektu znaczka: Agnieszka Sancewicz.
The Round Table and the June 4, 1989 elections … denomination: 10,00 PLN; number of stamps in set: 2 in block; print run: 90 000 pcs each; printing techniques: offset; paper: fluorescent; stamp size: 31,25 x 43 mm; block size: 121 x 75 mm; number of FDC: 1; stamp designer: Agnieszka Sancewicz; circulation date: 4th June 2024.
300 rocznica urodzin Immanuela Kanta
300th Anniversary of Immanuel Kants Birth
W dniu 7 czerwca 2024 r. został wprowadzony do obiegu znaczek pocztowy o wartości 4,90 zł emisji “300. rocznica urodzin Immanuela Kanta”. Na znaczku na abstrakcyjnym kolorowym tle wektorowych elementów przedstawiono koloryzowaną rycinę portretu Immanuela Kanta, wykonaną przez nieznanego artystę w 1859 roku. Na dole znaczka w lewym rogu umieszczono tytuł emisji ,,300. rocznica urodzin Immanuela Kanta”, natomiast w prawym napis: POLSKA, a nad nim nominał: 4,90 zł oraz faksymile podpisu Immanuela Kanta.
Znaczki wydrukowano techniką offsetową, na papierze fluorescencyjnym, w formacie 43 x 31,25 mm, w nakładzie 144 000 sztuk. Arkusz zawiera 12 znaczków w układzie tete-beche. Z tej okazji została wydana również koperta FDC. Autor projektu: Jarosław Ochendzan.
International 300th Anniversary of Immanuel Kants Birth … denomination: 4,90 PLN; print run: 144.000 pcs.; printing techniques: offset; paper: fluorescent; stamp size: 31,25 x 43 mm; 12 stamps in sheet, tete-beche; number of FDC: 1; author: Jarosław Ochendzan; circulation date: 7th June 2024.
Ogólnopolski Festiwal Kapel i Śpiewaków Ludowych
w Kazimierzu Dolnym
National Festival of Folk Bands and Singers
in Kazimierz Dolny
W dniu 7 czerwca 2024 r. został wprowadzony do obiegu znaczek pocztowy o wartości 4,90 zł emisji “Ogólnopolski Festiwal Kapel i Śpiewaków Ludowych w Kazimierzu Dolnym”. Na znaczku umieszczono napis: OGÓLNOPOLSKI FESTIWAL KAPEL I ŚPIEWAKÓW LUDOWYCH W KAZIMIERZU DOLNYM oraz grafikę skrzypiec i logo festiwalu.
Wzdłuż dolnej krawędzi znaczka umieszczono perebory, a wzdłuż górnej krawędzi napis: POLSKA i oznaczenie wartości 4,90 zł. Znaczek wydrukowano techniką offsetową, na papierze fluorescencyjnym, w formacie: 40,5 x 40,5 mm, w nakładzie 125 000 sztuk. Arkusz zawiera 5 szt. znaczków i przywieszkę. Z tej okazji została wydana również koperta FDC. Autor projektu: Poczta Polska S.A.
National Festival of Folk Bands and Singers in Kazimierz Dolny … denomination: 4,90 PLN; number of stamps in set: 1; 5 stamps in sheet and tablet; print run: 125.000; printing techniques: offset; paper: fluorescent; stamp size: 40,5 x 40,5 mm; number of FDC: 1; author: Poczta Polska S.A.; circulation date: 7th June 2024.
Gwiazdy polskiej muzyki
Polish music stars
W dniu 8 czerwca 2024 r. został wprowadzony do obiegu znaczek pocztowy o wartości 4,90 zł emisji “Gwiazdy polskiej muzyki”. Obecne wydanie autorstwa Agnieszki Sancewicz jest kontynuacją serii Gwiazdy polskiej muzyki poświęconej w ubiegłych latach polskim wokalistom : Krzysztofowi Krawczykowi , Zbigniewowi Wodeckiemu i Annie Jantar. Na znaczku przedstawiono czarno-białą fotografię Kory autorstwa Andrzeja Świetlika oraz faksymile jej autografu. W lewym górnym rogu znaczka umieszczono oznaczenie wartości : 4,90 zł oraz napis POLSKA, a w prawym górnym rogu umieszczono napis: KORA .
Znaczek wydrukowano techniką offsetową,na papierze fluorescencyjnym,w formacie 43 x 31,25, w nakładzie 144 000 sztuk. Na kopercie FDC umieszczono fotografię Michała Mutora, na której przedstawiono wizerunki Kory i Kamila Sipowicza wraz z cytatem Kory ” Świat bez nas był i bez nas będzie… ” wraz z Jej autografem. Na kopercie FDC umieszczono też tytuły niektórych przebojów Kory. Datownik okolicznościowy jest kontynuacją graficzną datowników serii Gwiazdy polskiej muzyki w oparciu o koncepcję graficzną +Marzanny Dąbrowskiej która opracowała wyraz artystyczny tej serii znaczków pocztowych. Emisja powstała przy współpracy z mężem Kory, Kamilem Sipowiczem. Znaczek wydrukowano techniką offsetową + UV, na papierze fluorescencyjnym, w formacie znaczka 31,25 x 43 mm, w nakładzie 144.000 sztuk. Arkusz zawiera 12 znaczków. Z tej okazji została wydana również koperta FDC. Autor projektu: Agnieszka Sancewicz.
Polish music stars … denomination: 4,90 PLN; number of stamps in set: 1; print run: 144.000 pcs.; printing techniques: offset + UV; paper: fluorescent; stamp size: 31,25 x 43 mm; 12 stamps in sheet; number of FDC: 1; author: Agnieszka Sancewicz; circulation date: 8th June 2024.
Polska Zobacz Więcej
Poland See More
W dniu 21 czerwca 2024 zostały wprowadzone do obiegu 2 znaczki pocztowe o wartości 4,90 zł każdy emisji “Polska Zobacz Więcej”. Na znaczkach przedstawiono: na pierwszym: warmińsko-mazurski pejzaż z Jeziorem Jędzelewo w Starych Juchach,w lewym górnym rogu kod QR z filmikiem promującym ten region ,wzdłuż dolnej krawędzi umieszczono napis : Polska Zobacz Więcej,a w prawym dolnym rogu oznaczneie wartości 4,90 zł; na drugim: Kaszubski Park Krajobrazowy w Łapalicach,w lewym,górnym rogu kod QR z filmikiem promującym ten region,wzdłuż dolnej krawędzi umieszczono napis: Polska Zobacz Więcej, a w prawym dolnym rogu umieszczono oznaczenie wartości 4,90 zł.
Znaczki wydrukowano techniką offsetową, na papierze fluorescencyjnym, format znaczków: 51 x 39,5 mm , w nakładzie 240.000 szt. łącznie. Arkusz sprzedażny zawiera 8 szt. znaczków. Emisji 2 znaczków towarzyszą dwie koperty FDC i dwa datowniki. Autor projektu: Paweł Myszka.
Poland See More … denomination: 4,90 PLN of each; number of stamps in set: 2; print run: 240.000 pcs.; printing techniques: offset; paper: fluorescent; stamp size: 51 x 39,5 mm; 8 stamps in sheet; number of FDC: 2; author: Paweł Myszka; circulation date: 21st June 2024.
Odkryj Polskę –
Opactwo Benedyktynów w Tyńcu
Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem państwa odpowiadającym za politykę pieniężną i stabilność cen. Jego funkcje określa Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ustawa o NBP. NBP ma wyłączne prawo emisji pieniądza. Jako bank centralny nie prowadzi rachunków bankowych obywateli, nie przyjmuje od nich lokat, nie udziela kredytów. Prowadzi natomiast obsługę budżetu państwa, a także podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. Gromadzi rezerwy walutowe państwa i zarządza nimi. Pełni funkcję banku banków, tworząc warunki do działania systemu bankowego. Jest również jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków naukowo-analitycznych w dziedzinie ekonomii i rynków finansowych.
Emisja wartości kolekcjonerskich stanowi okazję do upamiętniania ważnych historycznych rocznic i postaci oraz do rozwijania zainteresowań polską kulturą, nauką i tradycją. 22 maja 2024 roku Narodowy Bank Polski wprowadził do obiegu monetę okolicznościową o nominale 5 zł „Odkryj Polskę” – „Opactwo Benedyktynów w Tyńcu”.
Nominał 5 zł … stop: pierścień MN25, rdzeń CuAl6Ni2; stempel: zwykły; średnica: 24,00 mm; masa: 6,54 g; brzeg (bok): moletowany nieregularnie, na boku ośmiokrotnie powtórzony napis: NBP, co drugi odwrócony o 180 stopni, rozdzielony gwiazdkami; nakład: do 1 000 000 szt.; Projektantka awersu: Dobrochna Surajewska; Projektant rewersu: Paweł Pietras; Emitent: NBP; Na zlecenie NBP monety wyprodukowała Mennica Polska SA.
Opactwo benedyktyńskie w Tyńcu, założone w 1044 r., jest najstarszym istniejącym klasztorem w Polsce. Tym samym jest wyjątkowym świadkiem rozwoju monastycyzmu w Europie oraz długiej i burzliwej historii Polski: od zarania państwowości, przez złoty wiek, rozbiory, aż do jej odrodzenia w XX w. Pierwotna funkcja miejsca mimo kasaty i zniszczeń w XIX w. się nie zmieniła. Położenie na skalistym wapiennym wzgórzu w zakolu Wisły i otaczający krajobraz, w który zabudowa klasztorna jest wkomponowana, sprawiają, że tynieckie opactwo ma swoisty genius loci – to miejsce spotkania piękna natury, tysiącletniej historii, zabytków i wciąż żywej kultury duchowej oraz gościnności.
Najstarsze zachowane części klasztoru pochodzą z przełomu XI i XII w. W 1125 r. dokonano konsekracji romańskiej bazyliki. Kolejne przebudowy oraz detale architektoniczne odzwierciedlają przemiany w sztuce polskiej zachodzące przez wieki – gotyckie są krużganki oraz mury kościoła, renesansowe sklepienia i polichromie, manierystyczny i barokowy wystrój z wyposażeniem. W czasie prac archeologicznych prowadzonych po II wojnie światowej odsłonięto pozostałości najstarszej architektury klasztornego kompleksu: fundamenty i dolne partie murów romańskich bazyliki oraz refektarza, posadzki, jak również miejsca pochówków z XI i XII w. z cennym wyposażeniem grobowym.
O szczególnej roli opactwa tynieckiego w świadomości Polaków świadczy okres rozbiorów, w wyniku których klasztor został zlikwidowany. Pomimo to pozostał w powszechnej pamięci, o czym mogą świadczyć powieść „Krzyżacy” Henryka Sienkiewicza (akcja książki rozpoczyna się w Tyńcu, pojawia się również bogaty opis klasztoru oraz legend z nim związanych) oraz obraz Saturnina Świerzyńskiego „Widok Tyńca” z 1867 r., znajdujący się w Muzeum Narodowym w Krakowie. Przedstawia on typowy dla tego okresu pejzaż miejsca bliskiego Polakom, pokrzepiający ich w dobie rozbiorów. Tyniec i jego ruiny inspirowały również innych pisarzy i artystów – Stefana Żeromskiego czy Teodora Parnickiego.
Podczas odbudowy klasztoru w okresie powojennym odkryto zespół bliźniaczych kapiteli romańskich datowanych mniej więcej na 1100 r. Na jednym z nich widać piękny, płaskorzeźbiony motyw palmety. Jego reprodukcja została zamieszczona na obiegowym banknocie dziesięciozłotowym. I tak oto tyniecki kapitel sprzed wieków stał się codziennym towarzyszem niemal każdego Polaka. Informacja: Br. dr hab. Michał Tomasz Gronowski OSB.
Discover Poland –
The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec
Narodowy Bank Polski is the central bank of the State, responsible for its monetary policy and price stability. The Bank’s functions are described in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Act on NBP. NBP holds the exclusive right to issue the currency of the Republic of Poland. As the central bank, it does not provide accounts for the general public, accept deposits from or extend loans to individuals. It acts as a banker to the State budget and public sector entities. NBP also holds and manages the foreign exchange reserves of the State. Finally, it functions as a banker to banks, creating conditions for the operation of the Polish banking system. Narodowy Bank Polski is one of the most important research and analytical centres in the fields of economics and financial markets.
Issuing collector items is an occasion to commemorate important historic figures and anniversaries, as well as to develop the interest of the public in Polish culture, science and tradition. On 22 May 2024, Narodowy Bank Polski issued into circulation a commemorative coin of the series “Discover Poland” – “The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec”, with a face value of 5 złoty.
Face value: 5 zł … Metal: ring MN25, core CuAl6Ni2; Finish: standard; Diameter: 24.00 mm; Weight: 6.54 g; Edge (side): irregularly milled, with the inscription “NBP”, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180 degrees, separated by stars; Mintage: up to 1,000,000 pcs; Obverse designer: Dobrochna Surajewska; Reverse designer: Paweł Pietras; Issuer: Narodowy Bank Polski; The coins, commissioned by Narodowy Bank Polski, were struck by Mennica Polska SA.
The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec, founded in 1044, is the oldest existing monastery in Poland. Thus, it is a unique witness to the development of monasticism in Europe and to the long and turbulent history of Poland: from the dawn of statehood, through its golden age, the partitions, to its rebirth in the 20th century. The primary function of the abbey, despite its dissolution and destruction in the 19th century, has not changed. Its location on a rocky limestone hill in the bend of the Vistula River and the surrounding landscape, in which the monastery buildings are integrated, are part of a unique spirit of the Tyniec Abbey – a place of encounter between the beauty of nature, a thousand-year-old history, monuments, and a still vibrant spiritual culture and hospitality.
The oldest preserved parts of the monastery date back to the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries. In 1125, the consecration of the Romanesque basilica took place. Subsequent reconstructions and architectural details reflect the changes in Polish art over the centuries – the cloisters and church walls are Gothic, the vaults and polychromes are Renaissance, and the decor with furnishings is Mannerist and Baroque. During archaeological excavations conducted after World War II, the remains of the oldest architecture of the monastery complex were uncovered: the foundations and lower parts of the walls of a Romanesque basilica and refectory, floors, as well as burial sites from the 11th and 12th centuries with valuable grave goods.
The special role of Tyniec Abbey in the consciousness of Poles is evidenced by the period of partitions, during which the monastery was dissolved. Nevertheless, it remained in the collective memory, as evidenced, among others, by Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel ‘The Teutonic Knights’ (the plot of the book begins in Tyniec, with a rich description of the monastery and the legends associated with it) and Saturnin Świerzyński’s painting ‘View of Tyniec’ from 1867, housed in the National Museum in Kraków. It depicts a typical landscape of the period, close to Poles, heartening them during the partitions. Tyniec and its ruins also inspired other writers and artists such as Stefan Żeromski and Teodor Parnicki.
During the reconstruction of the monastery in the post-war period, a set of twin Romanesque capitals dating from around 1100 was discovered. One of them shows a beautiful relief palmette motif, which was reproduced on the current 10 złoty banknote. And thus, the centuries-old Tyniec capital has become an everyday companion of almost every Pole. Info: Br. Michał Tomasz Gronowski OSB, PhD, DSc.
W Polskę wierzę –
Polska wolna i suwerenna
Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem państwa odpowiadającym za politykę pieniężną i stabilność cen. Jego funkcje określa Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ustawa o NBP. NBP ma wyłączne prawo emisji pieniądza. Jako bank centralny nie prowadzi rachunków bankowych obywateli, nie przyjmuje od nich lokat, nie udziela kredytów. Prowadzi natomiast obsługę budżetu państwa, a także podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. Gromadzi rezerwy walutowe państwa i zarządza nimi. Pełni funkcję banku banków, tworząc warunki do działania systemu bankowego. Jest również jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków naukowo-analitycznych w dziedzinie ekonomii i rynków finansowych.
Emisja wartości kolekcjonerskich stanowi okazję do upamiętniania ważnych historycznych rocznic i postaci oraz do rozwijania zainteresowań polską kulturą, nauką i tradycją. 28 maja 2024 roku Narodowy Bank Polski wprowadził do obiegu srebrną monetę o nominale 10 zł „W Polskę wierzę – Polska wolna i suwerenna”.
Nominał: 10 zł … metal: Ag 925/1000; stempel: lustrzany, druk UV; średnica: 32,00 mm; masa: 14,14 g; brzeg (bok): gładki; nakład: do 10 000 szt.; Projektantka: Urszula Walerzak; Emitent: NBP; Na zlecenie NBP monety wyprodukowała Mennica Polska SA.
Rewers monety przedstawia chłopca i dziewczynkę z biało-czerwoną flagą w stylistyce dziecięcego rysunku. Na awersie umieszczono wizerunki Zamku Królewskiego i Grobu Nieznanego Żołnierza w Warszawie oraz Katedry na Wawelu.
Już w czasach piastowskich domena władcy plemienia Polan, potem również Wiślan, zaczęła się stawać dobrem wspólnym. Na przełomie XII i XIII w. o losach Ojczyzny decydowali jej władcy, jednak coraz bardziej liczyli się z opinią rycerstwa. Wraz z prawami uzyskiwanymi przez szlachtę w XV i XVI w. rosły potęga i znaczenie międzynarodowe Rzeczypospolitej Jagiellonów. Powstał ustrój z trzema ośrodkami władzy, w którym współrządzili: król, senat (dawna Rada Królewska) i izba poselska, czyli szlachta (stanowiąca 10% ludności państwa polsko-litewskiego). Przedstawiciele szlachty, dzięki ówczesnemu prawu opartemu na wolności i równości oraz systemowi sejmików ziemskich, kontrolowali posłów i urzędników państwowych.
Prawo nietykalności osobistej i majątkowej uniemożliwiało stosowanie represji politycznych i tym samym pozwalało na swobodną działalność publiczną. Natomiast w czasach wolnych elekcji weszły w życie powszechne prawo wybierania władców oraz wolność i równość religijna. W tym samym czasie na Zachodzie cementował się absolutyzm władzy, a przedstawiciele różnych wyznań toczyli ze sobą wojny religijne. Utrata przez Rzeczpospolitą w końcu XVIII w. niepodległości nie powstrzymała w Narodzie pragnienia życia w wolnej i suwerennej Ojczyźnie. Miarą dążeń do tego celu była krew przelewana w kolejnych powstaniach. Mimo braku państwa na mapach i nieustannej germanizacji oraz rusyfikacji ludności polskość, pielęgnowana w domach, przetrwała.
W 1918 r. dzięki staraniom wielu pokoleń – po 123 latach niewoli – Polska odrodziła się jako państwo zdolne do rozwijania swego potencjału gospodarczego i trwałej obecności w Europie, mimo niekorzystnego położenia geopolitycznego między Rzeszą a Rosją bolszewicką. Gdy we wrześniu 1939 r. oba kraje napadły na Polskę, zaczął się okres olbrzymich represji, w tym działań zmierzających do likwidacji polskich elit oraz grabieży majątku narodowego. W czasie wojny, w imię prawa Narodu do wolnej Ojczyzny, Polacy utworzyli Polskie Państwo Podziemne z własną armią konspiracyjną (Armią Krajową) i władzą cywilną, kierowane przez rząd RP na uchodźstwie. Po wojnie zaś rozpoczął się długi – trwający do przełomu lat 80. i 90. XX w. – okres dominacji Związku Sowieckiego w Polsce.
W PRL-owskiej rzeczywistości Polacy wielokrotnie występowali przeciwko narzuconej władzy – w 1956, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1976 oraz w 1980 r., kiedy stworzono wielomilionową strukturę organizacyjną NSZZ „Solidarność”. W dużej mierze siłą Polaków broniących swej tożsamości w warunkach bezpaństwowych w XIX i XX w., a szczególnie w czasach PRL, stał się Kościół katolicki i jego najwybitniejsi przedstawiciele, z bł. Stefanem Kardynałem Wyszyńskim, prymasem Polski, i św. Janem Pawłem II, papieżem, na czele. Polska, mimo wielokrotnych prób wymazania jej z map, dzięki sile i determinacji swoich obywateli jest od 35 lat niezależnym, liczącym się na arenie międzynarodowej państwem. Informacja: prof. Jan Żaryn.
In Poland I Believe –
A Free and Sovereign Poland
Narodowy Bank Polski holds the exclusive right to issue banknotes and coins in Poland. All currency issued by NBP – including collector banknotes and coins – is legal tender in Poland. Issuing collector items is an occasion to commemorate important historic figures and anniversaries, as well as to develop the interest of the public in Polish culture, science and tradition.
On 10 May 2023 Narodowy Bank Polski issued into circulation a silver collector coin “In Poland I Believe” – “The Polish Family”. The coin inaugurates a new series devoted to Poland – its meaning in the lives of Poles. The silver coin with a face value of 10 złoty is made of silver, its diameter is 32 millimetres and it weighs 14.14 grams. It has been minted in up to 10,000 pieces and is available at the price of PLN 220.
The reverse of the coin presents a family in the children’s drawing style. On the obverse of the coin, there is a symbolically presented housetop in the colours of the Polish flag above figures of parents with children.
The concept of homeland is imbued with values relating to universal social and family ties, which are closely associated with the culture of the milieu where generations after generations are raised. To quote Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Primate of Poland, “the family is the cradle of human life and development. Its stability, faith and moral strength.” A loving, supportive family – whose enduring ties provide a sense of security – becomes the “power of the Nation”.
Poland conceived as the Homeland – a community of people attached to traditions cherished in the families for generations – has been and is able to overcome any adversity. The history of Poland proves that families raising their children in the respect for national traditions and values protected the country against Germanisation and Russification, and in the last century – also against communism. “The Homeland – a Family of Families” – these words of the Primate inscribed on the coin accurately encapsulate the interconnection between the concepts.
From Far and Wide
Permanent™ domestic rate stamps
Get the convenience of a handy booklet of 10 Permanent™ domestic-rate stamps – always at the current rate. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue features five Permanent™ domestic rate stamps, always at the current rate for mailing to Canadian destinations. From Far and Wide showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – from coast to coast to coast. This issue celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. Good to know … *** Five unique designs – two of each in this handy booklet of 10 – featuring the incredible beauty of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes.
About From Far and Wide, Part 4 … From national park reserves to an historic abbey and an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These stamps are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list. These five stamps – two of each in this booklet of 10 – feature images of natural and cultural beauty across Canada, including:
(Permanent™) Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga – Torngat Mountains National Park (NL) – Photo: Michael Winsor … Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga (pronounced Toon-gite Hak-ha-suang-eeta See-lack-hee-yup-veenga) – Torngat Mountains National Park – on the northern tip of Labrador, is named for the Inuktitut word tongait, which means place of spirits. Visitors can enjoy beautiful vistas of mountains, small glaciers and dramatic fjords and may catch a glimpse of polar bears, caribou and whales. Inuit still hunt, fish and travel the area, as their ancestors did for thousands of years.
(Permanent™) Tehjeh Deé (South Nahanni River), Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve (NT) – Photo: Colin Field … The South Nahanni River (Tehjeh Deé, pronounced Teh-jeh Day) is a leading destination for canoeing, kayaking and rafting. The river boasts sections of challenging whitewater and spectacular views of wilderness and wildlife. The river, which is protected by the Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve (a traditional homeland of the Dene), is navigable from June to September. [Nááts’įhch’oh is pronounced Nats-inch-oh(n)] Those travelling the river’s length typically begin at Virginia Falls or Rabbitkettle Lake, with trips lasting a week or two.
(Permanent™) Sunflowers, Altona (MB) – Photo: Mike Grandmaison … Manitoba is Canada’s largest producer of sunflowers. Oilseed sunflowers are used for bird feed and crushed to make sunflower oil, while confection-type sunflowers are used for snacks and cooking. For 60 years, Altona has hosted the annual Manitoba Sunflower Festival – a celebration of the province’s sunflower industry.
(Permanent™) Galiano Island (BC) – Photo: James Stevenson … One of the Gulf Islands, Galiano Island is situated closest to Vancouver on the west side of the Georgia Strait. Approximately 27 kilometres long and 6 kilometres wide (at its widest point), the island has a population of approximately 1,000 people. The island boasts stunning scenic vistas, ancient forests, rocky heights, sand and pebble beaches, and sandstone caves (like the one shown on the stamp).
(Permanent™) Abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac (QC) – Photo: Ladislas Kadyszewski … The abbey was founded on the shores of Lac Memphrémagog in 1912 by a community of monks from Europe. The bell tower, completed in 1962, is a notable landmark in the region. The monastery is open to visitors, who can enjoy a guided tour, go apple picking and purchase products that the community crafts to support itself, including cheese, cider, fruit compotes and CDs of sacred music recorded by the monks.
About the design … The stamps feature breathtaking images of five natural and culturally significant scenic locations, each taken by a different Canadian photographer. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Stamp Value: Permanent™ domestic rate; Quantity Produced: Continuous printing; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.
From Far and Wide (Part 4) Souvenir sheet … Mark the release of the 2024 From Far and Wide stamp issue with the souvenir sheet featuring all nine From Far and Wide definitive stamps. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue features nine stamps, ranging from Permanent™ domestic rate to international rate. From Far and Wide showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – to places near and far. The series celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes. An Official First Day Cover features the souvenir sheet of all nine 2024 From Far and Wide definitive stamps. Makes an excellent gift to share the beauty of the Canadian landscape with friends and family here in Canada or across the world. The souvenir sheet and souvenir sheet Official First Day Cover are the only way to purchase one of each of the nine new From Far and Wide definitives in a single product.
From an Arctic Sea arch to an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These stamps are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list. The souvenir sheet features all nine new From Far and Wide definitive stamps. The stamps feature breathtaking images of nine scenic locations in seven provinces and two territories, each taken by a different Canadian photographer. Quantity Produced 70,000; Issue Date: May 6, 2024. The nine stamps on the souvenir sheet depict outstanding landscapes across the country, and include:
*** (Permanent™) Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga – Torngat Mountains National Park (NL) – Photo: Michael Winsor. *** (Permanent™) Tehjeh Deé (South Nahanni River), Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve (NT) – Photo: Colin Field. *** (Permanent™) Sunflowers, Altona (MB) – Photo: Mike Grandmaison. *** (Permanent™) Galiano Island (BC) – Photo: James Stevenson. *** (Permanent™) Abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac (QC) – Photo: Ladislas Kadyszewski.
From Far and Wide (Part 4) Souvenir sheet Official First Day Cover … Mark the release of the 2024 From Far and Wide stamp issue with the souvenir sheet Official First Day cover featuring all nine From Far and Wide definitive stamps. This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue features nine stamps, ranging from Permanent™ domestic rate to international rate. From Far and Wide showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – to places near and far. The series celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes.
Official First Day Cover features a souvenir sheet of all nine From Far and Wide definitive stamps. The cancel location is Belfast, Prince Edward Island (location of the Point Prim Lighthouse on the single rate stamp). Makes an excellent gift to share the beauty of the Canadian landscape with friends and family here in Canada or across the world.The cancel is a line drawing of the Point Prim Lighthouse, which appears on the single rate stamp and is located in Belfast, Prince Edward Island, the cancel location. The souvenir sheet and souvenir sheet Official First Day Cover are the only way to purchase one of each of the nine new From Far and Wide definitives in a single product.
From an Arctic Sea arch to an endless horizon of brilliant yellow sunflowers, captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are once again the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These stamps are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list. Official First Day Cover features a souvenir sheet of all nine new From Far and Wide definitive stamps, cancelled in Belfast, PE. The cancel is a line drawing of the Point Prim Lighthouse, which appears on the single rate stamp and is located in Belfast, Prince Edward Island, the cancel location. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot;. Quantity Produced: 6,000; Cancellation Site: Belfast PE. Issue Date: May 6, 2024.
From Far and Wide (Part 4): Oversized rate stamps … Get this handy strip of 4 oversized rate ($2.09) stamps – one of nine definitives in the 4th edition of the multi-year From Far and Wide series. Oversized rate stamps are required for larger documents and unusually shaped envelopes weighing up to 100 grams. The stamp features a photograph of the Restigouche River in New Brunswick by Canadian photographer Guylaine Bégin.
From Far and Wide showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – from coast to coast to coast. This issue celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes.
The oversized rate ($2.09) stamp is one of nine stamps available in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series, which also includes Permanent™, U.S. and international mailing postage rates. Oversized rate stamps are required for larger documents and unusually shaped envelopes weighing up to 100 grams. Captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These stamps are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.
About New Brunswick’s Restigouche River … The oversized rate stamp features a photograph of the Restigouche River in New Brunswick by Canadian photographer Guylaine Bégin. The Restigouche River in northern New Brunswick flows northeast for 200 kilometres from its source in the Appalachian Mountains to Chaleur Bay, an arm of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The Upper Restigouche is included in the Canadian Heritage River System, in part for its history as a Mi’kmaq waterway, its habitat for bald eagles, moose and lynx, and its canoeing and kayaking appeal. The scenic river is also world renowned for its tranquil beauty and Atlantic salmon fishing, which attracts anglers from all over the world.
About the design … The stamp features a photograph of the Restigouche River in New Brunswick by Canadian photographer Guylaine Bégin. Pictured is a horseshoe-shaped stretch of the river surrounded by the forest in autumn, the trees dressed in orange-coloured leaves. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Stamp Value: $2.09 (Oversized rate); Quantity Produced: 2,000; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.
From Far and Wide (Part 4): U.S. rate stamps … Get this handy strip of 10 U.S. rate ($1.40) stamps – one of nine definitives in the 4th edition of the multi-year From Far and Wide series. The U.S. rate stamp, used for mailing to destinations in the United States, features an aerial photograph of the Thousand Islands in Ontario by Canadian photographer Ian Coristine. From Far and Wide showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – from coast to coast to coast. This issue celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes.
This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue features a U.S. rate stamp ($1.40) for mailing to destinations in the United States. It is one of nine stamps available in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series, which also includes Permanent™, oversized and international mailing postage rates. Captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These stamps are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.
About Ontario’s Thousand Islands … The U.S. rate stamp features an aerial photograph of the Thousand Islands in Ontario by Canadian photographer Ian Coristine. It shows part of the Admiralty Islands, a grouping of islands in Thousand Islands National Park, near Gananoque, Ontario. The Thousand Islands are a group of some 1,800 islands in the St. Lawrence River, straddling the Canada–U.S. border in southeastern Ontario. between Kingston and Brockville. Popular for sightseeing and outdoor recreation, the islands are often explored by boat cruise, kayak, canoe or helicopter tour.
About the design … The stamp features a photograph of the Thousand Islands in Ontario by photographer Ian Coristine. It shows part of the Admiralty Islands, a grouping of islands in Thousand Islands National Park, near Gananoque, Ontario. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Stamp Value: $1.40 (U.S. rate); Quantity Produced: 2,500; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.
From Far and Wide (Part 4): International rate stamps ($2.92) … Get this booklet of 6 international rate ($2.92) stamps, featuring one of nine definitives in the 4th edition of the multi-year From Far and Wide series. The stamp, which is for mailing to international destinations, features the Qarlinngua sea arch in Arctic Bay, Nunavut, by Canadian photographer Clare Kines. From Far and Wide showcases more of Canada’s most photogenic vistas, transporting Canadians – and their mail – from coast to coast to coast. This issue celebrates the incredible beauty and diversity of Canada’s natural and cultural landscapes.
This 4th edition of the From Far and Wide definitive issue features an international rate stamp ($2.92) for mailing to international destinations. It is one of nine stamps available in the 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series, which also includes Permanent™, U.S. and oversized mailing postage rates. Captivating images of Canada’s natural and cultural beauty are the focus of this 4th edition of the From Far and Wide series. These stamps are sure to stir your sense of adventure and add some new stops to your sightseeing list.
About Nunavut’s Qarlinngua sea arch … The international rate stamp features a photograph of the Qarlinngua sea arch in Arctic Bay, Nunavut, by Canadian photographer Clare Kines. Pronounced kar-ling-wah, the Qarlinngua sea arch is located approximately 85 kilometres southwest of the community of Arctic Bay, Nunavut, at the north end of Baffin Island. The Inuktitut name means “like pants.” Locals estimate that the formation is more than 50 metres high. Wind and water erosion over many years likely contributed to the formation.
About the design …The international rate stamp features a photograph of the Qarlinngua sea arch in Arctic Bay, Nunavut, by Canadian photographer Clare Kines. The dramatic image on the stamp shows the stone arch and other nearby rock formations blanketed in snow. Stamp Designer: Stéphane Huot; Stamp Value: $2.92 (International rate); Quantity Produced: Continuous printing; Issue Date: May 6, 2024.
2024 … Special Edition Proof Silver Dollar –
Anniversary of His Majesty
King Charles III’s Coronation
Mark the first anniversary of the Coronation with His Majesty’s official portrait in full colour. The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III on May 6, 2023, was the first coronation of a Canadian Head of State and Sovereign in over seven decades, and for many Canadians, it was their first view of a ceremony that represents continuity, tradition and duty. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the coronation, the historical event is commemorated on this colourful Special Edition Proof Dollar, which features the official portrait of His Majesty King Charles III in full regalia on Coronation Day.
His Majesty’s likeness on both sides of the coin … For the first time in the Mint’s history, His Majesty King Charles III, King of Canada, is prominently featured on the coin’s obverse and its reverse, where the official portrait taken by Hugo Burnand is re-created in full colour.
Face Value: 1 dollar … Composition: 99.99% pure silver with colour; Mintage: 15,000; Weight: 23.17 g; Dimensions: 36.07 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Photo by Hugo Burnand (reverse), Steve Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with graphic beauty box.
DID YOU KNOW? … The Sovereign’s Sceptre with Cross serves as a symbol of good governance and is one of two sceptres used during the coronation service (the other is the Sovereign’s Sceptre with Dove). Also featured on this coin’s reverse, the Sovereign’s Orb is a representation of the Christian world, and like the Sovereign’s Sceptre with Cross, it was created for the coronation of King Charles II in 1661.
Your coin’s reverse features His Majesty King Charles III’s official coronation portrait taken by British photographer Hugo Burnand at Buckingham Palace following the Coronation ceremony on May 6, 2023. Surrounded by engraved maple leaves, the colour portrait shows His Majesty seated on a throne chair in full regalia; His Majesty is wearing The Imperial State Crown and The Robe of Estate, and holds the Sovereign’s Scepter with Cross and the Sovereign’s Orb. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
Louis-Remi Labelle, 3D Artist-Engraver … The idea was to achieve a stately composition by surrounding the portrait with maple leaves interpreted in a classic style. These are the leaves that symbolize Canada, of course, but they also serve as a unique framing device, adding a nicely defined shape and artistic flair without drawing attention away from the royal portrait.
2024 … $20 Pure Silver Coin –
Ultra-High Relief (SML)
The SML, standing proud in ultra-high relief and backed by a dynamic forest view. Covering nearly 40% of Canada’s total land area, our vast forests are a mosaic of diverse tree species, each one contributing shapes and colours to the woodland landscapes that fall within their natural range—like the sugar maple (Acer saccharum) of eastern Canada, and the balsam fir (Abies balsamea) of eastern and central Canada. Canada’s forests are a vital part of our national identity, and this special relationship inspired the new “heart of the forest”, pulsating field pattern on this 1 oz. 99.99% pure silver coin, where mist-shrouded trees fall in and out of view behind the Silver Maple Leaf (SML) rendered in ultra-high relief. NEW “heart of the forest” pulsating field pattern! Tilt the coin to see mist-shrouded trees come into view.
Good to know … Your 2024 UHR SML. A hit with collectors since the first issue in 2022, the ultra-high relief (UHR) Silver Maple Leaf (SML) returns for 2024. This collectible is crafted in 1 oz. of 99.99% pure silver and features ultra-high relief that elevates the engraving on the coin’s reverse. NEW pulsating pattern. This coin emanates the “heart of the forest” and adds a certain ethereal quality to your coin’s reverse, where mist-shrouded trees are struck in multiple depths, falling in and out of view and the forest seems to stretch on forever. Elevating art.
The SML’s iconic leaf truly stands on your coin’s reverse, which features a peak relief height of 1.4 mm—higher than a typical 1 oz. SML. Enhanced laser engraving: The “heart of the forest” pulsating effect is produced using an array of microscopic cubes that are positioned in such a way that they reflect light back to the viewer, creating the illusion of a shifting and never-ending view. This novel effect was achieved on the master tooling by using advanced laser engraving technology. Traditional engraving is no longer limited to millimetres—it is now possible to achieve engraved details as small as 0.02 mm. The popular choice. The SML is one of our most popular annual offerings and it tends to sell out quickly. Only 8,000 of these 2024 coins are available to collectors worldwide. Includes serialized certificate. The Royal Canadian Mint certifies all of its collector coins.
Did you know? … Canada’s forested land area is estimated at nearly 362 million hectares, making it the third-largest in the world. Every day, Canadians use forest products such as lumber, wood pulp, paper, and even food items.
Matt Eggink, Product Manager … “Once again, I was given the opportunity to work alongside our experts in Research and Development and Engraving. What makes this field pattern unique from previous releases is the realistic forest view: each individual tree is made up of several small cubes and struck at a different depth. When the light hits this pattern from different angles, it creates a shifting “on/off” effect, as some trees appear to move to the foreground while others become less prominent.”
About the design … Your coin is encapsulated and presented in a Royal Canadian Mint-branded clamshell with a black beauty box. Your coin’s reverse features Walter Ott’s Silver Maple Leaf (SML) bullion design, struck in ultra-high relief. The raised sugar maple (Acer saccharum) leaf is set against a “heart of the forest” pulsating pattern that showcases Canada’s vast forests; by tilting the coin, a unique light play creates the illusion of an endless forest on a misty day, with tall conifers seemingly falling in and out of view. The words “CANADA”, “FINE SILVER 1 OZ ARGENT PUR” and the purity standard of “9999” are also engraved on the reverse. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati. Composition: 99.99% Pure Silver; Mintage: 8,000; Artist: Walter Ott; Finish: Reverse Proof; Diameter: 36.15 mm; Weight: 31.39 g.
2024 … $50 Pure Silver Coin –
Ultra-High Relief (SML)
The SML, standing proud in ultra-high relief and backed by a dynamic forest view. Covering nearly 40% of Canada’s total land area, our vast forests are a mosaic of diverse tree species, each one contributing shapes and colours to the woodland landscapes that fall within their natural range—like the sugar maple (Acer saccharum) of eastern Canada, and the balsam fir (Abies balsamea) of eastern and central Canada. Canada’s forests are a vital part of our national identity, and this special relationship inspired the new “heart of the forest”, pulsating field pattern on this 5 oz. 99.99% pure silver coin, where mist-shrouded trees fall in and out of view behind the Silver Maple Leaf (SML) rendered in ultra-high relief. NEW “Heart of the Forest” pulsating field pattern! Tilt the coin to see mist-shrouded trees come into view.
Good to know … Your 2024 UHR SML. A hit with collectors since the first issue in 2022, the ultra-high relief (UHR) Silver Maple Leaf (SML) returns for 2024. This collectible is crafted in 5 oz. of 99.99% pure silver and features ultra-high relief that elevates the engraving on the coin’s reverse. NEW pulsating pattern. This coin emanates the “heart of the forest” and adds a certain ethereal quality to your coin’s reverse, where mist-shrouded trees are struck in multiple depths, falling in and out of view and the forest seems to stretch on forever. Elevating art.
The SML’s iconic leaf truly stands on your coin’s reverse, which features a peak relief height of 1.4 mm—higher than a typical 5 oz. SML. Enhanced laser engraving: The “heart of the forest” pulsating effect is produced using an array of microscopic cubes that are positioned in such a way that they reflect light back to the viewer, creating the illusion of a shifting and never-ending view. This novel effect was achieved on the master tooling by using advanced laser engraving technology. Traditional engraving is no longer limited to millimetres—it is now possible to achieve engraved details as small as 0.02 mm. The popular choice. The SML is one of our most popular annual offerings and it tends to sell out quickly. Only 1,750 of these 5 oz. coins are available to collectors worldwide. Includes serialized certificate. The Royal Canadian Mint certifies all of its collector coins.
Did you know?… Canada’s forested land area is estimated at nearly 362 million hectares, making it the third-largest in the world. Every day, Canadians use forest products such as lumber, wood pulp, paper, and even food items.
Matt Eggink, Product Manager … “Once again, I was given the opportunity to work alongside our experts in Research and Development and Engraving. What makes this field pattern unique from previous releases is the realistic forest view: each individual tree is made up of several small cubes and struck at a different depth. When the light hits this pattern from different angles, it creates a shifting “on/off” effect, as some trees appear to move to the foreground while others become less prominent.”
About the design … Your coin is encapsulated and presented in a Royal Canadian Mint-branded clamshell with a black beauty box. Your coin’s reverse features Walter Ott’s Silver Maple Leaf (SML) bullion design, struck in ultra-high relief. The raised sugar maple (Acer saccharum) leaf is set against a “heart of the forest” pulsating pattern that showcases Canada’s vast forests; by tilting the coin, a unique light play creates the illusion of an endless forest on a misty day, with tall conifers seemingly falling in and out of view. The words “CANADA”, “FINE SILVER 5 OZ ARGENT PUR” and the purity standard of “9999” are also engraved on the reverse. The coin’s obverse includes the forest as a subtle field pattern and features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati. Composition: 99.99% Pure Silver; Mintage:1,750; Artist: Walter Ott; Finish: Reverse Proof; Diameter: 50 mm; Weight: 157.6 mm.
2024 … $200 Pure Gold Coin –
Ultra High Relief (GML)
Covering nearly 40% of Canada’s total land area, our vast forests are a mosaic of diverse tree species, each one contributing shapes and colours to the woodland landscapes that fall within their natural range—like the sugar maple (Acer saccharum) of eastern Canada, and the balsam fir (Abies balsamea) of eastern and central Canada. Canada’s forests are a vital part of our national identity, and this special relationship inspired the new “heart of the forest”, pulsating field pattern on this 1 oz. 99.99% pure gold coin, where mist-shrouded trees fall in and out of view behind the Gold Maple Leaf (GML) rendered in ultra‑high relief. NEW “heart of the forest” pulsating field pattern! Tilt the coin to see mist-shrouded trees come into view.
Enhanced laser engraving … The “heart of the forest” pulsating effect is produced using an array of microscopic cubes that are positioned in such a way that they reflect light back to the viewer, creating the illusion of a shifting and never-ending view. This novel effect was achieved on the master tooling by using advanced laser engraving technology. Traditional engraving is no longer limited to millimetres—it is now possible to achieve engraved details as small as 0.02 mm.
Face Value: 200 dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure gold; Mintage: 550; Weight: 33.17 g; Diameter: 30 mm; Edge: Interrupted serrations; Finish: Reverse Proof; Artist: Walter Ott (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Black clamshell with black beauty box.
DID YOU KNOW? … Canada’s forested land area is estimated at nearly 362 million hectares, making it the third-largest in the world. Every day, Canadians use forest products such as lumber, wood pulp, paper, and even food items.
Your coin’s reverse features Walter Ott’s Silver Maple Leaf (SML) bullion design, struck in ultra‑high relief. The raised sugar maple (Acer saccharum) leaf is set against a “heart of the forest” pulsating pattern that showcases Canada’s vast forests; by tilting the coin, a unique light play creates the illusion of an endless forest on a misty day, with tall conifers seemingly falling in and out of view. The words “CANADA”, “FINE GOLD 1 OZ OR PUR” and the purity standard of “9999” are also engraved on the reverse. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
Matt Eggink, Product Manager … “Once again, I was given the opportunity to work alongside our experts in Research and Development and Engraving. What makes this field pattern unique from previous releases is the realistic forest view: each individual tree is made up of several small cubes and struck at a different depth. When the light hits this pattern from different angles, it creates a shifting “on/off” effect, as some trees appear to move to the foreground while others become less prominent.”
2024 … $20 Pure Silver Coin –
The Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch
Start your own collection of Crown Jewels, beginning with this uniquely Canadian brooch. A gift from the people of Canada, the exquisite Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch was presented to Queen Elizabeth II in 2017 to mark the 150th anniversary of Canadian confederation and the 65th anniversary of her reign, her Sapphire Jubilee as Queen of Canada. A one-of-a-kind brooch inspired by a snowflake as a representation of the Canadian Arctic is the first bejewelled piece to be showcased in our exciting new Crown Jewels series. Its likeness is captured on the reverse of this 99.99% pure silver coin, where the rhodium-plated embellishment’s cast elements and royal blue glass stones highlight the beauty and intricacy of the diamond-and-sapphire brooch’s design. First in a series of precious Crown Jewels.
Good to know … The first of our new Crown Jewels. Coin #1! Start your own collection of cherished Crown Jewels with this new series of embellished coins showcasing the heirloom brooches of the Royal Family. An up-close look at a Canadian royal brooch. The new Crown Jewels series begins with the Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch, a gift from the people of Canada to Queen Elizabeth II on the 65th anniversary of her reign. Coloured stones. For affordable luxury, royal blue glass stones stand in for the precious sapphires that adorn both the royal brooch and our pure gold interpretation of it. These glass stones are paired with cast elements resembling engraved jewels to help re-create the look of the diamond-and-sapphire brooch. Rhodium plating. This representation of the Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch is cast in silver and plated with rhodium. Its shape highlights the complexity and intricacy of the original piece. Matte proof finish. A matte proof finish (brilliant relief, satin field) allows the brooch to shine bright on your coin’s reverse. A must-have for jewellery lovers. Mintage is limited to 6,500 coins and this one will likely sell out quickly, like previous crown- and tiara-themed coins. Includes serialized certificate. The Royal Canadian Mint certifies all of its collector coins.
Did you know? … Then-Governor General David Johnston presented the Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch to Queen Elizabeth II during a visit to Canada House in London on July 19, 2017. Designed by Saskatchewan-based jeweller Hillberg and Berk, the brooch was crafted in 18-karat Canadian white gold. It is set with more than 400 diamonds (totalling 4.39 carats) from northern Canada, and 48 Canadian beluga sapphires (totalling 10.19 carats) that were part of a cache discovered in 2002 on Baffin Island.
About the design … Your coin is encapsulated and presented in a black Royal Canadian Mint-branded clamshell case with a black beauty box. The coin’s reverse features an interpretation of the Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch—a gift from the people of Canada to Queen Elizabeth II in 2017 to mark the 65th anniversary of her reign. Shaped like a snowflake, the rhodium-plated embellishment is adorned with royal blue glass stones and marked by cast elements that stand in for the royal brooch’s diamonds and sapphires. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati. Composition: 99.99% Pure Silver; Mintage: 6,500; Artist: RCM Engravers; Finish: Matte proof; Diameter: 38 mm; Weight 31.39 g.
2024 … $200 Pure Gold Coin –
The Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch
A gift from the people of Canada, the exquisite Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch was presented to Queen Elizabeth II in 2017 to mark the 150th anniversary of Canadian confederation and the 65th anniversary of her reign—her Sapphire Jubilee as Queen of Canada. A one-of-a-kind brooch inspired by a snowflake as a representation of the Canadian Arctic is the first be jewelled piece to be showcased in our exciting new Crown Jewels series. On this 99.99% pure gold coin, the engraved representation of the Canadian royal brooch is plated with platinum for that winter-white shine, and set with eight sparkling royal-blue sapphires.
First in a series of precious Crown Jewels… Genuine sapphires. This particular brooch’s most distinctive features are arguably its sapphire gemstones, and your coin’s reverse is adorned with eight (8) genuine sapphires (four round and four oval) that have been carefully hand-placed onto each coin. Selective platinum plating. This representation of the Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch features engraved relief that mimics the look of sparkling diamonds, while platinum plating adds a winter-white shine.
Face Value: 200 dollars … Composition: 99.99% pure gold with eight genuine sapphires and selective platinum plating; Mintage: 250; Weight: 60.08 g; Diameter: 38 mm; Edge: Serrated; Finish: Proof; Artist: Mint Engravers (reverse), Steven Rosati (obverse); Packaging: Premium wooden case with a black beauty box.
DID YOU KNOW? … Then-Governor General David Johnston presented the Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch to Queen Elizabeth II during a visit to Canada House in London on July 19, 2017. Designed by Saskatchewan-based jeweller Hillberg and Berk, the brooch was crafted in 18-karat Canadian white gold. It is set with more than 400 diamonds (totalling 4.39 carats) from northern Canada, and 48 Canadian beluga sapphires (totalling 10.19 carats) that were part of a cache discovered in 2002 on Baffin Island.
The coin’s reverse features an interpretation of the Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch—a gift from the people of Canada to Queen Elizabeth II in 2017 to mark the 65th anniversary of her reign. Plated with platinum, the engraved snowflake shape is adorned with eight blue sapphire gemstones (four round and four oval) that surround the centre. The obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.
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